Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1045: breaking news

Ye Qingqing left the hospital with satisfaction. She hid in the corridor and listened to the conversation between the doctor and Ye Yuanhao just now. Although she didn't hear it all, it was almost the same.

At least we can know that Ye Yuanhao has now entered the end stage, and his life has also entered the countdown.

Even if the Ye family was rich, there was no cure for AIDS at present. The most effective one was the cocktail therapy, which could only be suppressed temporarily, and it had to be an early-stage patient.

In a high-risk period like Ye Yuanhao, the effect of the cocktail is not great.

Linglu is indeed a baby!

Ye Qingqing originally thought that Ye Yuanhao would immediately cooperate with the hospital for treatment. Although the cocktail therapy is more comprehensive in Europe and the United States, Meng Yifan Hospital has invited top doctors from all over the world.

You don't have to spend time traveling abroad.

But contrary to Ye Qingqing's accident, Ye Yuanhao only stayed in the hospital for three days before he was discharged, and his work did not stop, but he would go to the hospital from time to time.

However, the effect of such treatment would not be very good, not to mention that Ye Yuanhao still has to do a busy work, and the physical load is too heavy, which will definitely affect the recovery. His current situation is actually accelerating the deterioration of the virus.

Ye Yuanhao knows medicine, it is impossible for him not to know this, but he has to do it.

And he had a bit of luck.

He felt that he would not be so unlucky. He was obviously feeling good now, and he could eat, sleep, and exercise. It was no different from usual. How could he suddenly become a critically ill patient?

Ye Yuanhao still thinks that it is very likely that the hospital made a mistake, so he asked the hospital to test again.

Unfortunately, the results of the re-test made Ye Yuanhao completely desperate.

He does have HIV and is at high risk.

After the panic, Ye Yuanhao finally calmed down, and his first reaction was not to reveal his illness, otherwise the character that he had worked so hard to maintain in the past would be destroyed overnight.

Grandma won't let him be in charge of the business here in Pingjiang anymore, he's not reconciled!

Ye Yuanhao asked the hospital to keep it a secret for him, and treated him in secret. He didn't let go of his work, and he was still as busy as before. He felt that his health was fine and he could handle it.

But Ye Yuanhao still couldn't understand, where did he contract the virus?

His last thought was America.

During his studies, Ye Yuanhao went through a crazy period of years there. Even if he wore a condom, maybe he just won the grand prize, but what if he only wore a broken one?

Ye Yuanhao didn't expect to get sick in Pingjiang at all. The doctor said that he was probably infected with the virus several years ago, and the virus would not attack until after a few years of incubation.

He thought very well, working while he was being treated. After the work at hand was almost over, he would find another reason to go to the United States for treatment. As long as he had money, he would be able to suppress the virus, and he could live for a long time, and even be able to run the company.


Ye Qingqing would not give him time.

How could she easily let such a good opportunity pass up after carefully planning for so long in order to embarrass the Ye family!

And she is also worried that Ye Yuanhao will retaliate against the society, and it must be exposed as soon as possible.

She found a certain tabloid office, negotiated smoothly, and made her request.

"The face of this person must be revealed, as well as his identity and name. I can add money."

Money must be everything, and the tabloid office quickly succumbed to Ye Qingqing's money.

The next day, breaking news was overwhelming.

Public places such as stations with the most crowded traffic are full of the cries of newspaper vendors.

"Besides the nickname, the rich son of HK is in the late stage of AIDS, and he came to Pingjiang to spread the virus everywhere. Handsome men and beauties should be careful..."

. m.

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