Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1022: three children missing

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After solving the major matter of going to school, Ye Qingqing was completely relieved to review and prepare for the college entrance examination in four days. 35xs

She is confident, as long as she doesn't perform abnormally, Pingjiang Medical University will definitely be fine. As for the tangyuanyuan, she plans to apply for the Pingjiang Medical University, but her grades are not expected to be admitted to the undergraduate degree, so she plans to take the college entrance examination.

Pingjiang Medical University has a junior college, most of which are nursing majors, and there is a new nutrition study. Tangyuanyuan plans to apply for nutrition. With her current grades, the problem is not too big.

In July, Pingjiang is like a stove. The streets are full of cries of madness. You can sweat when you stand still, but God is very powerful. There was a heavy rain on the 5th, and it has been continuous for a few days. Light rain, the temperature dropped all of a sudden, very cool. 35xs

"Students, tomorrow is the college entrance examination. The teacher will stop talking about it. I hope you can stay calm and treat it like an ordinary monthly test. Don't be affected by tension. Think about it, God is so powerful, it means this is a good sign, teacher. I believe you will get good grades in the exam..."

The day before the college entrance examination, Mr. Du encouraged the classmates on the podium and was impassioned, speaking with enthusiasm and confidence to the whole class.

Teacher Du also told them to stop reading at night, to sleep after eating, to maintain plenty of energy, and to face the college entrance examination.

The seventh day finally came. Father Tang got up early in the morning and made his own breakfast for the first prize winner. In fact, the noodles were kneaded into the shape of Yu Ruyi, because in ancient times, the champion would be rewarded by the emperor.

"If you eat it, you will definitely be admitted to university, so eat it!" Dad Tang said with a smile.

"Thank you Uncle Tang."

Ye Qingqing finished breakfast in three mouthfuls. Dad Tang's craftsmanship is very good. Yu Ruyi is sweet and glutinous, and it melts in your mouth. It's delicious.

She and Tang Yuanyuan finished the first and second largest meal, and then under the personal **** of Lu Mo, they rushed to the test site. So lucky to go to another school.

"Come in!"

Lu Mo checked the admission ticket and learning tools for them, and only let them enter the school after making sure that everything was safe.

"Brother, don't wait outside, Yuanyuan and I will go back after the test."

"I'll pick it up after the exam, go in, do what you can do first, and stay behind if it's difficult." Lu Mo urged, worrying like an old father.

"Got've said it hundreds of times!"

Ye Qingqing waved his hand, dragged the dumplings and ran away, not at all nervous and anxious before the college entrance examination, just like going to play.

In fact, Pippi had specially told her before that if she wanted to make a cheat sheet, it could help. If there was room, she could fit all three years of high school books!

But Ye Qingqing refused. She had to rely on her own ability to take the exam. If she used the space, it would be unfair to other students. Even if she was admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University, she would not feel honored!

God is very powerful, it rained for three days in a row, until the end of the college entrance examination on the 9th, father-in-law Taiyang came out quickly, and the temperature suddenly went up.

"Have a good rest after the test, don't think too much, three days later, the school will fill in the application form." Teacher Du comforted the classmates.

Some students did not perform very well. After reading the standard answers, the estimated scores were much worse than expected, and they suddenly burst into tears, as if the end of the world had come.

Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuan Yuan also evaluated the points, feeling that they were within expectations, and their hearts were settled.

After another three days, she and Tang Yuan Yuan filled out the volunteers, and the major event was completed, just waiting for the distribution in late July.

Xiaotong's school is also on holiday today. Angel's school is closed for half a month later than other schools, and the start of school is also a little later. Ye Qingqing took the test easily and decided to go to school to pick up Xiaotong and the others, but received a call from the school teacher.

"Miss Ye, your brothers and sisters ran out of school in the morning. Did they go home?"

The teacher's tone was very anxious. It was about to be a holiday, but the child disappeared. If Gao Fei found out, her job would not be guaranteed.

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