After washing the dirty clothes, Wen Jing quietly entered the kitchen, inserted the door carefully, and took out a cloth bag from his arms.

When the cloth bag is opened, there is still a cloth bag inside. There are four or five layers in total, and the last layer is an oiled paper bag with some white powder inside.

She carefully divided a little bit and poured it into the water tank next to it.

The amount is small, and she can't kill people at once, and she doesn't dare to eat them all at once.

Eating it for years and months...she doesn't know what the effect is, but it's not good!

Watching the white powder melt into the water tank and disappear, Wen Jing let out a long sigh with a shallow smile on his face.

She was happiest at this moment of the day.

Hua Zhao didn't see this scene, but she saw what happened to Wen Jing before.

Seeing her not doing well makes her happy.

Withdrew the power, she returned to the room with peace of mind, and went to sleep with the three little dogs.

Early the next morning, Hua Zhao was dragged out of the bed by Miao Lanzhi to buy New Year's goods.

Miao Lanzhi began to clean up happily again. All kinds of pure cotton fabrics, baby clothes, and blankets were made again.

There are so many things that Hua Zhao can't stand it anymore.

"There are already so many at home, and they are still very new. If you can't do it, don't do it." Hua Zhao advised.

"Then how can it be done." Miao Lanzhi was unmoved, and said while picking things: "His (her) brothers and sisters have their own clothes and quilts, why does he (she) have to pick up what's left? Be careful of him (her). She) will grow up and know how sad she will be in the future."

"Where are there so many things... Aren't most children picking up what's left over from their elder brothers and sisters, and they're all fine."

"My children are not in most of them!" Miao Lanzhi said without looking up.

In fact, she just had nothing to do, and expressed her joy in this way.

Hua Zhao has to persuade again, because she thinks it is really unnecessary, especially the children's quilts are made exactly the same...

There are already dozens of 3 types, and it's interesting to fill in the same one again?

There are also small clothes. Ever since Miao Lanzhi saw that Hua Zhao made parent-child clothes, that is, the kind of clothes that the whole family wears the same, she was fascinated, and then strongly asked Hua Zhao to make clothes for the three little ones, and make them exactly the same.

Occasionally distinguish between men and women, trousers become skirts, and occasionally they are exactly the same.

There's really no need to do anything new, she's so tired...

Because the children's small clothes are all made by herself, and she feels that she is very lazy recently. She can lie down and don't want to sit, can sit and doesn't want to stand, and she feels too tired to eat.

I don't like the manual work that I liked in the past, and I don't like it anymore. I just want to lie in the bed every day.

"It's okay, you don't want to move, I'll go out and let others do the same." Miao Lanzhi gave her a happy look.

This baby looks like a little slob? so cute!

There's a little **** in the house!

Hua Zhao was speechless, and continued to stroll behind her lazily.

It's been a few days here.

The endless fabrics, the endless mess of small things, plus the New Year's gifts for the relatives at home, shopping Huazhao is very tiring.


She finally found a chair in the mall to sit down, but turned her head and saw a pair of people who surprised her.

Ye Cheng and Tang Fanghe were not far away, picking out a suit.

Tang Fanghe took the suit in his hand and compared it to Ye Cheng.

Although Ye Cheng's face was a little embarrassed, he honestly stood up straight and let her gesture.

This gesture, obviously a couple.

Huh~ have you come this far?

Hua Zhao immediately turned his head to the other side, not wanting them to find him. Even if they find it, give them a chance to pretend they didn't see it.

Otherwise, Ye Cheng will definitely explain, it's not what you see~

The expression on his face now, obviously has found a little "abnormal", but still hesitant.

As a result, Hua Zhao turned his head and found Zhou Lihua who was walking with his two daughters on the other side.

How can a mother and daughter have an overnight feud? Even if Ye Jia and Yeli left Zhou Lihua alone at first, Zhou Lihua beat and scolded them, and at first she was so angry that they wouldn't let them go to school.

But after a few days, Zhou Lihua's attitude softened a little bit with the favor of Ye Jia and Ye Li.

Years ago, I couldn't help taking them to buy new clothes.

Hua Zhao turned around and was discovered by Zhou Lihua.

Zhou Lihua was stunned for a moment, then rushed over immediately.

She didn't even have to think about what happened last time, she knew that Hua Zhao was trolling her!

I haven't had the chance before, and I didn't dare to go to Ye's house to make trouble.

But now that she met Hua Zhao outside, she couldn't help it!

"You little goblin!" She rolled up her sleeves while rushing, and was about to fight Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao sat there motionless, smiling at her.

Zhou Lihua was halfway through and was stopped by Liu Ming and another bodyguard.

Hua Zhao is going out now, even if he follows Miao Lanzhi, he has people by his side. After all, Miao Lanzhi has no fighting power.

"Let go of me! I'm going to tear her up!" Zhou Lihua shouted struggling.

"Are you stupid?" Hua Zhao stood up and smiled: "If you say that, they won't let it go."

Seeing her smug smile, Zhou Lihua was going crazy, scratching Liu Ming and Liu Ming desperately.

"Hua Zhao! You are going too far!" Ye Jia shouted, raising her hand to fight.

She left her mother and ran away because she felt ashamed at the time, which didn't mean she didn't hate Hua Zhao.

Zhou Lihua is completely famous in the circle, there is nothing more shameful than her...

Even with it, they are also embarrassed.

She naturally hates it.

Ye Li didn't even shout, and rushed towards Hua Zhao.

Miao Lanzhi rushed over when she heard the movement, and was scared to death when she saw this: "You dare!"

Her daughter-in-law is pregnant! Gold is so precious!

Under Miao Lanzhi's terrified gaze, Hua Zhao easily separated Ye Jia and Ye Li's slaps twice, and pushed them gently again, sending them each one "upwards".

Miao Lanzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"You dare to beat people! They are your sisters!" Zhou Lihua shouted.

There was a circle of people watching the fun, and they immediately booed.

what happened to my sister? She doesn't look like she's a year or two younger, she's a big girl.

And two fights one, still not let people fight back?

This woman is not a good person at first glance!

"Ah!" Ye Li, who fell to the ground, suddenly clutched her wrist and burst into tears, her voice shrill.

She blocked it with her hand before she hit the ground, but now it hurts badly.

"My hand is broken!" she cried.

With one sentence, Ye Cheng in the crowd stopped and stepped back and rushed over.

He squatted down to help Ye Li up, checked her arm, and sure enough it was broken.

He immediately glared at Hua Zhao.


Hua Zhao's temper suddenly came up. Although who's child is distressed, he has to be reasonable, right?

She didn't speak, but glanced at Tang Fanghe outside the crowd.

Tang Fanghe looked back at her, the two looked at each other for two seconds, and Tang Fanghe stood up without hesitation.

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