Rebirth 2004

Chapter 784

Hearing Liu Yuan say such words, muying naturally thought of something.

She was very surprised, but at this time, she didn't say much.

Because muying knows that this is not the time to talk about it.

When she has a chance, she will definitely talk to Liu Yuan and Cheng Ying.

After all, this matter has something to do with them.

And this thing will come out sooner or later.

Don't say it now because they're not ready.

"Well, let's go to the place where we live first!" Liu Yuan said directly.

Naturally, they will not refuse Liu Yuan's arrangement.

And they are really tired today, especially muying.

She hasn't been away for a long time. Now she's very tired by plane.

Yuanyuan is very active and wants Liu Yuan to take her to play.

But she was stopped by Cheng Ying because Cheng Ying knew that Liu Yuan had a lot to do.

Back where he lived, Liu Yuan also prepared some food.

Cheng Ying felt a little strange and felt that Liu Yuan was hiding something from herself.

As for what she was hiding from herself, Cheng Ying was not very clear.

And Cheng Ying also felt that her mother was a little strange, as if she wanted to do something.

This makes Cheng Ying a little strange. She wants to know what's going on.

Originally, Cheng Ying wanted to ask Liu Yuan, but Liu Yuan didn't want to say something himself.

"Liu Yuan, do you know?" just when there was no one, muying came to Liu Yuan and asked.

Hearing muying's question, Liu Yuan naturally knew what she was asking.

I couldn't help being a little speechless in my heart. I still let muying know.

Since Mu Yingdu guessed it, Liu Yuan must not continue to hide it here.

He nodded directly and said, "I see."

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, no one smiled bitterly.

Muying didn't want anyone to know these secrets.

But now that Liu Yuan knows, this matter must be solved.

As for how to solve it, muying is not very clear now.

"Mom, you'll have to face this sooner or later." Liu Yuan couldn't help saying.

Liu Yuan is just reminding muying not to let muying continue like this,.

Because Liu Yuan knows that if this continues, it will be bad for anyone.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, muying's whole body couldn't help shaking.

He wanted to tell Cheng Ying about it before, but she didn't know how to speak.

"What do you think of them?" muying asked.

Muying has not seen them for a long time. Naturally, I don't know if they have changed.

Since Liu Yuan said such words, it shows that Liu Yuan has seen them.

Facing muying's question, Liu Yuan didn't know how to answer it.

"I think it's better for you to see him yourself," said Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan didn't say much about some things, especially the elders.

It's better to let muying handle it by herself, so at least she doesn't have to think too much by herself.

Indeed, muying also wants to see him. After all, she hasn't seen him for a long time.

"Then you find a time and ask him out for me!" finally, he didn't say it seriously.

Since Mu Ying agreed, Liu Yuan must do it.

And Liu Yuan is very anxious, because Liu Yuan knows that Zhong Cheng must be waiting for his own news.

Sure enough, when Liu Yuan called Zhong Cheng, Zhong Cheng was waiting.

And Zhong Cheng's excited tone knows how nervous he is now.

"What? What did she say?" Zhong Cheng asked directly.

For this question, Zhong Cheng wants to know the answer most.

Seeing Zhong Cheng so excited, Liu Yuan was also very speechless.

There was no nonsense with Zhong Cheng. He directly said muying's original words to Zhong Cheng.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Zhong Cheng became more excited and wanted to come to Liu Yuan now.

But Liu Yuan asked them to meet in other places. For the time being, don't let Cheng Ying know about it.

After all, there are some things that Cheng Ying would think if she knew.

Seeing Liu Yuan's arrangement, Zhong Cheng was very curious, but he didn't say much.

After arranging everything, Liu Yuan found an excuse and went out with muying.

Seeing Liu Yuan and her mother go out, Cheng Ying is a little curious.

But even if she was curious, Cheng Ying wouldn't say anything more.

But Cheng Ying knows that there must be something between them to hide from herself.,

As for what it is, Cheng Ying is not very clear.

She has planned to ask when Liu Yuan comes back.

Cheng Ying has decided that if Liu Yuan doesn't answer this question, she must teach Liu Yuan a good lesson.

Liu Yuan took muying directly to the place designated by Zhong Cheng, and Liu Yuan was guarding at the door.

Muying stood at the door alone, but she was a little afraid to go in.

Muying is not afraid, but muying doesn't know how to face it.

After all, I haven't seen you for so many years. I'm still a little unaccustomed to meeting suddenly.

"Mom, go in! No matter what the situation is, you have to face it." Liu Yuan couldn't help persuading.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, muying nodded, directly pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing muying walking in, Liu Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and knew that his task had been completed.

As for the result, Liu Yuan can't influence it.

However, Liu Yuan believes that Zhong Cheng will certainly do a lot and can solve this problem.

If you can't even solve this problem, Zhong Cheng's means are too bad.

It's boring here. Liu Yuan can only sit in the car.

Just then, the phone rang. It was Cheng Ying's phone.

Seeing Cheng Ying calling herself at this time, Liu Yuan guessed the reason.

If someone else calls him, Liu Yuan may not listen.

But Cheng Ying called herself. Liu Yuan didn't dare to listen. He had to answer.

"Liu Yuan, give me an explanation when you come back, or you'll look good." Cheng Ying said directly.

Hearing Cheng Ying say such words directly, Liu Yuan felt very wronged.

Liu Yuan was a little depressed because he was working for his family and was threatened by Cheng Ying.

But Liu Yuan didn't say much, because at that time, Liu Yuan didn't have to explain himself.

This matter is naturally left to muying to explain better, so that it will be explained more clearly.

"I, I'll give you an explanation when I go back." Liu Yuan said very seriously.

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