Rebirth 2004

Chapter 864

Liu Yuan was shocked to see that the two men were so powerful.

How many masters are there in the Li family? Liu Yuan is very curious.

But now Liu Yuan has no time to think about these problems. He must solve this problem as soon as possible.

If they catch him, he may have to explain here.

The Li family killed themselves here. It's impossible for anyone else to know.

Although the Li family is not as strong as before, but the rotten ships have three Jin nails, and their strength is still very strong.

"Don't make unnecessary resistance here. It's useless," said Li.

In his eyes, Liu Yuan must be dead this time. No one can save him.

Hearing what Master Li said, Liu Yuan was very upset.

Before they caught themselves, they thought they must be dead.

I don't know who gave Master Li this confidence. He is so confident.

Especially just now, Liu Yuan had heard something outside.

Obviously, Liu Yuan knew someone rushed in outside.

As for who it is, Liu Yuan is not very clear. But as long as they come to help themselves, they are their friends.

The leader of the Li family is also very clear about what happened outside.

I was also a little nervous. I was afraid that people outside would rush in.

If the things here were known by outsiders, the Li family would be in more trouble.

It's very possible that the whole Li family will collapse directly, so he must make a quick decision.

However, Liu Yuan is not a vegetarian. At this time, Liu Yuan's combat effectiveness was revealed.

Mr. Li didn't expect that Liu Yuan was so powerful that he could last so long.

I knew Liu Yuan was so powerful, so he arranged two more experts.

But it has reached this point, and even his regret has no effect.

Since it has happened, it must be able to say more.

With the transfer of time, Liu Yuan has no way.

Because Liu Yuan has felt that his body is very tired and won't last long.

If people outside don't rush in quickly, they must be unlucky.

"Hum! Do you know what you're doing?" a voice came from outside.

Liu Yuan, the owner of this voice, is very familiar with the middle-aged man.

I didn't expect that the middle-aged man would come here in person at this time.

No one knows the identity of this middle-aged man.

Even Liu Yuan is not very clear, but he knows that his level is very high.

With his action, he can certainly solve the things here.

And when Li heard the voice outside, he couldn't help frowning.

But he didn't think who the man outside was, and he shot at this time.

"You do it quickly and kill this guy quickly," said master Li.

He has only one idea now, that is to kill Liu Yuan quickly.

As long as Liu Yuan is dead, everything is easy to say and can be explained.

If Liu Yuan can't die, the matter will be more troublesome.

Hearing what leader Li said, his two men immediately used greater strength.

Liu Yuan was surprised that their strength was so strong.

Liu Yuan is almost desperate. How can he resist them when they deal with themselves together?

But thinking of Cheng Ying, Liu Yuan knew that he must stick to it.

If you hang up at this time, you must be very unwilling.

After all, his child has not seen it until now. How can he be reconciled?

The fighting outside is getting louder and louder. Obviously, there are many people outside.

As for the war situation outside, it is impossible for people here to know.

Even Liu Yuan can't guess what's going on outside.

However, Liu Yuan believes that as long as he continues to insist for a while, he can certainly wait until they rush in.

As long as they rush in, they will be safe.

"Bang!" when Liu Yuan couldn't escape for a moment, he was hit in the chest and the whole person was hit and flew.

A mouthful of blood could not help but gush directly from Liu Yuan's mouth. He had been seriously injured.

The combat effectiveness is not much, and will soon die here.

And he also saw the two men approaching him step by step, trying to kill themselves.

Facing these two people, Liu Yuan knew that he was definitely not an opponent.

I was very unwilling. I never thought that I would die in the hands of both of them.

"Hum!" you still want to kill with me here?

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded at this time.

Hearing this sound, Liu Yuan couldn't help showing an excited expression on his face.

Because he is the owner of this voice, he has saved Liu Yuan several times.

This man is the mysterious old man. He appeared decisively at this time.

Seeing an old man suddenly appear, everyone present was frightened.

I don't know where the old man rushed out, and it was a war.

Directly hit one of them, fell directly to the ground and vomited blood.

"Who are you?" Mr. Li asked solemnly, staring at the old man.

Up to now, he also knows that the old man who suddenly appeared is very powerful.

Moreover, Master Li vaguely felt that the old man seemed a little familiar. As for where he had met, he couldn't remember for a moment, but master Li was sure that he had met him before.

"Master Li, do you know what you are doing?" the old man stared at Master Li and said faintly.

The old man is also very angry now and wants to do it directly.

But he didn't do it because he had his own ideas.

Hearing the old man's words, Mr. Li frowned more tightly.

"Do you know the identity of Liu Yuan? Do you think you are looking for death if you do it to him?" the old man continued.

When the old man smoked these words, a strong breath of energy appeared on him.

Even Mr. Li felt a little pressure and didn't know what the old man meant.

"Don't you know that even your Li family is not qualified to move Liu Yuan?" the old man said very domineering.

If someone else said such a thing, Mr. Li would not believe it.

But if these words were spoken in the old man's mouth, it would be different.

"Who the hell are you?" Li continued to ask the same question.

Now he just wants to know what the identity of this mysterious old man is. How can he have a familiar feeling?

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