Rebirth 2004

Chapter 862

Although Liu Yuan knows some things, he certainly won't admit it.

Therefore, Liu Yuan will certainly not help in this matter.

And Liu Yuan feels that he has no ability to help. After all, this is not a small thing.

"Mr. Liu, we are all understanding people, so we don't have to test each other and directly say your conditions!" the Li family didn't want to talk nonsense and directly asked Liu Yuan to say their conditions.

Hearing what he said, Liu Yuan was also confused. I don't know what he meant.

Why should you say your conditions directly? Does he know what he wants?

Since they all said this, it would be unreasonable if Liu Yuan didn't respond at all.

But it is impossible for Liu Yuan to put forward direct conditions.

"You still want to tell me what you want?" Liu Yuan sighed and said.

They must have come here for some purpose.

As for the purpose, Liu Yuan still hasn't figured it out.

Therefore, we must find out this matter, otherwise Liu Yuan will not be able to put forward his own conditions.

Seeing Liu Yuan say so, the three people of the Li family look at each other.

I want to discuss how to say my conditions.

Finally, the man sitting in the middle said, "I want you to give us all the information about this core technology."

Hearing his words, Liu Yuan was shocked.

Their original goal was this, which is absolutely impossible.

If this core technology is handed over, it will be a provocation for the Research Institute.

Liu Yuan certainly won't do this, especially knowing who the Li family is cooperating with.

Liu Yuan can't do such a thing. He doesn't want to be accused behind his back.

"You'd better die! It's impossible to get the core technology information from me." Liu Yuan said directly and decisively, without any room for discussion.

Indeed, it is impossible for Liu Yuan to give in on this matter.

Hearing Liu Yuan's decisive answer, their faces and bodies became very bad.

They did not expect that Liu Yuan would be so decisive.

However, they can't just give up, or continue to ask, "we promise you no matter what conditions."

The people of the Li family have no way to go. The most important thing is to get the core technology.

Because since they chose to take that road, they must go to the black.

It is impossible to change direction at this time, so they still want to get the information of this core technology.

Liu Yuan is thinking, why do they have to get this core technology?

After thinking about it, Liu Yuan only thought of one possibility.

When they get the core technology, they will immediately hand it over to those people. At that time, the research institutes in their own country will face the public opinion from the world. This is not what Liu Yuan wants to see, nor does the high-level want to see.

How dare the Li family do this? Liu Yuan was shocked.

But he still pretended that he didn't know anything. He could only say again: "needless to say, I don't have the core technology."

Since Liu Yuan doesn't want to hand over the core technology to them, he must find a way.

As for what Liu Yuan wants, it can only be to leave the matter to the Research Institute.

"We all know that this core technology is developed by you, and it is most suitable to find you," said the Li family.

Hearing what he said, Liu Yuan knew that the Li family must know something.

How else would they know so well? Only those people in the research institute can know so clearly.

Those people in the research institute must have been traitors of the Li family. Liu Yuan is not sure who they are.

However, this kind of thing is not what Liu Yuan should think about. This kind of thing can be left to the Research Institute itself.

"I'm not kidding you. It's most suitable for you to find a research institute," Liu Yuan said directly.

In this matter, Liu Yuan didn't want to be watched, so he kicked the ball to the Research Institute.

No matter how powerful the Li family is, it is impossible to oppose the Institute.

Because the research institute represents a group of people standing at the top, their research is related to the interests of all.

The people of the Li family, when they heard Liu Yuan say so, their faces became ugly.

They also know that it is almost impossible to know the information about core technology in Liu Yuan's mouth.

"Mr. Liu, don't you really think about it? No matter what the conditions are, the Li family will promise you." the Li family continued, trying to win over Liu Yuan with some interests and let Liu Yuan say it.

But this is obviously impossible. Liu Yuan can get whatever he wants now without the help of the Li family.

In that case, why do you want to be the traitor?

"Well, don't say it. It's absolutely impossible, and I won't say a word more." Liu Yuan said firmly. At a glance, he knew that it was impossible to step back in this matter.

Since it's impossible to step back, I'm sure I won't say one more word.

Seeing Liu Yuan now, they knew that it was impossible to get news from Liu Yuan.

Since it is soft, it must be an exception.

Only the Li family knows what to do.

After all, in some things, the Li family can do anything.

In that case, what else can Liu Yuan do? Can only continue to pretend to be very calm.

Originally, Liu Yuan knew that the Li family's appointment with him must be nothing good.

They certainly want to do it for themselves. Liu Yuan doesn't know how to do it.

"Since Mr. Liu, you have made such a choice, we have no choice. I can't see the Li family destroyed in your hands." the Li family said very seriously, as if it had made a big decision.

Hearing him say this, Liu Yuan is also very speechless. This kind of thing has something to do with himself.

However, the people of the Li family think so, and Liu Yuan can't refute anything.

Because Liu Yuan knows that as long as the people of the Li family feel that this matter has something to do with themselves, they will always think so, and they must fight against themselves.

Since he already knows the result, what else should Liu Yuan say?

"I don't know Mr. Li, what do you want to do with me?" Liu Yuan frowned, looked at the Mr. Li with deep meaning and asked seriously.

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