Rebirth 2004

Chapter 770

Now the people of the Liu family will certainly not believe that someone dares to do that kind of thing to the Liu family.

Because in their minds, the Liu family is very strong and no one dares to offend.

But what is the truth? They didn't even think of it.

More unexpectedly, Liu Yuan would be so angry.

In their eyes, Liu Yuan must have been afraid and wanted to leave Kyoto.

Seeing this situation, the people of the Liu family despise Liu Yuan very much.

However, one person did not think so. It was Liu Yuan's opponent.

But at this time, he didn't say a word more.

Because he knew that if he said such words at this time, no one would believe it.

Since they won't believe it, don't say another word.

He also left the meeting room quickly. He has started to let people check some things.

He still felt a little confused. How could the Liu family's industry become like this?

Liu Yuan, they are also working hard and secretly.

But Liu Yuan didn't do many things.

Because Liu Yuan knew that he must have been watched.

Being watched by others, you can't do anything else.

If Liu Yuan did those things, he would certainly be known by the Liu family.

If the Liu family knew they were doing that kind of thing, the Liu family might go crazy.

"Liu family, since you want me to die, I won't make you feel better," Liu Yuan muttered.

Since the Liu family wants to do it by themselves, Liu Yuan will certainly not be soft hearted.

Chen Sisi was also surprised. She never thought that the hatred between Liu Yuan and the Liu family was so great.

She is a little regretful now. She regrets why she promised Liu Yuan.

However, since this kind of thing is promised, it must be done well, which Chen Sisi still knows.

On several occasions, Chen Sisi wanted to ask what was going on.

But Liu Yuan didn't want to tell her about it at all, which made Chen Sisi very depressed.

Since Liu Yuan wouldn't say, Chen Sisi didn't continue to ask.

"If we do this, the Liu people may jump up." Chen Sisi said with deep meaning.

Chen Sisi is very clear about what he has done.

If it was known by the Liu family, it would be very angry.

Of course, Chen Sisi is not the prince's aunt.

After all, this kind of thing is what Liu Yuan asked himself to do. Even if he wants to find someone for revenge, he also wants to find Liu Yuan.

Hearing Chen Sisi's words, Liu Yuan couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

It's best to see the Liu family jump.

"It's best for the whole Liu family to be destroyed by us, which is what I want to see most." Liu Yuan said naturally.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Chen Sisi was very surprised.

Originally thought they had only a little hatred, but now it seems that it is not as simple as it seems.

I couldn't help looking at Liu Yuan with a puzzled look and wanted to see something on Liu Yuan's face.

But unfortunately, there was no difference in Liu Yuan's face.

"I know you really want to know what grudges I have with the Liu family, but now I won't tell you, because it's not time yet. When the time comes, you will naturally know." Liu Yuan said seriously.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Chen Sisi couldn't help giving Liu Yuan a pair of white eyes.

Even if Liu Yuan didn't say these words, Chen Sisi knew them and didn't need Liu Yuan to say them at all.

"It's your own business, and I don't want to know," Chen Sisi said unhappily.

Although Chen Sisi won't force Liu Yuan to say it, Chen Sisi is still very curious.

"What are we going to do next?" Chen Sisi quickly changed the topic.

She didn't think Liu Yuan would stop like this. He must have other ideas.

Indeed, Liu Yuan has his own idea, and this idea is very conspiratorial.

"You'd better continue to work on the Liu family's industry, but don't let others know your identity, and don't let others know that you did it, otherwise it will be very dangerous." Liu Yuan said seriously.

Liu Yuan is not joking. If the people of the Liu family know this, Chen Sisi will be very dangerous.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Chen Sisi knew that Liu Yuan was not joking with himself.

If this thing is really so dangerous, Chen Sisi is still a little afraid.

"If I don't do it now, will you? It's too dangerous." Chen Sisi couldn't help asking.

Of course, Chen Sisi is joking with Liu Yuan. Since he has done it, he will not give up at all.

So far, Liu Yuan has found a problem. Chen Sisi's talent for doing business is even stronger than Chen Haoyu.

Liu Yuan was convinced of the Chen family.

Under normal circumstances, with them, the Chen family must have become very strong.

"If you are really afraid, you can refuse me, and I won't force you," Liu Yuan said.

Indeed, this thing can't be compared with Chen Sisi. It's very dangerous.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Chen Sisi couldn't help but look a little resentful.

; "Can't you beg me?" said Chen Sisi.

When Chen Sisi said this, Liu Yuan knew what was going on.

Obviously, I felt I wanted to beg him and satisfy his vanity.

"Even if I beg you for this, it's ok?" Liu Yuan said with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Liu Yuan was so ignorant, Chen Sisi did not continue to entangle with Liu Yuan in this matter.

Because Chen Sisi knew that talking to Liu Yuan about such things was completely in vain.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't continue to talk to Chen Sisi about it.

On the other side, those in the Liu family have become very surprised.

Liu Yuan's opponent has found something.

It's all about the Liu family's industry. Indeed, someone is attacking the Liu family's industry.

As for who is fighting against them, they haven't found out yet.

But now their Liu family's industry has been affected. If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"What's going on? Don't you give me an explanation?" at this time, the head of the Liu family, staring at the people below, said angrily.

His family's property was attacked, and now they found out that it really made him angry.

Many people are aware of a problem. The people who can do this are definitely not ordinary people.

As for who did it to the Liu family, no one knows. They can't find it so soon.

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