Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 458 Top Scientist, But Didn’t Graduate a Bachelor’s Degree

In Shanghai, Yuting Dihao Business XX.

While someone was making toys for his girlfriend, someone was also frowning.

In the small room inside the secret door at the end, Zhang Xin was holding a cigarette and looking at the information in his hand irritably.

Pieces of A4 paper, some with industrial and commercial registration information, and some with copies of ID cards.

There are also business licenses, account opening certificates, and tax registration certificates.

"Meiri Fresh Vegetable Agriculture Co., Ltd."

Haha, the name is exactly like that.

Zhang Xin crushed the half-burned cigarette into the ashtray beside him.

The wreckage in the ashtray almost formed a tower, making people feel like they had no idea where to start and they didn't want to touch it.

The agricultural company Du Quan registered under his name has been completed very quickly.

A woman named Xia Mei, whom he had never met before, took him through the entire process. All the procedures were very smooth and the documents were complete. All procedures were completed within two days. Du Quan had obviously been preparing for a long time.

Zhang Xin is like a puppet on strings, constantly stamping, signing, and going to industrial and commercial units for real-name authentication.

The more he does this kind of thing, the more uneasy he becomes

While I was getting irritated, a beeping sound suddenly sounded outside the secret door. The secret door of this office was locked with a code. This sound meant that someone was entering.

There are not many people who know the password, and there is only one person who will come in without asking.

Zhang Xin randomly took the information and put it aside, pretending to be checking his cell phone.

Du Quan walked in and said with a smile: "Come to the store so early? It seems that you will still benefit from your break from school."

Zhang Xin seemed to have realized what he was doing. He got up and boiled water for Du Quan to make tea. He said, "Brother entrusted the store to me. Of course, I must manage it well."

Du Quan sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette. Seeing the overflowing ashtray, he said, "Why don't you ask someone to clean it?"

Zhang Xin poured tea leaves in his hand and said: "I clean it every day, but I have been addicted to smoking recently."

Du Quan chatted for a while and said, "Axin, you may have to help me on a business trip tomorrow. It's about fresh vegetables from the United States and Japan."

"Tell me, if you have anything to tell me, I'll do it."

"Over in Zhejiang Province, I'm going to buy a stake in a private agricultural machinery company. You can help me go there. The negotiations have been completed. Regarding the equity transfer, I need you to show up. Just go with Xia Mei. She Will tell you what to do.”

Zhang Xin's brows trembled slightly.

“Okay Du Ge”

The Agricultural Machinery Club is getting weirder and weirder

Du Quan didn't seem to notice Zhang Xin's dissatisfaction and didn't stay much. After explaining the matter, he picked up his handbag and left.

When leaving, he said intentionally or unintentionally: "This store is well managed. The revenue is increasing every month. You used to get 10%, but later it will be 30%. Work hard."

Zhang Xin stared blankly at the closed secret door, unable to recover for a long time.

From 10% to 30%, based on the current profit of the store, the minimum guarantee is 200,000 a month.

Zhang Xin let out a deep breath.

I don't know what's going on in my mind.

After waiting for a few minutes.

Carefully lift up the metal ashtray and pull out a lighter-sized piece of recording equipment from the bottom.


Monday, smart building.

Zhou Rui is listening to Gan Yuan's report.

"The second batch of the Spirit Bird series has a total of 300,000 units. BYAT has delivered 200,000 units and 150,000 units have been sold out. This is the table I have compiled. Please take a look at it, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Rui picked up the sales summary and glanced at it.

According to his previous request, the online part was sold to 10,000 units per day, and the offline part was unlimited. The sales data increased sharply.

On average, all online parts are sold out every day, and offline stores sell about 2,000-3,000 units in a single day.

This means that enlightened wisdom, single-day sales have reached a very scary number.

As Enlightenment Intelligence continues to make news on the Internet, including photography contests, light shows, smart building renovations, etc., the second batch of large-scale supply has not only not alleviated the situation of short supply, but also has a tendency to deepen.

Since some e-commerce sales can be checked and offline parts can also be estimated, such a strong ability to attract money has attracted more and more people's attention.

"Enlightened intelligence" began to appear more frequently in various media pages.

Gan Yuan handed over a newspaper: "This is from last week, do you want to read it?"

Zhou Rui glanced at it and frowned slightly.

"The youngest billionaire, Zhou Rui's drone business map"

Zhou Rui is not interested: "Don't read it, it's all nonsense."

Gan Yuan could only take it back with a smile.

I came here specially, and I originally thought the boss would be happy.

"In the future, there is no need to read positive reports. Anyone who sees this kind of thing is too narcissistic. If it is a negative report, you can pay attention to it. These are all public relations crises."

Gan Yuan nodded heavily, feeling a little guilty. She was still too superficial and could not catch up with her boss's advanced spiritual level.

