Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 495: She is also pregnant!

Wen Jing was crying.

Ye Ming held the test sheet and was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

Does he finally have a child of his own?

"Congratulations," said the doctor who examined it.

Both of them are in their 30s and haven't given birth to a child yet, but now they suddenly have it. It's normal to be happy.

"Doctor, is this test accurate?" Ye Ming asked.

At this time, there is no early pregnancy test strip, and the hospital checks early pregnancy by blood test, which is more accurate.

"It's definitely accurate. Although her value is not high, it exceeds the normal level. It must be pregnant." The doctor asked Wen Jing's last menstrual period again.

Wen Jing just remembered that she was 10 days late this month.

But she was always inaccurate before, either early or late, especially after taking medicine recently, it was even more chaotic, and she didn't care.

"Then it will take about 40 days. Go back and wait. If there is no discomfort or bleeding, check again in 3 months." The doctor said.

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor!" Ye Ming thanked repeatedly.

And Wen Jing was already stupid, and was dragged home by him in a daze.

Back home, Ye Ming was still very happy, and told her to go to bed quickly and lay down, and he went to cook something delicious for her.

Wen Jing watched the gentle husband from the past come back, happy and excited, and then began to cry.

She finally came to the rescue!

Ye Ming hurried over to comfort him.


The whole family got the good news that day.

Hua Zhao's heart fell, she didn't have to worry about helping or not, she had it herself.

This is a good thing, the big brother finally has an aftermath.

Miao Lanzhi happily wanted to burn incense, but the family did not offer these, nor dared to offer it. It was only 77 years ago, and the ghosts and snakes just disappeared.

She excitedly bowed to the west, and she also hoped that her eldest son would be well.

Ye Zhenguo and Ye Mao were very happy.

The only unhappy one is Zhou Lihua.

"It's really good for her to have it." Zhou Lihua remembered something, and suddenly snorted, Wen Jing's ability must be attributed to Qiu Mei before.

Mouth owes!

And this credit, she can't take it on herself now.


At this time, in Xijing, thousands of miles away, another person got the doctor's test sheet, which showed that she was pregnant.

Qiu Mei looked at the list in her hand, surprised and happy, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Her menstruation has always been normal. When the day did not come, she immediately came to check the next day, and she did!

I don't know if God is helping her or hurting her.

Qiu Mei went home with the checklist and asked her parents for their opinion.

They knew everything anyway, so she didn't need to hide it.

The Qiu family's opinions are also not unified.

"Let's go to the Ye family now! Let them be in charge!" Mother Qiu said happily.

Father Qiu shook his head: "What if they don't recognize the child?"

"Why don't they recognize it?" Mother Qiu said angrily.

Father Qiu glared at Qiu Mei: "It's not her duty!"

Qiu Mei's face was flushed, ashamed and angry.

If the previous gods failed, it was all her fault!

"If the Ye family insists that this child is not theirs, what will we do?" Father Qiu said.

Mother Qiu was speechless.

Just once, they left, and now they say that this child belongs to Ye Xing, if it wasn't for their daughter, they wouldn't believe it.

"Then what do we do now?" Mother Qiu asked.

Father Qiu gritted his teeth and said gloomily: "Born the child! We have met the Ye family's children. They all look like their father. The children must be born like Ye Xing, and they will have to recognize them if they don't recognize them."

The personal identification at this time is so barbaric.

Qiu Mei's face improved, she thought so too.

She is already Ye Xing's person. If she wants to get married again, she will not marry into a good family. No one is better than the Ye family. The best way out for her is to return to the Ye family.

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