Hua Zhao didn't get up the next morning.

What I thought of at first was suppressed by Ye Shen again.

The three babies were taken away by Ye Shu early and accompanied her to see the new house. By the way, they tried on their clothes as flower girls tomorrow.

Flower girls are not yet popular in China, but Ye Shu is someone who has been out for 2 years and learned something new that he likes.

She also prepared a wedding dress for herself today. How can there be a wedding dress without a cute flower girl?

The babies were very excited to be flower girls for the first time, and temporarily forgot their parents at home.

Only Jin Wen remembered, and also remembered another question. She sat in Ye Ming's arms and asked cutely, "Uncle, when will my younger brother and sister come?"

Ye Ming smiled: "I believe it will come soon, no more than a year at most."

Jin Wen smiled softly: "Where did the younger brother and sister come from?"

Uh.... Ye Ming was very cautious and didn't answer this question because the answer came from his mother's belly.

But this will lead to another question, how did the younger siblings come from?

This is not good to say...

"You have to ask your mother this question, because you were born to her, only she knows where you came from, and no outsiders know." Ye Ming kicked the problem to Hua Zhao.

"Oh." Jin Wen nodded his head, she believed what the uncle said!


In the afternoon, Hua Zhao encountered this question and heard Jin Wen say that Ye Ming asked her to ask her, and instantly felt that the eldest brother was not cute.

"Sister's life is fixed, and it's the eldest brother's turn next." Hua Zhao said to Miao Lanzhi, "Mom should also worry about it."

"Who said I don't worry about it!" Miao Lanzhi said worriedly while sorting out the clothes she was going to wear tomorrow: "I've seen all the girls in the capital, but few of them caught my eye. And even if they caught my eye, I can't get into your brother's eyes, and I don't dare to force him, what should I do?"

Hua Zhao suddenly remembered the female voice she heard on the phone twice. She didn't know if it was because of the loss of voice on the phone or something else. Anyway, she didn't sound like Zhou Rui.

is a new character.

"Is there any girl who actively pursues the big brother? The kind that pursues the unit?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Isn't it? This is too unreserved, isn't it?" Miao Lanzhi hesitated: "But I really don't know, your elder brother never told me this."

Hua Zhao intends to go to Ye Ming to "revenge" and ask him about embarrassing topics.

Ye Ming was chatting with Ye Shen next door, and Hua Zhao came in and said straight to the point: "Brother, I heard someone crying in your office that day. It's still a woman, who is it?"

Ye Ming paused and said, "A person you don't know, my colleague, went to me to answer the question that day."

"Didn't you take the opportunity to strengthen your understanding?" Hua Zhao smiled.

There was nothing wrong with Ye Ming's answer, but he suddenly revealed that there must be a problem.

"Well, she may have meant that." Ye Ming knew that he couldn't hide it from her, and said directly: "But I don't mean that, and I'm not planning to find someone yet."

He didn't expect that one day he would take the same path as Ye Shu.

When Ye Shu just got divorced, she said the same thing. She didn't dare to directly say that she would not look for it in the future. She only dared to say that she would not look for it now.

"Marriage is fate, let's talk about it later." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao didn't hold on to the matter and changed the subject.

She didn't come to urge Ye Ming to marry.

It's really annoying to urge marriage. If Ye Ming can't stand the babble of people from all walks of life, gets married casually, and is not happy, will she also become one of the "murderers".

She asked another thing: "What happened to Du Hanliang? Did he admit it? By the way, did the bald gang catch me?"

Speaking of this, Ye Ming smiled: "It's easy to catch it. They were just waiting for the rabbit not far outside the factory. They were caught by our people."

Ye Shen and Liu Ming and others behind them were very secretive when they entered the factory. The bald-headed gangsters didn't find it at all. They were still waiting for the fat man who went out to get money to come back.

As a result, when Liu Ming and the others evacuated, they found them and caught them.

Save them the trouble.

"The bald head admits it, but he is not the one who directly negotiated the deal with Du Hanliang. And Du Hanliang, of course he doesn't recognize it." Ye Ming said: "He is pretending to be dead."

But death is fake, serious injury is real.

Ye Ming looked at Ye Shen and complained, "You are too ruthless. If you go to the hospital a little later, he will die."

Hua Zhao blinked at him, is Ye Ming so kind?

"The Du family hasn't fallen yet, he can't die yet." Ye Ming said.

He also thought that Du Hanliang was a knife that brought down the Du family. It would be a pity to die now. The Du family's handle is hard to find.

Hua Zhao smiled, it really was a misunderstanding.

But thinking of the next words, Ye Ming couldn't laugh.

He hesitated for two seconds, then said, "I went to see him once, and he told me something."

Ye Ming looked at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao was stunned and asked curiously, "What's the matter? It has something to do with me?"

"The person who gave him the idea to kidnap you is Wen Jing, I'm sorry." Ye Ming said solemnly.

Ye Shen was stunned, quiet?

Hua Zhao blinked and smiled nonchalantly: "It's not surprising that it was her."

The tricks that came to her, she just went back, and never took it to heart.

Just don't come at her kids.

Life is so peaceful, everyone is happy to come and go!

"To be honest, what I had with her was a deadly grudge. I'm not surprised how she treats me." Hua Zhao said.

In Wen Jing's eyes, she didn't know how to see the enmity between them. But in Hua Zhao's eyes, she and Wen Jing are deadly enemies.

If you dare to touch her child, don't think about it!

Of course, "death feud" is a level, and she actually doesn't want Wen Jing to die.

Let her lose a good man like Ye Ming, let her lose the backer of the Ye family, let her marry someone like Du Hanliang, let her fall with the Du family...

How nice to live so colorfully!

In the future, she will look at the situation and arrange a more colorful life for Wen Jing.

"This is a grudge between me and her. Big brother has already divorced her, so there is no need to say sorry for her." Hua Zhao said, "unless you still have her in your heart."

"How is that possible." Ye Ming said calmly: "I'm just sorry, I haven't restrained her for ten years as a husband and wife, and made her what she is today."

"It's not your fault either, it's her nature." Hua Zhao said: "There are many women who are infertile, but very few people take care of their brothers and children. This is nature. It has nothing to do with you. Wen family."

Ye Ming nodded: "Then it was my fault that I had bad eyesight and insisted on marrying her."

Therefore, he will not dare to get married in the future. He really feels that his eyes are not good.

Hua Zhao blinked, do you want to persuade this?

Forget it, as he said, wait for fate.

The three were chatting when Liu Mingfeng rushed into the house and smashed the door.

"Ye Shu is gone," he said.

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