Rebirth 2004

Chapter 318

Liu Yuan listened to Xiao He's introduction here and knew some functions of the software.

Liu Yuan is very satisfied with what they have done during this period.

These are indeed technical talents. If they are trained again, they can certainly be on their own.

"Mr. Liu, how about this software?" Xiao He asked cautiously, looking forward to Liu Yuan.

She naturally wants to hear Liu Yuan's praise. After all, this is an affirmation for them.

Liu Yuan also knew what they wanted to hear. Naturally, they wanted to say something nice.

"This software is really good. Continue to study it and it will have a bright future," Liu Yuan said definitely.

Liu Yuan is not joking. If he continues to study, there must be a lot of room for development.

But now this function is still far from enough. It can't meet the market at all.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, they were very excited and knew that they were affirmed by Liu Yuan.

"We will continue to work hard," Xiao He said with certainty.

For Liu Yuan's affirmation, she is naturally very happy and more motivated.

They were not very familiar with developing software, but they were familiar with it under the guidance of Liu Yuan.

So they are very respectful to Liu Yuan. Anyway, Liu Yuan taught them this skill.

If it is elsewhere, there is no such opportunity to learn.

It's impossible for someone to teach them this technology. After all, it's a skill to eat.

"However, this software is still a little inadequate, that is, there are too few functions. With the continuous development of society, consumers' requirements will naturally be higher and higher. They also attach great importance to the function, so you still need to make more efforts in the function." Liu Yuan then said some of his suggestions.

This is also what Liu Yuan wants to say. I hope they can follow their own suggestions. This is the most appropriate way.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, they all fell into thinking.

If someone else said these words, they wouldn't take it seriously at all.

But these words were said in Liu Yuan's mouth. They must think seriously.

After all, Liu Yuan is the real expert in developing software.

These people can't compare with Liu Yuan at all. Naturally, they should follow the advice of experts.

After a serious look at the Yuanba generation, Liu Yuan did not continue to stay here.

And boss Wang left the company, and boss Wang has become more and more admire Liu Yuan.

"Brother Wang, if you look at me like this, you will be misunderstood." Liu Yuan joked.

Boss Wang has been looking at me with a strange look, but I still feel uncomfortable.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, boss Wang couldn't help smiling.

He said, "Oh... Brother Liu, professionals or professionals speak differently."

What boss Wang said was totally flattering, which made Liu Yuan speechless.

During this time, Liu Yuan was running back and forth in his own industries.

The building of Liu's group will be completed soon. Liu Yuan still has a lot of work to do.

Therefore, during this period of time, Liu Yuan must make some famous things.

Liu Yuan was very satisfied with the planting and breeding of Zhangjia village

Especially after they hung up the brand of Liu's agricultural products, it was welcomed by people.

Liu's brand of agricultural products is famous not only in Yunshi, but also in other places.

Some businesses also go to the breeding base in zhangjiacun village to buy some.

But unfortunately, the agricultural products of zhangjiacun will not be sold to the outside world.

The city itself alone is not enough to consume, let alone other cities.

Several times, someone stopped Liu Yuan's way just to know Liu Yuan.

Originally, Liu Yuan thought they would do it, but Liu Yuan soon became speechless.

Those guys stopped themselves for the simple reason that they wanted to buy some products of the brand of Liu's agricultural products.

But in the end, Liu Yuan refused those businesses. After all, Liu Yuan has his own ideas.

Liu Yuan found a very serious problem, that is, during the days when Zhu Xiaojuan was not here, the output of greenhouse planting did not seem to have increased, which made Liu Yuan Miss Zhu Xiaojuan a little.

Liu Yuan can't help thinking of Zhu Xiaojuan's injury. It's impossible to let Zhu Xiaojuan come back to work now.

And Zhu Xiaojuan is also working for herself in their hometown.

But her job is a little different from her current job, from a technician to a manager.

After a period of time, Cheng Ying began to be a little anxious again.

Because now the stock market has become very restless, and some stocks have begun to fall madly.

This made Cheng Ying afraid that those stocks that did not reopen would lose money directly.

When Cheng Ying became like this, Liu Yuan couldn't help but enlighten Cheng Ying for a while.

After hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying felt better.

Liu Yuan knows that the bull market will soon pass. It is almost difficult to make a lot of money in stock speculation at that time.

That day, Liu Yuan received a message from old uncle Zhong.

The content of the very brief answer is that it has been decorated. Liu Yuan should go and have a look.

Liu Yuan was surprised that the decoration was completed in such a short time.

This is worthy of the blue ocean speed. Indeed, it is very unusual. Liu Yuan did not hesitate and went directly to the hotel.

Liu Yuan walked in and really felt that he had come to the palace. It was very retro and very close to nature.

"I doubt whether you have paid attention to this hotel and haven't come to see it for so long." old uncle Zhong said directly to Liu Yuan, looking a little angry. He felt that Liu Yuan's doing this was very unreliable.

"Hehe... Aren't you watching here? Do I have to worry about you?" Liu Yuan said naturally.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, old uncle Zhong also had no way.

He had never seen such a cheeky man, and he could say such a thing.

However, old uncle Zhong is still very happy. After all, he is valued by Liu Yuan.

Old uncle Zhong naturally knows that Liu Yuan is not an ordinary person. It's a good thing to be trusted by Liu Yuan.

"Look at the decoration here first! I think it's very satisfactory," said old uncle Zhong. After that, he turned directly back to the kitchen.

Seeing the back of old uncle Zhong, Liu Yuan shook his head a little reluctantly. He really liked his kitchen.

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