Rebirth 90s Genius Doctor Blessed Wife

Chapter 3513: Break in while young

"Home improvement is better than service, better than quality, and has a good reputation. Naturally, you will come here." Bai Yixiu replied, "If you ruin your reputation, no matter how big your business is, you will go bankrupt."

Bai Wenfeng remembered in his heart, "I see, Dad."

Here Bai Yixiu talked to Bai Wenfeng, and Sun Yingying called Han Xiaohu.

Han Xiaohu lifted his spirits.

No matter how good the family's business is, it has nothing to do with him. After his mother passed away, she had a stepmother and beat him everywhere and guarded him.

Now his father is not close to him, and he may not be able to get the right of inheritance if he stays at home.

Now he is no longer stuttering, and confident, he should go out on his own while he is young.

Use his ability to prove himself, he is no worse than others.

Han Xiaohu immediately agreed, saying that he would come to the door on the weekend to discuss in person.

Han Xiaohu was eager to try, and Aunt Sun's suggestion opened a door for him.

Instead of being a cow and a horse at home, he should be able to achieve results, and he will be scolded for failing to achieve results. It is better to open up your own world outside.

After Han Xiaohu got off work, he went to his grandma and grandfather's house.

This time I came here not only to visit my grandma, but also to send me the plaster bought from Sun Yingying.

"Little Tiger, why are you here?" Professor Xia asked with a gentle attitude.

Han Xiaohu replied: "Grandpa, my stuttering is gone. This is the plaster I bought from the famous doctor who cured me. It can treat rheumatism and joint pain. Both you and grandma can use it."

Hearing her grandson speak fluently and very confidently, Professor Xia was very happy, "It's great, great! Your mother will be very happy if she knows that you don't stutter now."

Han Xiaohu nodded, "Yes, grandpa. Now I have graduated from university and I am working. I can be filial to my mother, but I have no chance. I will be more filial to my grandma in the future."

Professor Xia was very pleased. "Your grandma and I are both university professors. We can't use up our pension. You don't need to be filial to you. Just come over and see us when you have time."

Grandma Xia asked again: "I heard that your dad asked you to sell the house at the sales office. How are you doing?"

Han Xiaohu replied: "I sold 98 houses last month, and I am the sales champion on our side. I have something to come here this time. I want to talk to my grandma and want to hear your suggestions."

Professor Xia was curious and asked: "Xiaohu, just tell me if you have anything! If your grandma and I can we will definitely help."

They only have one daughter, and the daughter has passed away, and their grandson is their only thought.

Han Xiaohu replied: "He treated me for the stuttering new doctor. His son wanted to start a home improvement company and invited me to partner. I want to try to start a business, regardless of success or failure, it is a very valuable experience.

On the other hand, when I stayed in the Han Group, my dad and stepmother controlled me. No matter how well I do, it should be.

If I don't do it well, my stepmother will make a big fuss. It's better to come out and do it yourself if you are allowed to do things in a sloppy way over there. "

Hearing this, Professor Xia nodded, "Your father and your stepmother value money very seriously. From the beginning to the end, your grandma and I think that as long as you are healthy and have skills, you will be able to support your wife and children in the future. It’s enough.

Now since you want to start a business, we also support you. It is good to have ideas when you are young, and to be aggressive. Back then, your dad also started from scratch. You have the shares that your mother gave back in your hand, and your dividends are indispensable! "

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