Rebirth 2004

Chapter 517

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Anna was shocked.

I never thought Liu Yuan would do such a thing, which was completely beyond Anna's imagination.

How can there be people like Liu Yuan in this world? I trust a person so much.

Anna couldn't have believed it if it hadn't happened to her.

But she knew that since Liu Yuan said these words, he would certainly do so.

Although she hasn't known Liu Yuan for a long time, Anna also knows what kind of person Liu Yuan is.

"You believe me so much, do you know what kind of person I am?" Anna couldn't help but ask directly.

So far, Anna is very confused. She doesn't know why Liu Yuan believes in herself so much.

I didn't know Liu Yuan at all before. I can be said to be a stranger.

As long as you are a normal person, you can't do such a thing.

Liu Yuan must have some purpose in doing these things.

As for the purpose, Anna is not very clear.

But Anna knew that she had nothing to give Liu Yuan.

Hearing Anna's words, Liu Yuan was stunned. He couldn't help showing a deep smile on his face and looked at Anna.

Just Liu Yuan's eyes have made Anna a little confused.

"I believe that a person never needs a reason," Liu Yuan said naturally.

But even he didn't believe these words, let alone others.

But Anna didn't say much at this time.

Because Anna knew that at this time, even what she said was useless.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't know what to say.

"As long as you work well for me, I will appreciate you." Liu Yuan said seriously.

Liu Yuan suddenly said these words, which made Anna a little unable to believe her ears.

Liu Yuan will be grateful to himself. What's going on?

He is obviously working for Liu Yuan. How can Liu Yuan be grateful to himself?

However, these words were said in Liu Yuan's mouth, and Anna didn't say much.

In this world, there are some things that don't need a reason at all.

Anna is naturally very clear about this. After all, Anna used to be a businessman.

"I used to be a businessman, and I was a very failed businessman, so I could get to this point." Anna said suddenly, with a bitter smile on her face, which looked a little sad.

Anna finally said something about herself, and Liu Yuan was naturally very interested.

Although Liu Yuan already knows something, it's different to say it in the mouth of the party concerned.

So Liu Yuan listened quietly without saying a word.

Now that Anna is going to say it, she will certainly say everything.

Originally, Anna didn't want to say this, but he felt that since Liu Yuan believed in herself so much, she must have said something, just like saying something about herself.

Anna didn't hide anything. She told her what had happened to her once.

Liu Yuan also finished listening and felt that Anna was very poor.

How can you trust a person so easily? This is a very dangerous thing!

Liu Yuan is also very easy to believe a person now. It's only superficial.

In Liu Yuan's heart, he actually hates everyone, just like Anna.

Knowing Anna must be very powerful, so Liu Yuan must seize this opportunity.

Naturally Anna would not know this. If she knew this, she would be very surprised.

In this world, how can anyone know the future?

Even if it is said, no one can believe it.

What's more, Liu Yuan won't say more at this time.

"Well, let the past pass! There will always be hope in the future," Liu Yuan said directly.

This simple sentence brought hope to Anna. This is what Anna wants to hear.

I am very grateful that Liu Yuan can give me a chance.

In fact, Anna is also very ambitious, just like now.

"Don't you want to be an excellent and most successful businessman?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking directly.

Liu Yuan naturally knows the answer to this question.

After all, as long as you are a businessman, you must want to be the most successful businessman.

Liu Yuan also has this dream. If he doesn't have this dream, why should he work so hard?

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Anna inevitably had a trace of heat and power in her heart.

Liu Yuan gave her this power. She was in contradiction and didn't know what to do.

Because of what happened before, it has become a shadow on Anna's work.

Otherwise Anna won't come out to find a job directly, so there won't be so much pressure.

Now that she has this opportunity in front of herself, Anna still doesn't dare to make up her mind whether to try it or not.

"The opportunity is here. You must seize it, because you know, this opportunity is not always there. It may be the only opportunity in your life." Liu Yuan couldn't help saying again.

Liu Yuan naturally hopes that Anna has been working around her. This is the best thing.

After all, Liu Yuan believes in Anna's ability and knows that Anna will do everything well.

Hearing Liu Yuan talking about it again, Anna finally made up her mind.

He nodded directly and said, "I've decided. I'll work under you in the future. I hope you can give me this opportunity."

With that, Anna bowed directly in front of Liu Yuan and lowered her head.

Seeing this, Liu Yuan knew what Anna meant.

My heart was very excited, but my face was still very calm, as if there was no much excitement.

Just reach out and gently lift Anna up.

"Although I've given you this opportunity, I hope you'll do better. Don't let your former enemies look down on you." Liu Yuan looked at Anna very seriously and said.

This is Liu Yuan's encouragement to Anna. I believe Anna will do these things well.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Anna couldn't help showing a grateful expression on her face.

Now Anna seems to be full of motivation and is going to do a big job now.

But Anna knew that now was not the time. The time had not come at all.

As long as the time comes, Anna will definitely take the shot directly. The purpose is very simple, just to make money for Liu Yuan.

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