Rebirth 2004

Chapter 821

"Are you Mr. Liu Yuan?" a young man on one side asked directly.

Although they all know Liu Yuan's identity, they must ask again at this time.

This is also a kind of politeness. It must be done well.

If this thing is not done well, it will certainly be said by the leaders.

What's more, now their leaders are standing here.

"I'm Liu Yuan. I don't know what you came to me for?" Liu Yuan asked pretending to be very curious.

Just seeing Liu Yuan's expression, I think Liu Yuan doesn't know anything.

But people who know Liu Yuan will know that Liu Yuan's expression is completely fake.

And Liu Yuan is also very curious about whether they came to find themselves this time is the same as they imagined.

If it's the same, it's a good solution.

If it is not what he imagined, Liu Yuan still needs to think of other countermeasures.

After all, this thing is not a simple little thing, but a very serious thing.

"We came to you to give you a chance," the young man continued.

Seeing him say these words, Liu Yuan felt his pride.

I can't help but disdain that these guys want to be proud in front of themselves?

Isn't that waiting to punch yourself in the face? Liu Yuan is very experienced in slapping face.

He actually said he wanted to give himself a chance. Isn't that insulting?

Not only did Liu Yuan feel upset, but even the middle-aged man could not help frowning.

Obviously, it is very inappropriate for the young man to speak like this.

"I don't know what kind of opportunity you want to give me?" Liu Yuan asked pretending to be very interested.

Indeed, as long as a normal person is interested in this kind of thing.

But some things are not as simple as expected.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, the young man felt that Liu Yuan would certainly agree.

So he started directly and said, "I want the core technology of your current technology."

It's a little funny that the young man said it so directly.

When Liu Yuan heard what he said, he couldn't help smiling at him.

Is this guy funny? It's amazing that such words can be said.

I've seen such a fool, but it's the first time I've seen such a fool.

"So you want my core technology," Liu Yuanli said of course.

And when Liu Yuan said these words, he was very calm.

In the eyes of the young man, Liu Yuan will agree.

Naturally, I was very excited and felt that I could finish it.

But when he heard what Liu Yuan was going to say, he immediately didn't know how to answer.

"This is my core technology. Why should I give it to you?" Liu Yuan looked at them curiously and asked.

Facing the question of Liu Yuan, people here don't know how to answer it.

The young man was really asked by Liu Yuan's question. He couldn't find any reason at all.

Seeing him like this, Liu Yuan showed a deep smile on his face.

"Or, what benefits can I get if I give you the core technology? And what reason do you want to take the core technology away from me?" Liu Yuan asked several questions in a row.

These questions are very simple, but the young man doesn't know how to answer them.

Because he knew that even if he promised Liu Yuan at this time, he might not be able to do it.

After all, he is very clear about his position.

In that place, I have no say at all.

At this time, the middle-aged man stood up.

Because middle-aged people know that if they don't find it at this time, it will be difficult to do it.

"Mr. Liu Yuan, we are from the Institute and want to invite you to join our institute," said the middle-aged man.

He said this very seriously, not as if he were joking.

Here, only he has this power. As long as he says, he must be qualified.

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Liu Yuan immediately knew who they were.

His face also showed a thinking expression, because Liu Yuan is also familiar with the Research Institute.

"Your core technology is of great help to the development of our country," said the middle-aged man.

He was explaining the importance of this matter to Liu Yuan and wanted Liu Yuan to agree to their requirements.

The young man on one side was a little upset when he saw Liu Yuan thinking and didn't answer immediately.

As long as they hear about the Institute, many people will agree without hesitation.

But what about Liu Yuan? Now I turned it down, which surprised them.

But this is what Liu Yuan wants to do. After all, this thing is a little difficult to deal with.

"I really want to invite you to join our team, and the country will not treat you badly," said the middle-aged man.

In his eyes, Liu Yuan is a talent, which can not be met.

He must get Liu Yuan, so that he can have greater achievements.

Hearing his words, Liu Yuan couldn't help but show a deep smile on his face.

"Sorry, I don't want to join the Research Institute for the time being. I have my own career to develop," Liu Yuan said.

Liu Yuan's face also showed a trace of apology, as if this matter really made Liu Yuan feel a little embarrassed.

The middle-aged man also didn't believe his ears. Liu Yuan would say such words.

He really couldn't understand why Liu Yuan refused him.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It can't happen often.

It's better now. I was really rejected.

"Did you refuse? Don't you accept our invitation?" the middle-aged man couldn't help asking again.

It was really difficult for him to accept this time, but Liu Yuan nodded and knew what Liu Yuan meant.

I feel very sorry. This is a real talent!

"I'm not refusing. I have my own things to do. I can't agree to your invitation for the time being," Liu Yuan said.

Liu Yuan is right to say so now, because Liu Yuan doesn't want to go to the research institute yet.

Liu Yuan still has his own goal not completed. As long as he completes his goal, he can join the Research Institute.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, the middle-aged man didn't frown. I don't know what he meant.

How to say it's not a real rejection? Will he agree to his invitation later?

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