Rebirth 2004

Chapter 423

"Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Cheng Ying returned to her place and asked directly.

Cheng Ying is very curious about this matter.

I don't know how Liu Yuan did it. Naturally, I want to know.

So as soon as I got back here, I asked about it immediately.

I hope Liu Yuan can tell himself directly. After all, this thing is too important.

If you want to develop in the sea market in the future, you must have someone to help.

If there is a strong background, it will certainly be of great help for future development.

Just like now, it is very important for those people to help their Liu group.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't know what to say.

Because Cheng Ying has been looking at herself and wants to know some answers in her mouth.

Cheng Ying really wants to know about it, so she cares.

"Can't even I say it?" Cheng Ying asked again when she saw that Liu Yuan didn't say it.

Since Cheng Ying has already asked this question, Liu Yuan will be misunderstood if he still doesn't say it.

In particular, seeing a strange expression on Cheng Ying's face, Liu Yuan knew that he must have said it.

As for how to say it, it's not easy to be harmonious. After all, Liu Yuan can't say too much about this matter.

The less people know about this matter, the better. If it weren't for Cheng Ying and others who asked about this matter, Liu Yuan wouldn't say it.

"I'm sure I'll tell you about it," Liu Yuan said directly.

He doesn't want to see Cheng Ying misunderstand himself, so he must explain the matter.

Unfortunately, this matter is very difficult to explain.

"You saw me go out that day. I was looking for someone, the vice mayor of Haishi," Liu Yuan said directly.

Liu Yuan was not sure about this.

But after seeing the vice mayor, Liu Yuan knew his opportunity had come.

This vice mayor will certainly have a great chance to rise in the future. He can definitely come to Beijing.

But now he is still the vice mayor of Haishi and will soon rise.

Liu Yuan found him and talked to him about development.

Originally, the vice mayor didn't like Liu Yuan at all, but after hearing Liu Yuan's explanation, he became interested.

He also knows that Liu Yuan is a talent and has a good understanding of the development of such things.

According to Liu Yuan's idea, we can certainly get greater development.

As time passed, Liu Yuan also received the support of the vice mayor.

So at that time, Liu Yuan said something about his Liu group directly.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said about Liu's group, he became more interested.

In a short time, we will develop to that extent, which is certainly not what ordinary people can do.

Therefore, the vice mayor supports Liu Yuan's development in Haishi very much and supports Liu Yuan in everything he says.

With his support, Liu Yuan was naturally very excited.

With his support, no one dares to say more in Haishi.

It's like this time Guo kicked on the iron plate and was directly caught.

At that time, Liu Yuan also reminded the vice mayor what he should pay attention to. The system of Haishi city may change a little. He must pay more attention to development.

He was very curious about Liu Yuan's reminder.

I don't care too much, but he attaches great importance to Liu Yuan.

"Is that how you deceive others?" Cheng Ying looked at Liu Yuan in surprise and said.

Hearing Cheng Ying's words, Liu Yuan almost fainted to the ground. Is he fooling?

What Liu Yuan said is not a lie at all.

Liu Yuan didn't know how to continue to explain this matter, but fortunately, Cheng Ying believed it.

"But that's good. When he looks at our Liu group, it will certainly develop better," Cheng Ying continued.

Whatever the reason, as long as there is a backstage, everything is easier to say.

It's like this kind of thing. If he didn't do it, he would fail this time.

What happened? Just opened, someone gave me money, which is a good thing!

"If it's not necessary, don't bother others," Liu Yuan said seriously.

Liu Yuan naturally knows that many people must be watching if he can do that position.

When seen by some interested people, there must be some misunderstanding.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying was also a little curious, but after thinking about it, she knew what was going on.

With the passage of time, Liu Yuan also told Cheng Ying a lot about the development of Haishi.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Cheng Ying was shocked.

I never thought Liu Yuan's idea was so avant-garde that he knew so many things.

But those things didn't happen. Liu Yuan knew in advance.

In the past, Cheng Ying might not believe it, but now Cheng Ying believes what Liu Yuan said very much.

The next morning, they wanted to go directly to the Liu group branch.

As a result, as soon as I came to the door, I saw a man standing here, and he was still very anxious.

Seeing this man, Liu Yuan was a little curious. He obviously didn't know him.

"Mr. Liu, you are here at last." the man saw Liu Yuan, came directly to Liu Yuan and said.

Hearing this man's words, Liu Yuan immediately got confused. He didn't know this man at all.

What the hell is going on? Why do you suddenly appear in front of yourself and say such words?

"I'm Mr. Guo's person. Mr. Guo wants to see you. I hope Mr. Liu can see Mr. Guo with me." the man didn't talk nonsense and said directly.

Hearing what the man said, Liu Yuan immediately knew what was going on. It turned out to be the guy's man.

Originally, Liu Yuan didn't want to see the Guo, but since someone came to the door, he naturally wanted to have a look.

Directly followed this guy to the police station, and Liu Yuan also saw the man surnamed Guo.

Now the guy surnamed Guo has become very haggard, as if he had changed a person.

Seeing him now, Liu Yuan couldn't help smiling bitterly.

"I say you can't fight me. Why do you want to die like this? Isn't that humiliating?" Liu Yuan said with deep meaning.

Hearing these words in Guo's ears, he almost wanted to vomit blood. If he knew that Liu Yuan had these means, he would not do that.

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