Rebirth 2004

Chapter 353

"Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you? You'll know this after a while," Liu Yuan said.

This matter will be known to many people sooner or later, and Liu Ruoxue will know it naturally.

After Liu Yuan's affirmation, Liu Ruoxue was really shocked.

She thinks Liu Yuan is definitely not ordinary people, because ordinary people can't do this at all.

As for the identity of Liu Yuan, Liu Ruoxue really doesn't know.

Looking at Liu Yuan curiously, he said, "who the hell are you? You're so powerful."

Hearing Liu Ruoxue's words, Liu Yuan didn't know how to answer. This kind of thing can't be answered casually at all.

Boss Wang on one side also felt a little funny when he heard Liu Ruoxue's words.

Because boss Wang has seen some of Liu Yuan's means, which is not what ordinary people can do at all.

Since it is not what ordinary people can do, you can't look at Liu Yuan with ordinary people's eyes.

"I'm a small businessman. Can't you see that?" Liu Yuan grinned and said naturally.

Liu Yuan is not joking. In Liu Yuan's eyes, he himself is a small businessman.

But after hearing what Liu Yuan said, Liu Ruoxue and boss Wang didn't believe it.

But since Liu Yuan didn't want to talk about it, they certainly wouldn't entangle.

This is Liu Yuan's secret. Liu Yuan doesn't want to say it. They certainly can't force Liu Yuan to say it.

"By the way, do you think our hotel should change its name?" at this time, Liu Ruoxue asked.

Liu Yuan really didn't think about this problem, but since it was put forward by Liu Ruoxue, it must be changed.

"That must be a different name." Liu Yuan didn't speak, and boss Wang on one side spoke.

For names, these bosses pay great attention to them. Naturally, they have to change their names.

"What kind of name do you want to change?" Liu Yuan couldn't help but turn his eyes to boss Wang and asked.

Boss Wang was a little uncomfortable when Liu Yuan looked at him like this.

Especially when Liu Yuan asked himself such a question, he didn't know how to answer it.

After all, there are some things that ordinary people can't do at all, even boss Wang can't.

"This is your own hotel. Why do you ask me? It's up to you to make up your own mind." boss Wang couldn't help glancing at Liu Yuan and said directly. He didn't want to pay attention to this matter at all.

Seeing that boss Wang didn't want to pay attention to himself, Liu Yuan was also speechless.

"You don't have to look at me. You're the real boss. You have to deal with it yourself," Liu Ruoxue said directly.

Instead of giving Liu Yuan the opportunity to ask himself, he directly asked Liu Yuan to deal with the problem himself.

Since they don't know what to say, Liu Yuan is also very speechless.

Liu Yuan had to go home and discuss this matter with Cheng Ying. After all, this is not a small matter.

Liu Yuan directly held a meeting here to get to know the managers here.

They were all surprised at the young boss Liu Yuan.

I didn't expect the boss to be so young. I can't help but despise him.

Liu Yuan has the final say, but simply said that all the management power here is Liu Xue Xue. Here is what she says. What if there is nothing, Liu Yuan will not interfere in the management of this hotel.

Hearing Liu Yuan's arrangement, many people are a little unconvinced.

But they dare not say anything more. After all, Liu Ruoxue is really well managed.

More importantly, Liu Yuan directly increased everyone's salary.

The reason why they come here to work is for salary. They are very excited to hear about salary increase.

Seeing Liu Yuan's decision, Liu Ruoxue was also very excited.

Liu Ruoxue naturally knows that the reason why Liu Yuan did this is to make his management more convenient.

When he got home, Liu Yuan immediately discussed the matter with Cheng Ying.

Cheng Ying never thought that Liu Yuan had made such a big project, which was hundreds of millions!

She naturally knows about Dynasty Hotel, which is the only five-star hotel in Yun city.

How could she not be surprised that Liu Yuan is now?

She is more curious about Liu Yuan, especially her methods.

"You mean you want to change the name of dynasty hotel?" Cheng Ying frowned and asked.

Cheng Ying was also curious about Liu Yuan's words. Naturally, she knew what was going on.

Since the hotel has changed its owner, it must have changed its name.

"Yes! Since the hotel is ours now, we must change its name," Liu Yuan said.

For this matter, I still want to talk to Cheng Ying. After all, this is their common property.

"Why do you ask me about this? You don't think I really think of a good name?" Cheng Ying gave Liu Yuan a pair of white eyes and said directly.

Cheng Ying knows what she can do. She doesn't think she can help at all.

"You are the boss's wife! If you want a name, who will?" Liu Yuan said directly.

What Liu Yuan said is true. Cheng Ying is the landlady. She must think about the name.

Facing the problem of Liu Yuan, Cheng Ying also knows that she can't avoid it.

She kept thinking, and finally came up with a more old-fashioned name.

"Well, it might as well be called Longteng hotel. What do you say?" Cheng Ying looked at Liu Yuan a little embarrassed and asked.

Hearing Cheng Ying's words, Liu Yuan couldn't help frowning. He was thinking about the name.

According to the whole name, Liu Yuan still doesn't believe it, because the name is very awesome in the future.

Almost the leader of the whole hotel industry, no one can compare.

"Are you sure you want to use this name?" Liu Yuan looked at Cheng Ying in surprise and asked.

Cheng Ying couldn't think of a better name, so she nodded and said directly, "I can only think of this name." Liu Yuan couldn't help being a little excited by Cheng Ying's affirmative answer. She didn't think that this Longteng hotel was established at this time, and her wife thought of it.

"Good, the name is really good. We'll change it into Longteng hotel." Liu Yuan said excitedly.

Seeing Liu Yuan's excited face, Cheng Ying was a little confused. Was he so excited? Isn't it just a name?

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