Rebirth 2004

Chapter 592

"You'd better go quickly! If you don't go again, I may have to call someone," Liu Yuan said again.

Seeing Cui Zhang here, Liu Yuan still felt very unhappy.

Especially Cheng Ying, now she can't wait to let Cui Zhang be caught directly.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Cheng Ying looked forward to it very much.

I don't know what Liu Yuan means and why he should let Cui Zhang go.

Under normal circumstances, it is most appropriate for Cui Zhang to be caught directly.

But how could Cheng Ying know that keeping Cui Zhang works.

As for what role it is, Liu Yuan has not directly said it now.

At that time, Cheng Ying will certainly know and believe in herself.

Cui Zhang is very afraid now. It must be very troublesome to let others know.

After all, Cui Zhang is very clear about what he did before.

That's going to jail, and it's the kind of prison you spend the rest of your life in.

So Cui Zhang didn't dare to stay here anymore. He just stood up.

He was about to leave, but before he left, Cui Zhang couldn't help asking, "I hope you can let me go."

Cui Zhang naturally hopes that Liu Yuan can let go of himself, but is this possible?

He couldn't help but show a deep smile on his face and looked at Cui Zhang.

Just the smile on Liu Yuan's face, you already know what Liu Yuan means.

This made Cui Zhang a little angry, but he didn't show it on his face.

Now Cui Zhang wants to temporarily drag Liu Yuan and ask Liu Yuan not to publish his evidence.

Only in this way will Cui Zhang have the opportunity to do this thing well by other means.

"Don't you go yet? Do you want to wait for the police?" Cheng Ying said.

Indeed, Cheng Ying doesn't want to see Cui Zhang very much.

Especially when I thought of what Cui Zhang had done before, I was very angry.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't know what to say.

Can only see Cui Zhang's back and leave quickly, looking a little embarrassed.

After seeing Cui Zhang leave, Cheng Ying couldn't help but turn her eyes to Liu Yuan.

Feeling Cheng Ying's eyes, Liu Yuan was also a little afraid.

Because Cheng Ying's eyes were a little scary at this time, as if she wanted to eat people.

When Cheng Ying looked at her like this, Liu Yuan didn't know what to say.

Now that Liu Yuan knows, Cheng Ying is a little angry.

As for why Cheng Ying is angry, Liu Yuan has guessed what's going on.

"If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't forgive you," Cheng Ying said directly.

In fact, Liu Yuan had already thought about the explanation Cheng Ying wanted, but he didn't say it immediately.

After all, there are some things that can be known by more people. That's the best.

After all, this is not a good thing for ordinary people.

If you let the people of Ye's group know, Cheng Ying will be very dangerous.

But at this time, Cheng Ying wants to know that Liu Yuan must say.

"If I let Cui Zhang be captured directly, who will report to Ye's group?" Liu Yuan asked.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Cheng Ying immediately knew what was going on.

It turned out to be such a thing, which Cheng Ying didn't expect.

This is indeed a good means of communication for ye group.

If others say these words in front of the Ye group, they will not believe it.

But if Cui Zhang said these words in his mouth, they would certainly believe it.

After all, they know Cui Zhang's identity.

What Cui Zhang has done has made many people feel very angry.

So many people will not let Cui Zhang go. If it weren't for the help of Ye's group, he would have hung up.

After Cui Zhang left Liu's group, he has come to Ye's group.

At this time, Cui Zhang is very afraid of what will happen.

He went straight to the chairman's office and had something to report.

Cui Zhang must let some people know such an important thing.

Moreover, these people are senior members of Ye's group. They must know something.

It was the chairman who asked Cui Zhang to do things. When he came back, he was naturally a little interested.

I think what Cui Zhang did outside has been a success.

But seeing Cui Zhang now, he couldn't help frowning.

This is not like doing a good job at all, but a failure.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you so embarrassed?" the chairman of Ye's group asked curiously.

Cui Zhang is very unhappy about what he is like now.

Hearing the chairman's words, Cui Zhang suddenly became more afraid.

Cui Zhang doesn't know how to talk about this.

But in the face of his chairman's eyes, he knew that he must not hide it.

"Chairman, this matter is a little troublesome," Cui Zhang said directly.

Hearing what Cui Zhang said, the chairman was even more curious about what was going on.

Under normal circumstances, there can be no problems.

Now that there are some problems, it must be very interesting.

He couldn't help but turn his eyes to Cui Zhang and continued to ask, "talk well. What's going on?"

Since the chairman wants to know what's going on, Cui Zhang naturally wants to make it clear.

Directly told what happened after Liu Yuan met Liu's group.

Hearing what Cui Zhang said, the chairman's face showed a surprised expression.

If someone else said these words, he would not believe it.

But these words were said in Cui Zhang's mouth, and he had to believe them.

In particular, Cui Zhang has some materials in his hand, which are all about Cui Zhang.

This is absolutely fatal for Cui Zhang. It will definitely put him in prison.

"He still has a lot of information about our Ye group?" the chairman couldn't help asking.

This question is very important for him. Naturally, he wants to know.

Hearing the chairman's question, Cui Zhang didn't hide it and nodded directly.

"Although I didn't see it, I know he must have a lot of data in his hand. If these data fall into the hands of others, it will be very troublesome." Cui Zhang couldn't help reminding his chairman.

In fact, even if Cui Zhang doesn't say these words, the chairman knows it. It's a very dangerous thing!

"Hurry up and inform everyone's senior management to come here for a meeting. I have something to make clear." the chairman said seriously.

Soon, the management of the whole Ye group will be very shocked, which is a super earthquake for ye group!

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