Rebirth 2004

Chapter 786

Indeed, hearing the news suddenly, Cheng Ying was very difficult to accept.

But she knew that these words were said in her mother's mouth, and it must be true.

But Cheng Ying was a little curious. Why did muying say it now?

Cheng Ying has a grudge against her father who hasn't met her.

If he had come to his mother and daughter earlier, his mother and daughter would not have been so wronged.

But since she knew this, Cheng Ying couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"What's the matter, mom? Can you make it clear?" Cheng Ying looked at muying seriously and asked.

The news my mother brought to me was really shocking.

Even Cheng Ying is a little difficult to accept, so ask clearly.

Hearing muying's words, Liu Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If this matter needs to be explained by yourself, it must not be explained clearly.

Now muying explains it herself, which can certainly satisfy Cheng Ying.

But Liu Yuan also wants to know what's going on.

Under normal circumstances, Zhong Cheng is not the kind of person who is right.

Muying heard Cheng Ying's words and didn't hide it. She just told the situation at that time.

Originally, Cheng Ying was very angry, but after hearing muying's words, she didn't say anything more.

At that time, Zhong Cheng did so entirely to protect muying.

If muying hadn't left at that time, she might have died.

So at this time, Cheng Ying is still a little grateful to Zhong Cheng.

It turned out that this was the case. At that time, the Zhong family had some enemies to deal with the Zhong family.

Moreover, the Zhong family has no ability to resist. Many of their relatives have been assassinated.

If muying doesn't leave, she is likely to be killed.

And muying also knew something at that time, that is, Zhong Cheng arranged his bodyguard for himself.

Zhong Cheng was very dangerous at that time. Without bodyguards, he would be easily killed.

In order not to make Zhong Cheng difficult, muying secretly left.

When muying left, no one knew.

When Zhong Cheng found out, it was too late.

It is almost impossible to recover muying.

At that time, Zhong Cheng thought that muying must have been killed by those enemies.

But Zhong Cheng is unwilling and continues to look for it.

I've been looking for it for a long time, but I still don't have any information.

This makes Zhong Cheng feel a little desperate. If it wasn't for the Zhong family, Zhong Cheng might have run away.

"Mom, what are you going to do now?" Cheng Ying asked directly.

Muying is the last to decide this matter. We must ask clearly.

Hearing Cheng Ying's words, muying couldn't help frowning.

In this matter, muying didn't think of how to solve it.

But Zhong Cheng has found himself. He must be very clear about everything about himself.

"Let's meet you then! If you don't agree, we'll go back to Guangcheng immediately," muying said.

Hearing muying say this, Cheng Ying feels a little stressed.

Originally, she wanted her mother to solve this problem, but she kicked the ball back to herself.

Cheng Ying was very speechless, but she didn't say much.

Because Cheng Ying also knows that her mother is under great pressure now, and she has to share it for her.

At this time, Cheng Ying has missed someone. This person must be Liu Yuan.

After muying left, muying had come directly to Liu Yuan.

He looked at Liu Yuan with a terrible look and said, "did you know this earlier?"

Hearing Cheng Ying's words, Liu Yuan immediately got confused and didn't know how to answer.

At this time, it must be very dangerous to admit it directly.

But if you don't admit it and Cheng Ying finds out later, it will be worse next time.

After thinking about it, Liu Yuan still decided to explain the matter honestly.

"If I say I don't know anything about this, do you believe it?" Liu Yuan asked foolishly.

But after saying these words, Liu Yuan regretted a little.

Because Liu Yuan felt a burst of tearing pain from the soft flesh around his waist, it was Cheng Ying who shot.

This is Cheng Ying's unique skill, and Liu Yuan is the most afraid.

The pain almost made Liu Yuan cry out.

But under the threat of Cheng Ying, Liu Yuan didn't dare to send out any business at all.

"If you dare to shout out, I'll show you my new moves." Cheng Ying said with deep meaning.

When Cheng Ying said this, Liu Yuan naturally didn't dare to shout.

Now this move has made Liu Yuan feel afraid, not to mention Cheng Ying's other new moves.

"You come into the room with me," Cheng Ying said directly.

There are some things that Cheng Ying still feels she needs to ask more clearly.

It's better for Cheng Ying to know more about the Zhong family.

After all, I have to meet them tomorrow. I must know something.

Back in the room, Cheng Ying asked directly and asked Liu Yuan to say it directly.

At this time, Liu Yuan naturally did not dare to hesitate and directly said what he knew.

Of course, Liu Yuan also talked about the strength of the Zhong family and the things that the Zhong family helped themselves.

After hearing Liu Yuan finish these things, Cheng Ying became even more surprised.

I didn't expect the Zhong family to be so powerful, which was almost beyond her expectation.

Up to now, Cheng Ying has never thought that her identity is so powerful.

She suddenly became a real daughter, but Cheng Ying began to be a little afraid.

Most big families are owned by many people. If you go there as such, you will be misunderstood.

But Cheng Ying didn't say much. No matter what, just wait until after the meeting.

"Shall we go directly to Zhong's house tomorrow, or what?" Cheng Ying asked directly.

Hearing Cheng Ying ask himself this question, Liu Yuan was a little speechless.

But Liu Yuan said directly, "we must have gone to Zhong's house."

Master Zhong still exists in the Zhong family. He is a real elder. He must have a look.

Since Liu Yuan said so, Cheng Ying naturally won't have any opinions.

Now Cheng Ying's brain is a little confused. She doesn't know what to say.

However, Cheng Ying believes in Liu Yuan very much and believes that Liu Yuan can certainly solve this matter.

In the Zhong family, the same thing happened.

At this time, Zhong Cheng is also very excited and a little nervous. After all, muying's mother and daughter are coming back.

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