Rebirth 2004

Chapter 583

"Hum! I hope you don't regret it." Cui Zhang glared at Liu Yuan, turned around and left.

Cui Zhang naturally did not dare to be here alone, because he knew that Liu Yuan was very powerful.

If Liu Yuan wants to do it for himself, he must not be an opponent.

He can't feel safe until he leaves here quickly.

Seeing Cui Zhang's somewhat embarrassed back, Liu Yuan couldn't help but show a sneer.

This is the Ye's group to warn itself. It is going to attack itself.

If you are an ordinary person, you may already be afraid, but unfortunately, Liu Yuan is not an ordinary person at all.

In this case, Liu Yuan doesn't seem to be passive. He wants to take the initiative.

Not long after Cui Zhang left, Cheng Ying came in.

"Who was that man just now? He seemed very unhappy." Cheng Ying couldn't help asking.

Cheng Ying is naturally very curious about the identity of the person just now.

Hearing Cheng Ying's question, Liu Yuan couldn't help but show a deep smile on his face and looked at Cheng Ying.

"He is one of the vice presidents of Ye's group," Liu Yuan said with deep meaning.

Sure enough, hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying couldn't help showing a surprised expression on her face.

There must be nothing good for the people of Ye's group to come here.

As for what happened, Cheng Ying didn't know what it was, but she knew it was definitely not a good thing.

"What did you say here?" Cheng Ying asked again.

Cheng Ying is most curious about this anger.

Since Cheng Ying wants to know, Liu Yuan can't continue to hide it here.,

I'd better tell Cheng Ying what happened just now so that she won't think about it here.

"He came here and threatened me to dissolve the Liu group now," Liu Yuan said.

After hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying was a little speechless.

The people of Ye's group are really overbearing. They can do such things.

This is a complete threat to Liu Yuan to dissolve the Liu group.

But seeing this situation, Cheng Ying knows what the result is, and Liu Yuan will certainly not agree.

"Hum, the people of Ye's group are not human. They can do such things." Cheng Ying said angrily.

Cheng Ying is also very unhappy with the people of Ye's group.

"Don't worry! I didn't pay attention to their threats at all." Liu Yuan said casually.

It seems to be saying a very simple thing. I don't seem to care at all.

But in Cheng Ying's heart, this matter is very important.

If so, the matter will be in trouble.

As time passed, Liu Yuan talked to Cheng Ying and told her not to be afraid.

This matter will be solved sooner or later. The sooner it is solved, the better.

As long as how to solve this matter, Liu Yuan has his own ideas.

Liu Yuan must do this kind of thing. As for how to do it, it's very simple.

As long as we find some illegal things about Ye's group, it will be well solved.

"Since you want to do it to me, I can only do it first. I can't blame me!" Liu Yuan muttered.

If people who know Liu Yuan see Liu Yuan's expression, they will be frightened.

Because Liu Yuan now wants to do something, something incredible.

No one knows what Liu Yuan is going to do. If he knows, he won't believe it.

Liu Yuan wanted to find some people to help with this. After thinking about it, he only thought of one person. Naturally, this person is Xiao He.

Ye's group has many illegal things. Liu Yuan knows it. Liu Yuan is now trying to find some evidence.

Xiao He is also very curious to see Liu Yuan coming to him.

Under normal circumstances, Xiao He will not believe Liu Yuan to find himself at this time.

It's almost evening. It's time to get off work. Doesn't Liu Yuan have any ideas?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao He is also a little worried,

But I was very excited and felt that I had a chance.

Liu Yuan is very attractive to a woman, which Liu Yuan doesn't know.

"Wait a minute, let's have a meal! I'm a little hungry." Liu Yuan said casually.

But these words seem a little different in Xiao He's ears.

There was a little shy expression on his face. He bowed his head and didn't dare to speak.

Liu Yuan didn't care about this.

During this time, Liu Yuan has checked many things about Ye's group.

So for some things, Liu Yuan is still very clear.

Liu Yuan is doing a very important thing tonight.

It's very difficult to do this. We must find someone to help. This person is Xiao He.

But when Liu Yuan saw what Xiao He was like now, he knew that Xiao He must have misunderstood.

"What's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking when he saw that Xiao He's face was a little red.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, little Horton reacted and let himself behave more naturally.

"It's all right. I'm not uncomfortable." Xiao He said hurriedly.

Liu Yuan was relieved to hear Xiao he say so.

If Xiao He is really uncomfortable, this thing is really difficult to complete.

But Liu Yuan's relief made Xiao he misunderstand more.

I think Liu Yuan must want to do something, otherwise how could he ask?

Xiao He has planned. As long as Liu Yuan wants it, she will certainly agree.

"You must cooperate well with me tonight, otherwise I will be very difficult to do." Liu Yuan said casually.

But such casual words made Xiao He's misunderstanding deeper.

Up to now, Liu Yuan doesn't know how deep Xiao he misunderstood his words.

If you know that Xiao He will misunderstand like this, Liu Yuan will certainly speak well and explain.

"Well, wait a minute, where are we going?" Xiao He still couldn't help asking.

Hearing Xiao He's question, Liu Yuan still didn't care and said directly, "it must be back to the company."

The equipment in the company is very advanced and advanced, and can certainly meet their own requirements.

But after hearing Liu Yuan's words, Xiao He became more shy.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan still has this hobby. He actually likes the operation of office romance.

This is an injustice to Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan has no such idea at all.

But now Liu Yuan has no explanation, because Liu Yuan doesn't know that Xiao He has misunderstood himself.

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