Rebirth 2004

Chapter 934

Now Liu Yuan has only one idea, which is to get rid of this dangerous guy quickly.

If he continues to be here, he will certainly do some dangerous things.

This is not what Liu Yuan wants to see, so he must know something.

This guy must have something to say to himself when he says these words at this time.

So Liu Yuan is not anxious. Just wait here.

Anything can be known directly in this guy's mouth.

Liu Yuan always felt that this guy must know a lot of things.

He should have known a lot about the jumper.

If you want to know something about the jumper, you must know it in his mouth.

Liu Yuan also asked Liu Neng about the jumper before.

But unfortunately, in Liu Neng's words, Liu Yuan doesn't know much.

Liu Yuan also knows that Liu Neng is not hiding.

But Liu Neng really didn't know much about the jumper, so it was useless to ask.

"About our walkers, it is the product of the development of science and technology in the future." the guy directly said what he knew.

And there was a strange expression on his face.

Seeing his expression, Liu Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

I couldn't help thinking of a possibility, a possibility about his identity.

Finally, Liu Yuan couldn't help but directly asked, "you didn't appear in that era, did you?"

Originally, Liu Yuan was just guessing, not sure.

But seeing this guy look at Liu Yuan with deep eyes, he nodded directly.

He said, "you're right. I came here at that time."

After hearing him say such words, Liu Yuan was very surprised.

But soon, Liu Yuan was relieved. It was possible that he could have that identity, which belonged to that era.

"In fact, the crossing equipment is not perfect," the guy said again.

This time he said these words, Liu Yuan was really frightened.

These devices are not completely perfect. How can a person walk through them?

I was very curious, but Liu Yuan didn't say much.

Because Liu Yuan knows one thing, his crossing here is a little different from that of others.

Because Liu Yuan's soul crossed here, and they crossed the whole body.

Liu Yuan himself is not very clear about the reason.

But what Liu Yuan knows is that Liu Neng is probably the same as the guy in front of him.

"Why? Aren't you a little surprised?" seeing Liu Yuan so calm, the guy couldn't help asking.

This guy is also curious about some things.

He always felt that Liu Yuan was a little unusual. As for what was unusual, he himself was not very clear.

But what he knows is that if he wants to go back, he must have Liu Yuan's help.

Hearing this guy's words, Liu Yuan couldn't help laughing.

If you are very surprised at such things, you don't have to be surprised all the time.

"I haven't seen these things before. What do you think I want?" Liu Yuan said.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, the guy didn't say much.

Because he knew what Liu Yuan said was true, it was useless even if he was nervous.

"By the way, since you said that the equipment is not perfect, how did you come here? How did you realize your crossing?" Liu Yuan couldn't help but ask his doubts directly.

Hearing Liu Yuan's question, many people are very curious.

Hearing Liu Yuan's question, his face couldn't help showing a thinking expression.

Liu Yuan didn't say much either. Let him think about it here.

After all, as long as this thing is a normal person, I don't know how to answer it.

"So now this equipment has a defect. In an era, there can be no other piercers, and there can only be one piercer in an era." the guy said seriously.

It turned out to be such a thing. Now Liu Yuan finally knows.

But even if you know, Liu Yuan has no way, because Liu Yuan himself can't change anything.

"Then you say that if the equipment is perfect, there will be no such problem?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking.

Liu Yuan was very curious about the crossing equipment.

I can't wait to develop a perfect equipment now, so it won't be so troublesome.

But getting such a device is not a simple thing.

At least Liu Yuan doesn't have this ability now and can't do it at all.

"In theory, it's impossible to have such a problem," the guy thought for a while and said.

This guy is not sure about this.

That's why he used the word "if" directly. After all, he's not sure.

Hearing this guy's words, Liu Yuan was also very helpless.

Since it is uncertain, Liu Yuan will certainly not try.

"Is there any other function of this crossing device?" Liu Yuan asked.

Liu Yuan is very interested in this crossing equipment.

Refining body doesn't think that this equipment that will pass through has no other functions.

As for the function, they probably need to know.

Other people are not qualified to know this matter at all. They must study it carefully.

"There should be. I'm not sure about this, but there's a function I can tell you about. This device can take people and travel infinitely." the guy continued.

Originally, they were very surprised, but Liu Yuan was even more surprised when he heard his words.

The words "infinite crossing" have frightened Liu Yuan.

If someone else said these words, Liu Yuan must have thought he was bragging and wouldn't believe it.

But Liu Yuan couldn't believe it even if he said such words in his mouth.

Because the man in front of him is a transgressor, and he is still a man of that era.

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking.

For this news, Liu Yuan is incredible.

He still didn't believe it. After all, if he had this ability, it would be too scary.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to cheat you? If you appear in that era, you will know whether I'm cheating you." the guy said helplessly.

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