Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1063: Let Ye Yuanhao die in the most humiliating way

Ye Yuanhao was overjoyed and his spirit improved a lot. He repeatedly thanked him. The middle-aged man just smiled slightly, very reserved.

Yu Wenfeng and the middle-aged man got up and left, Ye Yuanhao respectfully saw him off, Ye Qingqing hurriedly held down Wuchen's head and lowered his head to drink juice, this middle-aged man made her terrified and did not dare to meet him head-on.

The middle-aged man passed by Ye Qingqing's table, suddenly stopped, looked at them in surprise, his smile also stagnated, but soon recovered.

"What happened to Master?" Yu Wenfeng asked curiously.

The middle-aged man observed for a while, but found nothing, shook his head, "Nothing, let's go!"

Just now he seemed to have felt a familiar spiritual energy, the treasure he had been looking for all along, but when he stopped, the spiritual energy was gone, and the middle-aged man wondered if he felt wrong?

If he can get the baby of the direct branch, why can't he dominate the world?

"That kid Zhu Zi is here? Is he willing to hand over the poison scriptures?" the middle-aged man asked as he walked, his voice very soft.

"That kid is stubborn, I've said all my good words, but he won't hand it over." Yu Wenfeng gritted his teeth, if Master didn't let him do anything to Zhu Zi, he would have sent someone to kill this bastard.

"Zhu Zi is not in a hurry, I will let you track down the lower part of the Poison Classic, is there any whereabouts?"

"Not yet. When there is news, I will tell Master."

Yu Wenfeng's back was cold, and he just knew that the lower part of the Poison Classic was actually in his own hands, but it was stolen by that **** Ning Xue, and it must have been given to Zhu Zi, **** it!

Don't let Master know about this matter, otherwise Master still doesn't know how to deal with his father!

The voices of Yuwenfeng's master and apprentice became weaker and weaker until he left the hotel. Ye Yuanhao folded back from the hotel door with a smile on his face and was in a good mood.

When Ye Yuanhao entered the elevator, Ye Qingqing and Wuchen raised their heads, and Pippi in the backpack finally sighed, almost suffocating it, Ge Laozi's, almost found by that old scumbag!

Horrified it!

"Are you trying to kill that man just now? I can help you!" Wuchen volunteered himself enthusiastically, she was so idle that her hair grew and her hands were itchy!

Ye Qingqing glared, "If you dare to sneak your hands, I'll give you a pound of croton and kill you!"

She must kill Ye Yuanhao herself, and slap Tang Yufen's old face in the most humiliating way!

Wuchen grunted angrily, ignorant of good people!

Ye Qingqing didn't leave the hotel, she was waiting, it was lunch time, Ye Yuanhao would either eat at the hotel or go out to eat, then she would have a chance to start.

Half an hour later, Ye Yuanhao really got out of the elevator and strode out of the hotel door. It looked like he was going out to eat. Ye Qingqing dragged Wuchen and followed, not daring to follow too closely.

Ye Yuanhao walked for about ten minutes and entered a Hangbang restaurant. He seemed to have a good appetite. He ordered three dishes and one soup and started eating slowly.

Ye Qingqing also ordered dishes, thinking about how to unknowingly put spirit dew in Ye Yuanhao's meal.

She thought of the way to deal with Ye Yuanhao, which is to let this guy take Linglu to speed up the spread of the virus in his body. As long as the amount of Linglu is enough, Ye Yuanhao may burp within three days.

And it will fester, horrible to see.

But now there are not many people in the restaurant, how can we lure Ye Yuanhao away?

Ye Qingqing frowned and pondered, but couldn't find a suitable opportunity, so she couldn't help worrying secretly, and if she dragged on, Ye Yuanhao would have finished eating.

Tomorrow Ye Yuanhao will go to Yu Wenfeng for treatment, in case that middle-aged man can really be cured!

Wuchen snorted lightly, and suddenly walked to Ye Yuanhao's side, he fell, Ye Yuanhao lowered his head subconsciously, Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, hurriedly walked over, pretended to help Wuchen, and the spiritual dew in his hand dripped in front of Ye Yuanhao in meals.

Wonderful Book House.

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