Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1027: Out of breath

When it was dark, Yu Wenfeng got a report from his assistant, and his face was very gloomy.

"Where's the little fool?"

"Ye Qingqing went to the school. Two hours later, she, the little fool, and that little girl with a big bald head left the school without seeing the two of them."

The assistant then sent two of his men to the school, but because of the disappearance of Ye Tong and the other three, the whole school was under martial law, and the road to the back mountain was blocked. wander around.

When Ye Qingqing and the others came out, these two subordinates saw it and understood that the two brothers sent before must have missed it, but they waited until it was dark, and neither of the two brothers left the school. assistant.

Hearing that Yu Wenfeng didn't succeed, he was so angry that he swept everything on the table to the ground. The new furnishings that were just put on in the morning were now broken into pieces.

The servants outside heard the sound of cracking in the room, and all of them were frightened and stayed away from Yu Wenfeng's room.

"It's all rubbish, even a little fool can't handle it, find those two **** for me!" Yuwen was in a panic.

Lu Mo has already selected a piece of land to build a factory, but that is what he likes. Although Yu Wenfeng is not good at poison, he is quite talented in business. He knows that the development of Pingjiang will only get better and better, and even surpass it. HK.

Therefore, he felt that before the economy of Pingjiang took off, hoarding more land was the kingly way.

Whether it is residential land, industrial land or commercial land, the more the better, all of them will be golden hens that can lay golden eggs in the future.

The city government is preparing to bid for a batch of land after a while. Yuwen has the best and largest location. He has already managed the top and bottom, and the bank loan has also been negotiated.

Everything is ready, just owe Dongfeng, just wait for the tender to start, that piece of land is in his pocket.


He killed Lu Mo, the damned one.

Lu Mo also took a fancy to the land and planned to build a pharmaceutical factory. Yu Wenfeng had internal information and knew that Lu Mo had submitted a bid and would be his competitor at that time.

Yu Wenfeng didn't take Lu Mo into his eyes at first, but now he doesn't dare to underestimate it.

Lu Mo and Sang Huaiyuan have a close relationship and will definitely get inside information, because this tender is the project proposed by Sang Huaiyuan, Yu Wenfeng does not believe that Lu Mo will not go through the back door.

It's just that these Yu Wenfeng are not worried, he also has internal connections, but soon he got the shocking news.

The bank loan that was negotiated before suddenly stopped working.

Yu Wenfeng used his internal relationship to find out that the loan originally given to him was actually transferred to Lu Mo, and he was so angry that his lungs would explode!

That **** Lu Mo was definitely intentional and cut off his Hu!

How could he bear it!

That's why Yu Wenfeng thought of attacking Ye Tong and threatening Lu Mo by the way. It would be better if he could withdraw the bid, but he thought he was just a fool.

Everything is not going well, Yu Wenfeng's anger has reached a boiling point, and now he just wants to get those two trash men back, and the newbies punish them!

It will definitely make the two wastes suffer, absolutely!

Otherwise, his anger will be hard to quench.

"Master, Lao Hei and the others are missing." The assistant said embarrassedly.

"Why did you disappear? You must still be hiding on the mountain. Find it for me. You want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death. If you can't find you, don't come back!" Yu Wenfeng yelled.

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