Zhou Rui said: "I heard your data just now. Is it time for the third batch of orders to be placed with BYD?"

Zhou Rui has a general interest in the purely commercial field, and his first two order quantities and sales strategies were relatively casual.

Now that "Enlightenment Intelligence" has expanded its manpower and has professional personnel in charge, Zhou Rui feels that he should stop making decisions on his own and leave it to the people below to make judgments. He only needs to make decisions.

"Let's have a meeting on the fifth floor in the afternoon and listen to their suggestions. The third batch of orders, including the next round of sales strategies, should also expand the number of offline stores."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

After Gan Yuan left, Zhou Rui turned on the computer and checked another thing.

He logged into the mailbox he hadn't used for a long time, and inside it was the graduation thesis instructions sent to him by Deng Xiaonan.

At the end of this semester, he will face a series of intensive final exams specially set for him.

After everything is over, he will end his undergraduate career, so he will also need an undergraduate thesis.

Although he has been on the road of scientific research for a long time and has many black technologies that can shock the academic world, in the conventional sense, papers that meet the format requirements and review rules

Actually I haven't written it.

He didn't want to. He had also imagined that he would write an article on "Nature" on his left hand and "Science" on his right hand.

However, after the first result of his scientific research career, he made himself a confidential figure, and then he stopped thinking about writing papers to show off.

To be precise, he is not a mainstream researcher and has been following his own pace.

As for the graduation thesis from the previous life?

So what you need to rely on for the defense will be forgotten the moment you get your diploma, okay?

His mentors remembered him better than him, because during the defense, in order to let Zhou Rui pass, the mentor talked with other scholars, called a deer a horse, confused right and wrong, and acted in a pretentious manner.

That is to say, both of them are men, otherwise there would have been some bad rumors in the school at that time.

In this life, he planned to write carefully. After all, he was so famous now, and his graduation thesis was compulsorily disclosed, and there was a high probability that it would be discovered in the future.

Even if he fooled him casually, his alma mater would give him a pass, but he couldn't afford to embarrass this person.

Zhou Rui is very confident about his current level. He doesn't need undergraduate-level papers for a day. They are all pediatrics.

Then I checked online and found that my face was getting darker and darker.

What is the font size for the title, what is the font size for the table of contents, what is the font size for the date, and even where it should be centered and where it should be bolded

How many parts does a paper have, what content must be contained in each part, and what fonts and symbols must be used for each content.

What is the line spacing between major items and small items?

Is it so complicated?

As he watched, Zhou Rui gradually recalled painful memories from his previous life when he was writing his undergraduate thesis, and the dead memories were attacking him.

I vaguely remember being beaten back fourteen times by my mentor.

Nine times were due to formatting and five times were due to duplication checking.

Otherwise, why would the instructor be quarreling with other scholars because of him, leaving his colleagues speechless?

I just don’t want to torture each other anymore.

Damn it feels so troublesome, why not let Wu Huamin write it for you?

After sighing, Zhou Rui honestly downloaded the various formatting rules. He was just joking about ghostwriting. He was not worried about leaving it to Wu Huamin.

After checking the time, Zhou Rui got up and arrived at the fifth floor when the meeting time arranged by Gan Yuan came.

Compared with the headquarters on the sixth floor, which only has about ten people, the fifth floor is much more lively. As the business volume continues to increase, "Enlightened Intelligence" has been expanded to continue to increase, and the fourth and third floors will gradually be opened.

Robotic dogs shuttled between desks carrying documents, information, and milk tea. There were also some guide drones flying in the sky. There was a ball on everyone's desk, either standing quietly or rolling. Roll around

Zhou Rui smiled slightly. The sixth floor was still too deserted. Only the fifth floor fully demonstrated the transformation results of the "intelligent building".

When they saw the big boss coming down, the employees greeted him one after another. They were not anxious or nervous, but showed respect and intimacy from the bottom of their hearts.

If a boss wants to gain support, he must either be extremely powerful or extremely generous.

Zhou Rui has both.

Walking towards the largest conference room, when passing by a small conference room, Zhou Rui saw a young man sitting upright inside, who seemed to be undergoing an interview.

But my secret eyes have been looking at the mechanical dogs, drones, and even the balls on the table outside the conference room.

Zhou Rui thought to himself that for ordinary job seekers, they would probably be sweating when they see all the "intelligent buildings" when they walk in the door.

The job applicant glanced at Zhou Rui out of the corner of his eye, narrowed his eyes, and seemed to recognize him. Then he froze and knocked over the disposable paper cup on the table.

Zhou Rick resisted the urge to laugh out loud, waved his hand to indicate that he should concentrate on the interview, and then walked into the large conference room.

With the prospects and benefits of "enlightened intelligence", and the magic of smart buildings.

It can be said that it is a dream target company for job seekers from all walks of life.

There are only two updates today.

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