Rebirth 2004

Chapter 251

Although Cheng Hai is threatening, Liu Yuan doesn't take him seriously.

No matter who Cheng Hai asks to come here, it doesn't work.

Liu Yuan won't give them face at all. It's impossible to want his own industry.

Liu Yuan is going to develop now. He must have more industries, so he must learn to protect his own industries.

Seeing muying so sad, Liu Yuan motioned Cheng Ying with his eyes and asked Cheng Ying to enlighten her.

Cheng Ying naturally knew what Liu Yuan meant. She nodded and followed up.

At this time, he was really sad. He never thought that Cheng Hai was so shameless.

If she knew Cheng Hai was so shameless, she wouldn't have been so stupid before.

I have suffered for so many years. Now my daughter and son-in-law have to suffer with me.

As for what Cheng Hai and muying said above, Liu Yuan was not very clear.

But Liu Yuan knows that Cheng Ying's personal presence must be no problem.

What's more, muying also knows the weight. Naturally, they won't worry about Cheng Ying.

Liu Yuan has returned to his study. He still has something to do.

Just now Brother snake came to find himself, but Liu Yuan knew that brother snake was just trying.

But even if brother snake wants to fight himself, Liu Yuan won't be afraid.

Because Liu Yuan has the handle of brother snake in his hand. If brother snake dares to mess around, he will be sent directly to prison.

Liu Yuan can still do this, but Liu Yuan will not do so now.

Liu Yuan believes that his deception works. Brother Snake must believe in himself.

As long as brother snake believes in himself, Liu Yuan won't tell brother snake about those things.

However, it is not a simple thing to develop in that place.

The evil things in that village have existed for so long that it is difficult to change them for a moment.

Liu Yuan also knows this, so to complete this matter, he must ask brother snake for help.

Brother has the final say. Anyway, the village should be the snake brother. If the villagers are not stupid, they will not disobey the snake elder brother.

As for whether brother snake really helps himself, Liu Yuan is not very clear.

But what Liu Yuan knows is that the development in that town is really good.

It would be best if the town were all developed for itself.

Another thing Liu Yuan is worried about is that there is not enough money.

If you are going to get a loan now, it must be less than the loan. Compared with the last loan, it has not been paid off.

Now everything is asking for money! Liu Yuan is also a little upset.

But there's no way. Money can't come casually.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it later. Now what do you want to do for the new year?" Liu Yuan muttered to himself.

Indeed, people who celebrate the new year should not think about these annoying things.

But some time ago, the Cheng family came here, which made Liu Yuan a little unhappy.

Liu Yuan would welcome them if they came to pay a new year's call, but unfortunately, those guys didn't come to pay a new year's call.

It's impossible for these guys to seek their own property.

They always thought these things belonged to Cheng Ying and Liu Yuan was a loser.

But how did they know that all of these were Liu Yuan's, and Liu Yuan has the final say.

"Is mom okay?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking.

Cheng Ying and muying talked for a long time. They didn't know what they were talking about. They couldn't help asking.

Liu Yuan was also a little worried about muying. After all, she was the one who suffered the most.

"I've told her a lot. There should be no problem," Cheng Ying said with a frown.

Obviously, Cheng Ying doesn't know whether what she just said has worked or not.

Just now, muying had promised Cheng Ying that she would not think about these things again.

As for whether muying will really do so, only she knows.

"That's good. As long as Mom promises you, she will certainly do it." Liu Yuan couldn't help smiling and said.

In fact, Liu Yuan is also thinking, not sure. Liu Yuan is not sure about some things.

However, muying thinks that muying should be the kind of person who knows how to do.

"Really?" Cheng Ying looked at Liu Yuan and asked.

Cheng Ying is very concerned about this matter, and doesn't know if she will really listen to herself.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't say much, but what he knew was that it was over.

"Why did I lie to you? Don't you know Mom? She loves you very much and will do what she promised you." Liu Yuan looked at Cheng Ying very seriously and said.

Indeed, muying loves Cheng Ying very much. Anyone can see this.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Cheng Ying thought about it and knew that what Liu Yuan said was true.

It's hard to avoid a little complacency in my heart. It's really good that I have a mother who cares about me so much.

But soon, Cheng Ying looked at Liu Yuan with a little worry.

Because so far, Cheng Ying has not seen Liu Yuan's family.

In the past, I married Liu Yuan without reason. To be exact, Liu Yuan paid directly and bought Cheng Ying.

Took out 8000 yuan and bought Cheng Ying directly.

However, Cheng Ying didn't get the money herself. She was robbed by the Cheng family.

So it will be so hard in the future, but now, this kind of thing will not happen again.

"Well, let's go to bed! I'm tired today and have something to do tomorrow?" Liu Yuan said.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying was a little curious. What do you have to do tomorrow?

"Tomorrow we will also go to pay a new year's call. We will go to county magistrate Qi and then mayor Huang!" knowing Cheng Ying's doubts, Liu Yuan said directly and said his purpose.

Now Cheng Ying was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan had such a good relationship with them. She went directly to pay New Year's greetings.

But since Liu Yuan said so, Cheng Ying won't be like too much.

"You, what are you doing?" suddenly, Cheng Ying felt a hand falling on her sensitive part, which immediately made Cheng Ying a little nervous.

"Didn't you say you were tired today? Go to bed quickly and don't think about it." Cheng Ying said quickly.

But that hand didn't stop and became more presumptuous. Cheng Ying couldn't help it.

Soon, a wonderful sound came from the room. It was so beautiful at night.

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