Rebirth 2004

Chapter 732

When you see the people of the Ye family coming here, you know what their purpose is.

Liu Yuan sat aside and said nothing.

Because Liu Yuan knows that these guys must come here to beg for mercy.

Now Cheng Ying has become very surprised, but her face still looks very natural.

After all, if you are surprised at this time, it will certainly make the Ye family doubt something.

"I don't know what you're looking for me for?" Cheng Ying asked directly.

Although Cheng Ying already knows the purpose of their coming here, she still has to pretend that she doesn't know anything at this time.

Seeing Cheng Ying ask this, the people of the Ye family are very unhappy.

The Ye family must know that Cheng Ying knows something.

Isn't she asking this just to embarrass the Ye family?

If it had been in the past, the Ye family would have taught Cheng Ying a lesson.

But at this time, they dare not have this idea at all.

After all, many of Ye's industries are controlled by Liu's group, which now accounts for more than 14%.

If this continues, the Ye family's industries are likely to change owners directly.

This is not what the Ye family wanted to see, especially when he came with a task.

If this task cannot be completed, his position in the Ye family will certainly be affected.

He is ye Bufan's father. He came here today to solve this matter.

In his heart, it was not too difficult to solve the problem.

But now it seems that it is not so simple to solve this problem.

Especially he knows that Cheng Ying is not a vegetarian.

"I'm here to talk to President Cheng about our Ye family," he said directly.

Because he knows that if he doesn't say it directly at this time, he will be passive.

Hearing this guy's words, Cheng Ying couldn't help frowning, as if she didn't know what he was talking about.

However, Cheng Ying was very surprised, especially when she thought of what Liu Yuangang had just said.

As if Liu Yuan could know everything in advance, he also guessed that the Ye family came here to beg for mercy.

I couldn't help but turn my eyes to Liu Yuan and found that Liu Yuan just sat here as if nothing had happened and didn't respond.

This makes Cheng Ying a little depressed. It is obvious that Liu Yuan made it, but he doesn't care now.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Ye. What does your Ye family have to do with me?" Cheng Ying said.

If he didn't know something in advance, he probably believed Cheng Ying's words.

But he knew that Cheng Ying was some means, so he wouldn't believe what Cheng Ying said.

Although my heart is very unhappy, I don't dare to show it at this time.

He came here today with a begging attitude. Naturally, he should have a begging attitude.

"President Cheng, let's not talk secretly. You should know what our Ye family is. Since we have done some things, we can't hide them." the guy looked at Cheng Ying with deep meaning and said.

Now that he has said so, Cheng Ying knows that this thing can't be hidden.

However, Cheng Ying didn't know how to answer this guy's words. She directly turned her eyes to Liu Yuan.

In this matter, I also know that Liu Yuan can solve it.

At this time, Liu Yuan can't continue to stay here. He must make a move.

Because Liu Yuan knows that Cheng Ying can't solve this problem. She must do it herself.

At this time, Liu Yuan also turned his face and looked at the guy in front of him.

Feeling Liu Yuan's eyes, the Ye family became more dignified.

In his eyes, the one who can really decide is the young man Liu Yuan.

"What do you want? Just say it!" Liu Yuan said directly.

In this matter, Liu Yuan must express his firm belief.

Since the Ye family did that, it must pay a price.

Moreover, in Liu Yuan's eyes, the Ye family is only relatively strong and will not make themselves afraid.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, this guy was even more upset.

Because Liu Yuan's performance now clearly does not pay attention to himself.

This is an insult to him. It is an insult to the Ye family.

He could not bear such a thing, and his face showed a cruel expression.

But this kind of vicious expression is a flash, and I don't dare to show it at this time.

"Mr. Liu, the purpose of my coming here is very simple. I just want to talk to you about our Ye family's industries." he didn't have any nonsense and said it directly.

He came here for this purpose, which he must do well.

Hearing his words, Liu Yuan couldn't help but show a deep smile on his face.

Although Liu Yuan had guessed that they came here for this purpose, Liu Yuan still wanted to teach them a lesson.

"It's this thing. I don't know how you plan to deal with it?" Liu Yuan asked.

Liu Yuan still needs to ask clearly about this matter.

You can't say anything by yourself. The Ye family will certainly agree.

After all, the Ye family is not an ordinary family. He is very powerful.

Such a powerful family will certainly not suffer too much.

If they suffer too much, they will certainly not agree, so Liu Yuan must consider it clearly.

Liu Yuan said so, he was somewhat confused. How did this deal with him? Has Liu Yuan has the final say?

Although he was very curious, since Liu Yuan said so, he must have answered.

"We want to buy back the shares of the Ye family. I hope you can agree," the guy said directly.

The shares of the Ye family must not fall into the hands of Liu Yuan, otherwise it is very dangerous for the Ye family.

Although the Ye family has other industries, those industries cannot be seen and naturally cannot be said.

Hearing this guy's words, Liu Yuan's face couldn't help showing a deep smile and looked at him.

"I don't know what you want to buy these things back?" Liu Yuan continued,

Liu Yuan also wants to see what their Ye family can take out and buy back their shares.

If the price they offered was too low, Liu Yuan would certainly not agree.

But if the price is too high, they will certainly not agree.

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