Rebirth 2004

Chapter 904

Now the boss of the devil group seems to have changed another person, with incomparable strength.

It was a monster because his eyes looked a little scary.

A normal person can't have such eyes at all.

A pair of blood red eyes, as long as a normal person sees this scene, he will feel afraid.

Liu Yuan also felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet. It was really scary.

"What the hell is going on?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking.

Liu Yuan is very curious about the change of this guy.

Naturally, this question is to be asked, and the object of the question is his father, Liu Neng.

Liu Yuan doesn't know what's going on. He always thinks Liu can know about it.

Hearing Liu Yuan's question, Liu Neng frowned.

Indeed, he knows some secrets about this matter.

But Liu Neng didn't know whether he wanted to tell Liu Yuan about it. After all, it's ridiculous.

Under normal circumstances, people in the world will not believe these things.

When Liu Yuan saw that Liu could show this expression, he knew that he must know something.

I was very curious and wanted to know about it.

"If you know anything, just tell me directly! I really want to know," Liu Yuan said again.

Looking forward to Liu Yuan, waiting for Liu Neng's answer.

Feeling Liu Yuan's eyes, Liu Neng is also a little contradictory.

After thinking about it, I decided to tell Liu Yuan about it once.

But now is not the best time to say this.

Because the devil like man has fixed his eyes on them and approached them.

"We'd better get out of here now! Otherwise we'll probably explain here," Liu Neng said.

Liu Neng is very clear about the devil like man in front of him.

Having been an opponent for so many years, he naturally knows this guy's means.

If he catches him, his fate must be worse than death.

Hearing Liu Neng's words, Liu Yuan also knew that this matter was not so easy to solve.

It's obviously impossible to kill this guy.

Now there is only one idea, that is, get out of here quickly.

It's not a simple thing to leave here. After all, this is the headquarters of the devil group.

"Do you want to escape now? Do you think it's possible?" the devil's voice sounded at this time.

As time passed, they didn't know what to say.

Because at this time, Liu Yuan still has some ideas of his own.

And Liu Neng looked at each other, as if they had the same agreement.

Straight to the devil like man, but they didn't rush up to fight that guy.

Liu Yuan, their purpose is very simple. They just want to leave here.

Just like now, they just leave here safely, which is the ultimate goal.

Seeing this, the devil like man couldn't help but show a cruel smile on his face.

Obviously, he already knew Liu Yuan's intention and what to do.

Since two people can't catch it, it's also very good to catch one of them.

Originally, Liu Yuan thought he was going to do something to Liu Neng, but he saw him shooting at himself.

I was very surprised. I didn't seem to understand what was going on.

But Liu Yuan will not wait to die. He must avoid it.

Seeing this scene, Liu Neng was very surprised.

He certainly couldn't have watched Liu Yuan get caught and shot him quickly.

He rushed directly at the devil like man and wanted to kill this guy.

There are others here. They don't dare to do it now.

And they will lose almost all their combat effectiveness and can't help.

"Hurry up! Why are you rushing here?" Liu Yuan couldn't help saying.

Seeing Liu Neng rush over, Liu Yuan was a little surprised and hurriedly stopped him.

As long as one person can escape, it's also very good.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Liu Neng is sure that he will not escape. This is his own son!

Anyway, he wants to save people, even if he loses his own life.

"What nonsense are you talking about here? Will I leave you here?" Liu Neng said.

Liu Neng is also very serious at this time. He must solve this matter.,

And Liu Neng knows that the reason why Liu Yuan appears here is probably to save himself.

Hearing Liu Neng's words, Liu Yuan wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

In this matter, we must think of ways.

"Ha ha... You don't have to fight. People here today can't escape." said the devil like man.

Since he did it today, he certainly won't let anyone escape.

Because things here will be troublesome if they are known by others.

So there is only one way to keep other people from knowing the secrets here, that is, to keep people here silent.

Hearing the words of the devil, everyone present felt incomparable fear.

Because there are already several corpses here, which are the masterpiece of this devil like man.

When he killed, he hardly hesitated.

Obviously, he has done this kind of killing many times.

But this is also very normal, otherwise his world-class business empire will not be so smooth.

"You hold on first and I'll open the door." Liu Yuan said suddenly.

With that, Liu Yuan rushed directly to the front and wanted to open the door.

As long as the door is open, some people can escape first.

As long as someone can escape, it's a good thing.

Although Liu Yuan doesn't know whether the people here will tell the secrets here, Liu Yuan must do so.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, the devil like man's face changed and rushed to the door to stop Liu Yuan.

As soon as he had this action, he was stopped by a figure.

It's Liu Neng. At this time, Liu Neng is sure to make a move.

If you don't do it at this time, the people here must explain here.

Others here, naturally aware of the consequences, have shot.

Although their combat effectiveness is very weak now, they still have to hold on.

As long as Liu Yuan opened the door, they could leave.

This door is not an ordinary door that ordinary people can open. Now we can only put our hope on Liu Yuan.

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