Rebirth 2004

Chapter 872

Hearing mei'er's words, Liu Yuan immediately looked at her a little strangely.

She was really full of charm at a glance with her name.

Such people must not be together often, otherwise they will make mistakes.

Liu Yuan felt that his self-control was very good, but he was still excited.

Cheng Ying on one side feels dangerous. This is definitely not a simple woman.

What's more, Cheng Ying already felt that she came here for Liu Yuan.

What is the attraction of Liu Yuan? Let her come here in person.

In fact, this problem is not only that Cheng Ying feels very confused, but also that Liu Yuan is very confused.

Liu Yuan is sure that he doesn't know this man.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't know what to say.

What makes Liu Yuan feel very depressed is that mei'er has been staring at herself now.

Even if they think they have nothing to do with mei'er, others don't believe it.

Especially Cheng Ying, she was already jealous.

At this time, as long as a normal woman will be jealous.

But Cheng Ying didn't say much because mei'er's identity was a little special.

She is actually the Secretary of the president of Tianshen group, which is a very high position.

The president must be very powerful and has the decision-making power in Tianshen group.

But Liu Yuan was curious. Why did she come to find herself?

"Then I don't know Secretary mei'er. What do you want me for?" Liu Yuan asked directly.

Some things, Liu Yuan still think it's better to speak directly, so as not to misunderstand all the time.

Liu Yuan doesn't want to be misunderstood all the time! Especially in front of his wife.

Now Liu Yuan has only one idea, that is, to find out the purpose of her coming here.

Liu Yuan doesn't think her two goals are to really talk about business. She should have other purposes.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, mei'er couldn't help showing that seductive smile on her face.

Liu Yuan looked at it and felt that he was a little stunned. Mei'er's power was too great.

"I was also entrusted to see you. Now I see it." mei'er said seriously.

Meier is not joking. The reason why she came here to meet Liu Yuan was entrusted by others.

As for who entrusted it, mei'er certainly wouldn't say more.

But vaguely, Liu Yuan had guessed who it was.

The president must be the only one who can let the president secretary do it himself.

Liu Yuan is more curious about the president of Tianshen group. Why do you come here to see yourself?

"I don't know. Can you tell me who entrusted you?" Liu Yuan asked.

Although Liu Yuan knows the answer, Liu Yuan still needs to confirm it again.

Hearing Liu Yuan asking such a question, mei'er's smile became more prosperous.

"Now that you know the answer, why do you ask such a stupid question?" mei'er said.

When mei'er said this, Liu Yuan immediately felt a little embarrassed.

Indeed, since I already know the answer, why ask this question?

"Seeing you is just one of them. I'm here to talk about cooperation with you." mei'er continued.

If someone else said such words at this time, Liu Yuan would not believe it.

But this is the president's secretary. Liu Yuan must know how to face it.

Liu Yuan is also very concerned about their cooperation.

So far, they have not discussed specific cooperation issues.

Now is a good opportunity. Liu Yuan will certainly not miss this opportunity easily.

"I don't know how your God Group will cooperate with us?" Liu Yuan asked directly.

Liu Yuan still hasn't guessed what Tianshen group means.

Therefore, this issue must be put forward by the God group itself, so as to better negotiate.

"It seems that you really listen to cunning, very good!" said the mei'er.

It seems that he appreciates Liu Yuan very much, which makes Liu Yuan feel very helpless.

Now Liu Yuan doesn't say much anymore, because he knows that if he says one more word, he will misunderstand.

Liu Yuan really admired mei'er's means.

In particular, I felt that Cheng Ying was beginning to be very unhappy, and Liu Yuan was a little scared.

It was originally a misunderstanding that he had something to do with Liu Ruoxue. Liu Yuan didn't know how to explain it.

Now, Liu Yuan is even more unlikely to know how to explain.

This kind of thing can't be explained clearly, and I don't know how to solve it.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't know what to say.

In this world, many people are like this. They are misunderstood for no reason.

"In fact, the meaning of our president is very simple. As long as you think it is appropriate, our God Group will certainly agree." mei'er said directly and said the meaning of the president.

Sure enough, she came here as the president of Tianshen group.

As for the president of Tianshen group, why did he let his secretary come to Liu Yuan? Only they know.

Liu Yuan and Cheng Ying will never guess why. After all, they are not immortals.

Hearing this, Cheng Ying's face looked better.

But Liu Yuan is still very confused. Why did the president of Tianshen group help himself?

Are they really interested in the potential of Liu's group? But this is also impossible.

Because Liu Yuan himself knows how great the potential of Liu's group is.

"I don't know. You must meet me. Is that what your president means?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking.

If this is the true meaning of the president of Tianshen group, Liu Yuan doesn't know what to say.

How can people of the God group take a fancy to their identity?

"Yes! The president arranged for me to come here, and made me have to come here to see you." mei'er said very seriously. She knew at a glance that she was not joking with herself.

However, mei'er's words have shocked Liu Yuan. She doesn't know what to say.

It turned out that the president of Tianshen group specially asked people to see him.

A very bold idea appeared in Liu Yuan's mind, but it was soon thrown out of Liu Yuan's mind.

This is almost impossible. How can it happen to them?

"You're really good. We'll all be very satisfied." mei'er suddenly stared at Liu Yuan and said to Liu Yuan very seriously.

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