Rebirth 2004

Chapter 310

Hearing Liu Yuan's answer, Huang Hao also had no way, but felt a little pity.

If Liu Yuan can really predict the future, this matter will be well solved.

Huang Hao didn't say anything more. Anyway, he can't get entangled in this matter.

He knows that Liu Yuan is a person with real skills. He also wants Liu Yuan to work in the system,

Unfortunately, Liu Yuan has refused, and it is impossible to work in the system.

This made Huang Hao feel a little pity, so he didn't continue to say anything.

"Brother Liu, you should have bought a lot of stocks this time?" suddenly, Huang Hao looked at Liu Yuan with a deep face.

It seems that he wants to see through Liu Yuan directly, which makes Liu Yuan a little embarrassed.

But Liu Yuan had a thick skin. Even if he met this kind of thing, he was very calm.

"I didn't sell many shares either, just a little." Liu Yuan said naturally.

Those who are not familiar with Liu Yuan may have believed what Liu Yuan said.

But those who know Liu Yuan know that what Liu Yuan said is certainly not a minority.,

"If it weren't for your special status, I would certainly inform you," Liu Yuan said with a pity on his face.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Huang Hao couldn't help but smoke. Liu Yuan provoked here.

This kind of good thing, tell yourself earlier that even if you don't buy it, you can let your family buy some!

Anyway, people in the world won't dislike money, and naturally he won't.

And Huang Hao said something about the future development. Huang Hao was shocked when he heard it.

Huang Hao naturally knows what Liu Yuan said.

But he did not expect that Liu Yuan could see so thoroughly, even a little better than him.

It is very powerful for a businessman to be able to do this.

Huang Hao became more curious about Liu Yuan's identity and was surprised that Liu Yuan knew these things.

It is impossible for ordinary people to know these and pay attention to them.

Since Liu Yuan knows these and still pays attention to them, he must have some means.

However, Huang Hao knows that these are Liu Yuan's secrets, which are impossible to say.

Since it is impossible for Liu Yuan to say it, Huang Hao will not ask foolishly.

It's no different from a fool to ask if you know it's fruitless.

After talking to Huang Hao a lot, he was also affirmed by Huang Hao.

Liu Yuan knows that Huang Hao will certainly help himself in the future, and his future development in Cloud City will be better.

And what Liu Yuan knows is that after a period of time, Huang Hao may rise.

Liu Yuan didn't say this, because it would be better to wait until necessary to say something.

"Mayor Huang, I'll go first," Liu Yuan said directly.

Huang Hao personally sent Liu Yuan to the door, which is very face-saving for a mayor.

For this, Liu Yuan is very natural, as if it was a very casual thing for Liu Yuan.

Seeing the figure of Liu Yuan leaving, Huang Hao couldn't help frowning. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"This boy is not simple! Does he really have the ability to predict the future?" Huang Hao muttered to himself.

If someone hears Huang Hao's mouth say these words, it must be a surprise.

Because in the eyes of others, Huang Hao can't say such words.

For such superstitious things, Huang Hao is the most annoying.

But how do they know that they are doing well now and have very much believed in Liu Yuan.

After Liu Yuan left, he went directly to the hotel and found that the decoration of the hotel was OK.

After a period of time, you should be able to decorate. After decoration, you can find a good day and reopen.

Liu Yuan is very confident in operating the hotel. In particular, Liu Yuan has a planting base and breeding base. The agricultural products inside can be sold here, and the business will be better.

After seeing everything was as like as two peas, Liu Yuan came to the construction site and saw that his building was almost finished. He could not help but feel satisfied.

Liu Yuan is very satisfied with the construction quality of blue ocean.

When he came to the construction site, Liu Yuan found that Xie Yang was also here. He was inevitably a little curious.

It's so dedicated that I came here to supervise the work in person.

But soon, Liu Yuan also saw a man, who was Xie Yang's tail.

"I'm a little skeptical now. Are you my employee?" Liu Yuan looked at Chen Haoyu and said with deep meaning.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Chen Haoyu was also a little embarrassed. He could only show an embarrassing smile.

Xie Yang was even more embarrassed. She naturally knew what Liu Yuan meant.

He couldn't help glancing at Chen Haoyu and said bitterly, "I told you not to follow me when I came here."

Xie Yang said these words with a shy expression on his face.

At a glance, we know that their love has been warmed up, which is very good for Chen Haoyu.

"Well, I won't bother you here. I can't stand you." Liu Yuan turned and left.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, they were more shy and didn't dare to speak at all.

Liu Yuan ignored them and left here directly.

Anyway, there are them watching here. There must be no problem.

"Did you see boss Liu seem very happy just now?" Xie Yang couldn't help saying.

Hearing Xie Yang's words, Chen Haoyu also reacted. There is indeed such a thing.

"Has he made a lot of money in the stock market recently?" Chen Haoyu said uncertainly.

He is completely joking. Up to now, he still doesn't know that Liu Yuan has bought stocks.

"If he bought stocks some time ago, he must have made money. Now it's a bull market! I can't buy them if I want to buy them." Xie Yang said with a pity on his face.

If I had known the news earlier, I wouldn't have to work at all now. I can sit there and make money.

But there is nothing in the world that can know the future, so Xie Yang is complaining.

But how do they know? In fact, Liu Yuan has the ability to know some things that will happen in the future.

However, only Liu Yuan knows this ability. He can't tell others.

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