Rebirth 2004

Chapter 525

Since John wanted to know some reasons, Liu Yuan had to say something.

Originally, Liu Yuan didn't want to say it. After all, this is some of John's secrets.

But since John doesn't believe it, Liu Yuan can't help it.

I have to say something I know, which is a very bad thing!

"Mr. John, you will have a promotion opportunity recently. I don't know if you will seize it." Liu Yuan whispered.

Only Liu Yuan and John could hear the sound, but no one else could hear it.

John was shocked to hear Liu Yuan say so.

It never occurred to Liu Yuan that he actually knew these things. Even he himself didn't know these things very well.

How could Liu Yuan be so clear? John wants to know very much.

A pair of eyes couldn't help looking at Liu Yuan in surprise and wanted to know where Liu Yuan got the news.

This is very important for John.

Since Liu Yuan said these words, he must know something.

So John wants Liu Yuan to explain to himself what's going on.

But at this time, how can Liu Yuan explain casually? That's impossible.

If John didn't agree to his terms, Liu Yuan wouldn't say it.

John is also a very clever man. Naturally, he knows what Liu Yuan means.

But John really can't decide this matter. He still has to go back and have a look.

There are some things John wants to do, but he doesn't have that power.

Liu Yuan naturally knows this, but Liu Yuan won't say much

"I know Mr. John definitely wants his company to be as good as possible, and I'm sure you'll know what to do. As for cooperation, I think Mr. John, you'd better go back and think about it first." Liu Yuan said directly.

For Liu Yuan, this means is very, very clever. It is a means of retreat.

Ordinary people can't see it at all, but people here naturally know what's going on.

But he won't say much, because he is from Liu Yuan.

John was also thinking when he heard Liu Yuan say so.

In the end is how to deal with this matter, if you leave like this, it is impossible.

Since some things you want to know, you must have a good grasp of them.

Liu Yuan also knows what kind of person John is and won't stop like this.

"I think you really need to go back and discuss it with those people," Liu Yuan said again.

Hearing Liu Yuan say this again, John knew that Liu Yuan must know a lot of things.

Even those people know, what doesn't Liu Yuan know?

Since Liu Yuan knows everything, John can't continue to stay here.

I must leave here quickly and go back to see what's going on.

"OK, I'll go back first. I'll give you an answer tomorrow," John said with certainty.

Hearing John's affirmative words, Liu Yuan couldn't help smiling.

Even Liu Ruoxue and Xiao Zhong on one side were very surprised. I didn't expect Liu Yuan to be so powerful.

Just a few words, it's already so powerful.

This kind of thing, if it were someone else, could not be accomplished easily and harmoniously.

Now can easily complete this anger, is Liu Yuan's reason.

Liu Yuan's ability is so powerful that they are very surprised.

As time passed, Liu Yuan couldn't stop saying something.

John could only be sent directly to the door, and John still looked at Liu Yuan with deep eyes.

I want to see something in Liu Yuan, but unfortunately, he can't see anything.

If the secret of Liu Yuan can be seen so easily, there are too many capable people in the world.

Liu Yuan's abilities are not what ordinary people can have at all.

It is said to predict the future, but Liu Yuan has experienced such things.,

It can only be regarded as going back to the past and doing that kind of thing again.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for others to know these things.

Even if it is known by others, it is impossible to believe that Liu Yuan has this ability.

After all, in this world, there are some people who will prevent this fact.

"Don't worry, Mr. John! After we sign the contract, I will certainly tell you what you want to know." Liu Yuan vowed. At a glance, I know that Liu Yuan is not kidding.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, John was even more surprised.

Originally thought Liu Yuan was just guessing. He didn't know what was going on.

But now it seems that Liu Yuan knows a lot of things, even that thing.

As time passed, Mr. John left.

But there are still some people here who are very curious and don't know how Liu Yuan did it.

These people are Xu Feng and they all want to know how Liu Yuan did it.

They all turned their attention to Liu Yuan and wanted to hear Liu Yuan explain.

But in this matter, it is impossible for Liu Yuan to tell the truth.

If they say what they know, they will not believe it.

After all, how can anyone in this world know what will happen in the future?

"You don't have to look at me like this. I can't tell you. It's my ability to eat." Liu Yuan said.

I wanted to ask more questions, but after thinking about it, I didn't ask any more.,

Liu Yuan has already said so. If you want to continue to ask, it's a little unreasonable.

Seeing that they didn't continue to ask themselves this question, Liu Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If they continue to ask this question, Liu Yuan really doesn't know how to answer it.

When the next day came, John called.

Hearing John's phone call, Liu Yuan knew what John meant.

Since I met myself, I must sign a contract.

If it hadn't been for the contract, John wouldn't have found himself at this time.

"Is it Mr. John calling? Is he going to sign a contract with us?" Xu Feng couldn't help looking forward at Liu Yuan and asked. He was very concerned about the answer

Seeing Xu Feng so anxious, Liu Yuan couldn't help but show a deep smile and looked at Xu Feng.

"You're really good. You guessed this kind of thing." Liu Yuan said with a deep face.

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