Rebirth 2004

Chapter 882

How could she give herself a sense of familiarity? Have you seen her before.

I was very curious and wanted to ask directly.

But Liu Yuan did not do so because Liu Yuan knew that it was very impolite.

On the other side, Cheng Ying looked at Liu Yuan nervously.

Liu Yuan is even more curious. Does this middle-aged woman have any great identity?

"Hello, I'm Liu Yuan. I don't know who you are?" Liu Yuan still couldn't help asking.

Liu Yuan looked expectantly at the middle-aged woman and wanted to know the answer.

But unfortunately, there is nothing different in the face of this middle-aged woman.

And she didn't continue to say this. Obviously, she didn't want to answer Liu Yuan's question.

Since she doesn't want to answer her question, Liu Yuan can't continue to ask.

"Yes, it's really good. You've grown up," said the middle-aged woman.

Hearing her words, Liu Yuan became more curious. What does she mean by this?

Even Cheng Ying on one side was a little curious. It was like what an elder said to his younger generation.

Is Liu Yuan his younger generation? Cheng Ying thinks so.

Liu Yuan has been constantly recalling whether she exists in his own memory.

Unfortunately, in Liu Yuan's memory, there is no memory of the middle-aged woman at all.

"Did we know each other before?" Liu Yuan asked again.

Since she can give herself a sense of familiarity, she must have seen it before.

As for when he met, Liu Yuan is not very clear.

Hearing Liu Yuan's question, the middle-aged woman still looked at Liu Yuan with deep eyes.

With a deep smile in his mouth, he didn't say his identity.

This makes Liu Yuan even more unhappy. He really wants to swear directly.

But Liu Yuan thought in his heart that he could not do such a thing.

"I'm here mainly to see you," said the middle-aged woman.

Hearing what she said, Liu Yuan became more and more curious.

I don't know her. Why did she come here to see herself?

Even Cheng Ying couldn't help asking, "did we know each other before?"

Cheng Ying is also asking this question, which makes the middle-aged woman want to laugh.

But she still didn't say who she was, or she was hiding it.

"You and I must have met before and lived together," said the middle-aged woman, staring at Liu Yuan.

The middle-aged woman looked at Liu Yuan with deep meaning. She didn't know what to say when she got Liu Yuan.

But in Liu Yuan's heart, he was shocked. What's going on?

Why is this? Did you really know her before.

But if I knew her before, why didn't I have any impression?

He ignored Liu Yuan's shock and turned his attention to Cheng Ying.

"We're still

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