Rebirth 2004

Chapter 403

Cheng Ying came directly to Zhu Xiaojuan and looked at Zhu Xiaojuan with a strange look.

Now Zhu Xiaojuan is a little embarrassed. She doesn't know what Cheng Ying is looking at.

Still couldn't help asking, "landlady, I'm sorry you look at me like this."

What Zhu Xiaojuan said is true. Now she is a little shy.

He quickly lowered the head of the shelf and didn't dare to look into Cheng Ying's eyes.

Hearing Zhu Xiaojuan's words, Cheng Ying couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

It's really a good thing that Zhu Xiaojuan can be less shy.

At least it will be more helpful to Liu Yuan and reassure Cheng Ying.

"Going back for a while, I'm not so shy. It's good!" Cheng Ying said.

Cheng Ying showed a satisfied expression on her face. It was obvious that she was very satisfied with Zhu Xiaojuan.

Zhu Xiaojuan also knew what Cheng Ying meant, and her face became more embarrassed.

Liu Yuan couldn't see it at this time. The two beauties said these words here completely as if they didn't exist.

"Well, if you have anything to do, talk to me! I'll be busy first." said Liu Yuan and left.

For Liu Yuan's requirements, Zhu Xiaojuan naturally did not dare to say anything more.

Even Cheng Ying on one side didn't say much, and Liu Yuan arranged it himself.

Back to his office, Liu Yuan looked at some recent situations of the group.

I found that the current development is still very good, especially those factories.

With Huang Hao's help, Liu Yuan is indeed developing much faster. Liu Yuan is a little surprised by this speed.

Liu Yuan doesn't know what's going on and where Huang Hao got so many orders.

It would be impossible for Liu Yuan to find so many orders now.

After all, these orders are not ordinary orders, but large orders.

In Yun City, Liu Yuan's current factory has basically become the largest processing factory.

There are many workers inside, and they work in three shifts.

Whether it's day or night, someone goes to work.

This is very conducive to easing the employment pressure, and naturally there are more workers to accommodate.

Seeing this situation, the most excited is not Liu Yuan, but boss Wang and Huang Hao.

Boss Wang is very happy to see that he has made money and still makes so much money.

I have been at the factory for a simple purpose, that is, to look after the factory.

Huang Hao has been favored by the people above because of this matter.

Originally I wanted to tell Liu Yuan about it, but Huang Hao didn't say it in the end.

In Huang Hao's eyes, Liu Yuan already knew this kind of thing.

Because in his eyes, Liu Yuan can know what will happen in the future.

In fact, Liu Yuan really doesn't know anything about this kind of thing.

However, since Huang Hao didn't say it, Liu Yuan certainly won't ask foolishly.

After all, it's better not to know some things.

If you know too much, it's not good for yourself.

Just as Liu Yuan was thinking about a plan, the sound of knocking on the door sounded. It was Zhu Xiaojuan.

Zhu Xiaojuan's face is red now. It's obvious that she has encountered something.

Unable to resist his curiosity, Liu Yuan asked, "what did you talk about just now? Look at you becoming so shy."

After Liu Yuan asked this question, she regretted a little because Zhu Xiaojuan became more shy.

But Zhu Xiaojuan returned to Liu Yuan's words and said, "that's a problem between our women. Do you really want to listen?"

Liu Yuan is very interested in the problems between women, but Liu Yuan will certainly not show it in front of Zhu Xiaojuan.

If Zhu Xiaojuan knows that she is very interested in this kind of thing, she will certainly feel that she has a problem.

So Liu Yuan had to say directly, "how can I be interested in this kind of thing? You think too much."

After chatting with Zhu Xiaojuan for a while, he took Zhu Xiaojuan directly to some small apartments behind him.

This is a special place for some employees. Of course, only employees with certain status and contribution can live here.

Zhu Xiaojuan happened to be such a person, so Liu Yuan gave her a house.

Seeing here, Zhu Xiaojuan was also very surprised, but she didn't want to work here.

"You'd better send me to zhangjiacun! I like working there." Zhu Xiaojuan said directly.

Hearing Zhu Xiaojuan's words, Liu Yuan was also a little curious.

Most people like to work here. How can they like to work in the countryside?

However, since it was Zhu Xiaojuan's request, Liu Yuan must do it.

Zhu Xiaojuan was directly sent to zhangjiacun. Those people in zhangjiacun were also very happy to see Zhu Xiaojuan back.

Especially some people have come to Zhu Xiaojuan and looked at Zhu Xiaojuan with an excited face.

But now Zhu Xiaojuan is not the former Zhu Xiaojuan, and will not show that shy expression.

Just a smile on his face and say hello to those people.

They were surprised to see Zhu Xiaojuan take the initiative to say hello to these people.

Because Zhu Xiaojuan now is very different from Zhu Xiaojuan before. At least she won't be so shy.

After explaining some things to Zhu Xiaojuan, Liu Yuan left directly.

Moreover, Liu Yuan also accompanied Zhu Xiaojuan with a car and asked Zhu Xiaojuan to take a driver's license when she was free.

Zhu Xiaojuan will not refuse such a thing.

Because Liu Yuan used an excuse to directly make Zhu Xiaojuan unable to refute, that is, everything is for work.

Since it is for work, Zhu Xiaojuan naturally wants to do a good job.

Originally, Liu Yuan wanted to go back to the city directly, but the phone came at this time.

It was Cheng Ying's phone that said she had returned home now.

Since he is at home, Liu Yuan must go home.

When I got home, I saw that Cheng Ying was at home, and Yuanyuan and muying were also here.

It's really good for the whole family to get together.

In the last life, there was no such thing, so Liu Yuan cherished it more.

"Husband, I have something to discuss with you." at this time, Cheng Ying looked at Liu Yuan seriously and said.

Seeing Cheng Ying become so serious, Liu Yuan is also a little curious.

I don't know what Cheng Ying wants to say to herself. Just say it directly.

"If you have anything to say, just say it!" Liu Yuan said.

Liu Yuan felt that he could just say anything directly without professional hesitation.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying couldn't help showing that strange expression on her face. She didn't know how to speak.

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