Luckily, Ye Qingqing and the others had just arrived at the hotel when they saw Ye Yuanhao wearing a big mask hurried out of the hotel, walking staggeringly. Although he was wearing a mask, he could still feel his anxiety.

Ye Yuanhao stopped a taxi. Just when he was about to get into the car, the sharp-eyed driver caught sight of the sores on the back of Ye Yuanhao's hands, as well as other exposed parts, which were covered with sores and gave off a stench.

The driver closed the door subconsciously, "My car is out of gas, please sit in one!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped up the accelerator and ran away.

Even if the guest complains, he will refuse to take the ride. Who knows what kind of infectious disease he has, and what if it is infected to him?

He is the head of the family!

Ye Yuanhao was so angry that his eyes turned black. He wanted to stop the car again, but his eyes suddenly darkened and he couldn't see anything. He stumbled and almost fell to the ground. The hotel security came over to help him.

"Don't touch him. He is the third son of the Ye family who has AIDS. He has already started to rot. Be careful of infection."

Ye Qingqing hid in the crowd and shouted aloud. Suddenly, all the curious melon eaters scattered and stayed far away. Some people even turned around and left, for fear that there was HIV in the air.

Of course, the hotel security didn't dare to help Ye Yuanhao any more. He called the hotel manager, and he had to take the lead in handling such a big matter.

"He is the third son of the Ye family? The one who made a lot of noise some time ago? How can he still have the face to come to Pingjiang? This kind of tumor should be kicked out!"

"It stinks... oh yo, this person is starting to rot, I don't look at it, maybe there is a virus in the air, go for a walk!"

"Don't worry, HIV can't survive in the air for five seconds, but the third son of the Ye family is so rotten, the book says that someone like this is about to die!"

"No, he is really going to die? It looks fine now!"

"I don't know, the book says so..."

"Look, he seems to be blind..."

Someone shouted in horror and pointed at Ye Yuanhao who was in a panic in the distance. Everyone looked over, and their expressions changed greatly.

Ye Yuanhao could no longer see anything, and fell into a panic of darkness, which made him forget the environment he was in, and also made him forget his identity. He waved his hands, trying to capture some light.

But it was in vain. Ye Yuanhao heard the vicious discussions around him, all of them were calling him a social cancer. He wanted to scold him back and teach these idiots a lesson, but he didn't have the strength to even stand. Couldn't stand.

I seemed to have heard the voice of Ye Qingqing's little **** just now. It shouldn't be a hallucination. It must be that little slut. Ye Yuanhao regained some energy and turned to look in Ye Qingqing's direction, but it was still dark.

Ye Qingqing sneered and shouted again: "Call the ambulance quickly, this person is full of viruses, and he must be burned to prevent the virus from spreading, and we must not be allowed to harm Pingjiang."

This proposal has the support of all.

"Yes, yes, it must be burnt clean, hurry up and call."

Although the hotel manager has been through the storm for a long time, he has never encountered the current situation. The AIDS patient has an attack at the door of the hotel, which is really bad luck!

He didn't dare to approach Ye Yuanhao, so he asked his subordinates to call an ambulance quickly, and planned to clean the hotel gate with disinfectant water to get rid of bad luck.

. Wonderful Bookstore

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