Before Hua Zhao returned to the mountains, he went to see Xu Mei again.

Xu Mei went back to the compound that was being renovated, and Liu Qian and a few people lived here now.

These people are expected to live here for a year or two. When they can do business outside, Hua Zhao will consider opening a factory and building a dormitory so that they can move there.

In this case, there is no need to delay the construction period, and there is no need to find someone. Under the command of the original decorator, a few men simply installed the house.

Hua Zhao came just in time, and Li Xiaojiang and Zhao Cuicui were also here. They came to Xu Mei to discuss follow-up cooperation matters.

Seeing Hua Zhao, both Xu Mei and Li Xiaojiang wanted to hear her opinion.

"I don't care, I'm only responsible for paying and managing the business. Xu Mei has the final say." She gave Xu Mei a name.

Xu Mei's face looked much better.

Although I don't object to Li Xiaojiang's participation, it is impossible to say that I don't mind.

She doesn't mind someone sharing the money, anyway, it's not her 30%... It's the question of who has the final say in the future, which annoys her.

In the past, she and Zhang Guilan discussed everything, and Zhang Guilan was good at talking. There was no conflict between the two, but Li Xiaojiang... No, Zhao Cuicui next to Li Xiaojiang seemed like a big idea.


Sure enough, when Hua Zhao said that Xu Mei had the final say in business matters, Zhao Cuicui paused, but she didn't say anything.

The pot has not been touched yet, and now is not the time for her to speak.

The rest is easy to handle. Xu Mei has been working for so long, and she has figured out everything, so she just treats Li Xiaojiang and Zhao Cuicui as ordinary workers, and just assigns the work.

It's just that when the dividend is distributed, they are divided into 20%.

Otherwise what else can they do? It's just selling braised pork, and without them, they still function well.

"The place has been found, and we can start it today." Xu Mei said.

With so many people, they couldn't be idle. Hua Zhao didn't have the heart to do it, but he also instructed Xu Mei Liu Qian to go out to find a venue and let them continue their business.

Now the venue has been found. On the other side of the city, it is diagonal to the direction of Lijia Village before, far away!

Thinking of Lijiacun, Xu Mei remembered the two lost freezers, not long after they were bought! She couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Li Xiaojiang.

Li Xiaojiang also thought about it: "I'll go home in a while to see if I can get the freezer back..."

He didn't even dare to pack a ticket.

"It's better not to go." Hua Zhao said, "Let them entangle you again and force you to bring them to my house."

"I won't listen to them!" Li Xiaojiang assured.

"Then what if your parents knelt down and begged you? What about the whole village and the young and old? If you don't agree to them, will you be locked up and not released?" Hua Zhao said.

Li Xiaojiang was speechless, he suddenly felt that it was not impossible that Hua Zhao said these things.

so close! It seems that he will not be able to return to Lijiacun in the future!

Xu Mei also said: "The construction will start in the future, so don't come to this alley, so as not to be followed by them."

Li Xiaojiang nodded again and again, he felt that Xu Mei was right, this is also possible!

But Zhao Cuicui looked at Xu Mei, this woman is very temperamental, it is not easy to be with her, and it seems that she and Li Xiaojiang are not pleasing to the eye...

She immediately smiled and said, "When we go to the factory and sell things in the future, we will pay attention and never let the Li family come over!"

"Yeah." Xu Mei looked at her and nodded with satisfaction. There was nothing wrong with her idea, as long as she was sensible.

Today, Liu Qian and the others just moved to the factory over there to save time on the way back and forth.

By the way, the two of Li Xiaojiang were taken away and went to recognize the door.

Xu Mei then asked Hua Zhao: "What about the secret recipe? Let them know?"

"Let them know, if it doesn't work, let Zhao Cuicui help you to work together at home in the future, so you don't get tired every day." Hua Zhao said.

Now there are more people selling more, and of course doing more. Xu Mei is doing it all by herself, and she is so tired that she can't straighten her waist at night.

"Can it be done?" Xu Mei asked worriedly.

"What's wrong? Actually, you have seen it. Braised pork is very easy to make. It's good to have Chinese pepper aniseed and soy sauce. Can it be done well? As long as it is made, it can be sold. That's why we do this business. I can't monopolize it." Hua Zhao said.

"It's still different! If it's not delicious, we can't sell 10 pounds a day, but we can sell 100 pounds a day!" Xu Mei said: "Our secret recipe is valuable!"

Of course this Hua Zhao also knew that she was just looking at Xu Mei's reluctance and comforting her.

"Liu Qian and the others all know the secret recipe. Li Xiaojiang is different now. It doesn't matter if he knows." Hua Zhao said.

"Li Xiaojiang knows that I have no objection, but Zhao Cuicui, I think, is a big heart. It is said that the family is huge, and there are about ten uncles! He even has seven or eight younger brothers... I am afraid that she is not strict."

When we were chatting just now, Zhao Cuicui had already explained his family situation.

Xu Mei added: "I was just looking for those people before. When they left, they didn't know the formula and didn't steal much of our market. But if Zhao Cuicui knew about it and spread it out, it would be stealing the market.

"Besides, she and Li Xiaojiang are only friends now. I don't know if they can get it together. I see Li Xiaojiang, but I can't play with her." At that time, they will be cheap outsiders.

"It's okay, if Zhao Cuicui is unreliable, he should teach Li Xiaojiang a lesson." Hua Zhao said.

She didn't care at all, because the braised pork seasoning she used now was born out of her own, and the taste of what she made was unparalleled, and no one could compare it.

Even if Zhao Cuicui knew the secret recipe, the things she made couldn't compare to her.

"And the capital is so big and the market is so big, we can't occupy it alone. We must tolerate the appearance of competitors." Hua Zhao said again.

"Okay, you're not afraid of me either." Xu Mei saw that she seemed determined to let Li Xiaojiang participate, so let's participate.

"By the way, has Feng Long bothered you again recently?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I didn't see him, I don't know." Xu Mei said.

"What about your house?" Hua Zhao asked again.

"I don't know that. I haven't been out since then, and they don't dare to trouble me." Xu Mei said: "Now that they have moved, they can't find me anymore."

This may be the only benefit of moving.

After a few more chats, Hua Zhao was about to leave.

Xu Mei suddenly asked, "I heard that Brother Ye is divorced? Is it true?" She looked terrified and curious.

Ye Ming can even get a divorce? What happened to this world?

"I'm leaving, who did you listen to?" Hua Zhao asked.

"It's spread outside. I ran into an acquaintance on the road yesterday, and she told me." Xu Mei said.

Hua Zhao asked her what kind of acquaintance she was, but she heard that she was just a neighbor from the Xu family.

This is far from the relationship between Ye Ming and the Ye family. At best, there is a neighbor named Ye Fang in the middle.

It was all spread to Ye Fang's family home, but everyone knew it.

"Shouldn't it be? Who passed it on?" Hua Zhao asked curiously.

In order to save face for Wen Jing, Ye Ming meant that the divorce should not be publicized, so they separated so quietly.

And want to come to Wen Jing and Wen Jia will not publicize it.

But this time Hua Zhao guessed wrong, the matter was made public by the Wen family.

They didn't do it on purpose, they just "made a lot of trouble".

Wen Ruo and Wen Da were beaten away that day. The next day, the old couple of the Wen family came to the door.

They didn't come to make trouble, they came to "accompany" Wen Jing.

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