Rebirth 2004

Chapter 237

Liu Yuan has already dealt with the company.

In the first two days, it has been arranged that the person on duty will stay on duty in the company.

People who are not on duty in the company naturally go home early.

Like Zhu Xiaojuan, Liu Yuan personally sent her to the station.

And I bought a lot of things for Zhu Xiaojuan to take home. After all, I didn't go home after working here for more than half a year.

At that time, Zhu Xiaojuan was moved to almost cry, which made Liu Yuan a little embarrassed.

As for Chen Haoyu, Liu Yuan doesn't have to take care of it. He can solve the company's affairs alone.

This is Liu Yuan's first new year's Eve since he came to 2004. He is naturally a little excited.

In the past, Liu Yuan lived alone on New Year's Eve.

Although many people want to spend time with Liu Yuan, Liu Yuan doesn't like that feeling.

It's different now. Liu Yuan didn't get up until very late this day.

Liu Yuan slept most comfortably on this day of the year.

Most importantly, Cheng Ying didn't disturb Liu Yuan and let Liu Yuan sleep in here.

When Liu Yuan woke up, it was almost noon.

With muying here, Liu Yuan is relaxed. At least when cooking, he doesn't have to do it himself.

I have to say that muying's cooking is still very good. If it is in the future, it must be at the chef level.

"Baba! You slept in today." when Liu Yuan got up, Yuanyuan immediately spoke.

Hearing Yuanyuan's words, Liu Yuan also felt a little embarrassed. What Yuanyuan said is the truth. Liu Yuan really slept in today.

But Liu Yuan didn't care. He just smiled and directly picked up Yuanyuan.

"Can't Baba rest all day?" Liu Yuan said with a smile on his face.

When Yuanyuan heard what Liu Yuan said, she had no idea, but Cheng Ying on one side was different.

She always feels that Liu Yuan is another person and is not her husband at all.

But Cheng Ying doesn't want to say something, because she has no evidence up to now.

"But, but mom said, it's not good to sleep in!" Yuanyuan said with a puzzled face.

It's said that it's children's words. When Yuanyuan said these words, Cheng Ying was a little embarrassed.

Cheng Ying did say these words before. She didn't expect Yuanyuan to remember them so clearly.

She couldn't help gesturing to Yuanyuan with her eyes and said, "don't talk. Help get things quickly and get ready for dinner."

Liu Yuan naturally asked what Cheng Ying meant. He looked at Cheng Ying with deep eyes.

Facing Liu Yuan's eyes, Cheng Ying seemed more embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Liu Yuan at all.

"It's not good to sleep in. I know." Liu Yuan muttered to himself.

But Liu Yuan's mumbling was a little loud, and Cheng Ying heard it.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying was a little embarrassed and shy.

For such things, she simply stopped talking and was busy with her own work.

Seeing Cheng Ying's shy appearance, Liu Yuan looked around. There was no one around. He held her directly and kissed her like this.

Seeing Liu Yuan's bad behavior, Cheng Ying immediately stared at Liu Yuan.

"Can you stop this? It's embarrassing to be seen." Cheng Ying whispered. After that, she ran away immediately.

Seeing Cheng Ying so shy, Liu Yuan was also speechless. He couldn't help but show a helpless smile on his face.

Previously, Cheng Ying could not believe that a person like Liu Yuan had changed.

However, Cheng Ying is still satisfied with this. At least she won't be beaten by Liu Yuan now.

It was already noon, and muying made a sumptuous lunch.

This meal was very good, and it was eaten by a family.

Liu Yuan is also very satisfied with all this. This feeling has not appeared for a long time.

Muying is not her own mother, but she is Cheng Ying's mother. She can be regarded as her own mother!

Today is new year's Eve. There are many things to do, which Liu Yuan should do by himself.

Anyway, Liu Yuan is the only man in the family. He doesn't do it. Who will do it?

Seeing the smile on Yuanyuan's face, Liu Yuan was also very happy.

Cheng Ying stood aside and saw Yuanyuan with a smile on her face. Her heart was also warm. All this was brought by Liu Yuan.

She couldn't understand why Liu Yuan suddenly became better, and still cared about them so much.

"Why don't we go downtown later?" Liu Yuan said directly.

Because after coming here, Liu Yuan had his first new year's Eve and wanted to go shopping in the city.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying naturally won't have any opinions.

Their family went towards the city, and Yuanyuan was naturally the most excited.

"Liu Yuan, thank you." suddenly, Cheng Ying said to Liu Yuan.

Hearing Cheng Ying suddenly say these words, Liu Yuan is also very speechless. I don't know what she means.

"We are husband and wife. Is it really appropriate for you to say these words?" Liu Yuan said with a trace of resentment on his face.

Seeing the sad expression on Liu Yuan's face, Cheng Ying couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan also had this side.

But Cheng Ying nodded and said, "yes, we are husband and wife. We shouldn't say that."

The family came to the city. They walked around and felt the joy of new year's Eve.

"Wow! So many people!" Yuanyuan said loudly, looking very excited.

Especially seeing the things in the hands of those children, Yuanyuan couldn't help admiring them.

But Yuanyuan didn't dare to speak or ask someone to buy it, because Yuanyuan had never encountered such treatment before.

Liu Yuan looked at Yuanyuan's envious eyes and immediately knew what was going on.

"Yuanyuan, what do you like? Just ask the aunt to bring it to you. Dad will give you money," Liu Yuan said.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Yuanyuan suddenly became surprised. She couldn't believe what she heard.

"Really? That's a lot of money. Oh, Dad, do you have money?" Yuanyuan asked carefully.

If it was according to the previous situation, Liu Yuan would not have extra money at all.

When asked by Yuanyuan, Liu Yuan was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Take out some money directly, give it to Yuanyuan and say, "take the money first. You say I have no money."

With the money in her hand, Yuanyuan didn't say much at all. She had run to the place where the toys were.

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