Back home, Ye Ming immediately washed and changed clothes skillfully, and then went to see the two babies.

Recently, because of his work, because of his quietness, and because of the Qiu family, he really didn't have time to see them, and he couldn't think about it.

Cuiwei seemed to really recognize Ye Ming, and immediately smiled when she saw him, and stretched out two small arms for him to hug.

Yun Fei grinned and said hello.

Hua Zhao watched it strangely from the side, the child has only been a little over a hundred days, and he recognized him? It's also too fast.

But they don't know how much energy they absorb when they are in her stomach, and it is not surprising that they are smart.

As long as they don't have superpowers, she's fine with them.

Really superpowers... She is also very happy, but she is afraid that others will be scared.

Wen Jing sat on the sofa and didn't lean towards the child. Seeing her mother-in-law looking at her, she lowered her head and explained, "I have a rash, so I won't go. Don't let them get sick."

Miao Lanzhi was still staring at her face and frowned: "I haven't seen you for a few days, why is it serious again? Have you seen a doctor?"

In fact, I was so angry, don't come if you know you're sick, who knows if it's not contagious! If she had an inexplicable pimple on her face, she would definitely not come here!

Children are too fragile, even a small herpes can kill her, she dare not take any risks.

If it weren't for the fear that she would not look good in face, she would want to drive her away now.

Ye Ming actually knew that, and remembered it halfway through... Wen Jing was determined not to see a doctor or tell him what she ate, and he was not sure whether the pustules on her face were contagious.

So he washed his hands several times just now and changed his clothes from the inside out.

Fortunately, he kept his old clothes in his wing.

Wen Jing is actually very sensitive. Her mother-in-law clearly cares about her, but secretly dislikes her. She can tell.

And Ye Ming just washed his hands over and over again... The hatred in his heart was rolling like never before!

It was really because of the child that Hua Zhaohe gave birth to, she fell into the mud and was nothing!

But she had to maintain her last dignity.

She whispered: "I have seen the doctor, and the doctor said it is seasonal allergies."

"When can I see it? In which hospital?" Ye Ming asked immediately. I asked her yesterday and said no.

"This morning, I showed the school doctor at the unit. You know, he has good medical skills." Wen Jing said.

Ye Ming was noncommittal, he didn't believe it, but he didn't question it.

Wen Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

But the atmosphere in the room was silent and depressed, and she couldn't stay any longer.

"Actually, I have something to do in the afternoon. I asked for leave. Now that I'm fine, I'll go back to work first. I'll see the child another day when I'm better." Wen Jing said and stood up.

Miao Lanzhi immediately said, "If you have something to do, hurry up, or you will get off work in a while."

Ye Ming thought about it and said, "Be careful on the road."

I didn't even keep her, and I didn't even pretend... let alone go with her...

Wen Jing pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying and left quickly.

After leaving the courtyard, her palms had been pinched by her, and blood fell on the ground drop by drop.

If you look closely, the blood turns out to be dark red, not fresh at all.

"What happened to her? What did she eat?" Miao Lanzhi asked Ye Ming.

"I don't know, she doesn't say it." Ye Ming sighed.

"Really, are you still eating now? Otherwise, why is it getting worse? You really have to take her to see a doctor, so that nothing serious happens." Miao Lanzhi said.

Although she doesn't like Wen Jing, she also doesn't want her to be in trouble. That was his son's wife, and he wanted to marry him back then.

"I'll take her there tomorrow." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao sat there and pointed fingers, do you want to help?


Ye Shu came out of the backstage and was stopped.

Ma Guoqing stood there with a large handful of flowers in his hands, and when he saw her, he rushed over with a smirk and stuffed the flowers into her arms.

"I didn't expect you to sing so well!" Ma Guoqing said in surprise.

Ye Shu looked at the flower, looked at him, looked at the flower, so, this is?

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