Rebirth 2004

Chapter 679

"Naturally, I have no opinion. In this way, Xie Gong group takes advantage of it," Xie Yang said.

Xie Yang is very grateful for Xu Feng's practice.

Xie Yang naturally knew that Xu Feng did so entirely in the face of Liu Yuan.

If it weren't for Liu Yuan, Xu Feng wouldn't agree to cooperate with himself at all.

So Xie Yang has some other ideas about this matter.

But even if there are some other ideas, Xie Yang won't say it at this time.

After all, there are many people here, and some words can only be said when they are alone.

Liu Yuan was also quite satisfied with Xie Yang's words.

Now that we have all talked about it, we must be ready to start.

As for when to start construction, Liu Yuan and his colleagues did not think about it at all.

However, such an important day must find a time.

Curious about this, Liu Yuan didn't say much.

In Liu Yuan's eyes, this matter can be solved by Xu Feng himself.

As for how to solve Xu Feng, that's Xu Feng's business.

Since he won the project, Liu Yuan won't pay any more attention.

However, Liu Yuan found a problem. Cheng Ying also attaches great importance to this project.

What does Cheng Ying think? Liu Yuan didn't ask either.

Because Liu Yuan knows that if Cheng Ying wants to say it, she will say it directly.

Liu Yuan also believes in Cheng Ying very much. She will certainly help herself.

After everything was settled, Xie Yang left.

Because Xie Yang still has a lot to do. After all, Xie Gong group is not having a good time now.

When Xie Yang left, Liu Yuan also transferred a sum of money to them as an investment.

Xie Yang also felt very. He wanted to refuse, but he didn't.

After all, Xie Gong group is really very difficult now. With this money, it will be much better.

"Is it interesting for her to help her like this?" at this time, Cheng Ying couldn't help asking.

Hearing Cheng Ying's words, Liu Yuan was immediately frightened.

I didn't expect Cheng Ying to ask.

This kind of thing can't be answered casually. It will kill people.

"Don't get me wrong. It's impossible for me and her," Liu Yuan explained quickly.

Some things must be explained clearly.

Otherwise, it's very dangerous to be misunderstood by Cheng Ying all the time.

Hearing Liu Yuan's answer, Cheng Ying showed a deep smile on her face. It was obvious that she didn't believe what Liu Yuan said.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuan must continue to find some reasons.

"Have you forgotten that Chen Haoyu likes Xie Yang? I regard Chen Haoyu as a brother. Do you think I will do such things that I am sorry for my brother?" Liu Yuan said seriously.

After hearing what Liu Yuan said, Cheng Ying showed a very natural smile.

"I'm just kidding you. Do you want to be so serious?" Cheng Ying said.

After hearing what Cheng Ying said, Liu Yuan knew that she was joking with herself.

This kind of joke will scare people to death, so Liu Yuan hopes Cheng Ying not to joke about it in the future.

But Liu Yuan knows that Cheng Ying must have some other ideas.

"Well, let's go back quickly! We Liu group also have a lot to do," Cheng Ying said.

After saying that, he turned directly and left, ignoring Liu Yuan at all.

Seeing Cheng Ying's back, Liu Yuan always feels a little different.

It always seems that Cheng Ying is hiding something from herself. Liu Yuan doesn't know what it is.

During this time, Liu Yuan was very busy, especially about the project.

This project is very large. Xie Gong group alone will certainly not be able to complete it.

Moreover, the project has a specified time. If it cannot be completed within the specified time, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, we must complete the project quickly on the premise of ensuring quality.

After Xie Yang answered home, he told his father the news directly.

Xie Yang's father is now the chairman of Xie Gong group and has the greatest power.

He couldn't believe it when he heard the news brought back by Xie Yang.

However, after Xie Yang's explanation, he chose to believe.

Because he knew that his daughter would not deceive himself.

"What are you waiting for? Directly arrange a professional team!" Xie Yang's father said anxiously.

He is very clear about the significance of this project.

If the project is well completed, Xiegong group can really come back from the dead.

Seeing his father so anxious, Xie Yang was also a little helpless.

But Xie Yang didn't say much. He had gone down to arrange these things.

This maritime landmark project must be completed well.

Moreover, Haishi government is optimistic about this project, and some people are supervising it.

So at this time, Liu Yuan, they must do a good job and can't make any mistakes.

A few days later, Liu Yuan received a call from Xie Yang.

The content is very simple, that is to say, she has brought her professional team to Haishi.

Liu Yuan was a little surprised to see that Xie Yang came here so quickly.

Those who can do this have already explained that Xie Gong group attaches great importance to this project.

Liu Yuan directly asked Xu Feng to deal with this matter, because in Haishi, Xu summit handled it better.

As for where Xu Feng arranged those people, Liu Yuan still knows.

Directly arrange those people to start building some buildings on the construction site, which is their temporary residence.

"Are you sure when to start?" Xie Yang asked, looking at Xu Feng.

At this time, Xie Yang already knows some things. There are many things you can ask Xu Feng directly.

Because there are many things that Liu Yuan doesn't know, he'd better ask Xu Feng to be stable.

Hearing Xie Yang's words, Xu Feng naturally wanted to answer.

"Now that you are all ready, let's start work the day after tomorrow!" Xu Feng said seriously.

This time is really a little urgent, but there is no way.

After all, this project must be done quickly, otherwise it will have a bad impact on their enterprise.

"Pay attention then. I'm afraid someone will make trouble here." Liu Yuan couldn't help reminding.

Liu Yuan had already guessed this kind of thing and knew that someone would make trouble.

In fact, even if Liu Yuan didn't say it, Xu Feng guessed it.

After all, this kind of thing has happened many times before.

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