Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1070: sell miserably

Isn't Won Ho in America? How could he run to Pingjiang? Are you mistaken? "

Tang Yufen kept asking, but she didn't believe it.

Obviously, the day before yesterday, she had a transoceanic phone call with Ye Yuanhao. Ye Yuanhao said that he would cooperate with the doctor for treatment. He also said that he would return to HK to accompany her to appreciate the moon when the Mid-Autumn Festival was on. Will he die in Pingjiang?

Absolutely impossible!

"Yuanxiu, check it out, someone must have maliciously reported it, find out which newspaper office it was, and find a lawyer to sue them for bankruptcy!" Tang Yufen said bitterly.

"Grandma, it is indeed Yuan Hao. I have already claimed Yuan Hao's body. Don't be too sad." Ye Yuanxiu comforted softly.

Before making the call, he received a call from the Public Security Bureau and went to the Epidemiology Department to claim Ye Yuanhao's body. Although he was completely unrecognizable, he could still tell that it was Ye Yuanhao, who died so disgracefully that he lost all the face of the Ye family.

Tang Yufen suddenly aged ten years and leaned back in the chair slumped, "The doctor said that Yuan Hao can still be saved, how could he have a seizure so fast? Impossible..."

The day before yesterday, she had a chat with Ye Yuanhao's attending doctor. Although Ye Yuanhao was already in the late stage, he could use cocktail therapy to control Ye Yuanhao from deteriorating, and it would be fine for at least three years.

But the reality gave Tang Yufen a heavy blow.

"What's wrong with Yuan Hao?" Ye Xunmei was also anxious.

Although he and Tang Yufen look alike now, of course he cares about his grandson, and Ye Yuanhao is very caring, and Ye Xunmei still likes this grandson.

"Yuan Hao died. He died in Pingjiang yesterday. Yuan Xiu has gone to claim the body..." Tang Yufen said sullenly.

"How is that possible, isn't Yuan Hao American?" Ye Xunmei didn't believe it at all. A good grandson would die if he died, and he wouldn't believe it if he was beaten to death.

Tang Yufen was too lazy to pay attention to him, she was in a turmoil now, but she had to force herself to calm down, and Firmen must never have anything to do!

Although she felt sorry for Ye Yuanhao's death, Tang Yufen had to take advantage of this to sell miserably. What could be worse than an old lady who lost her grandson?

Everyone sympathizes with the weak. As long as she is miserable, the oaths she made before will be forgotten, and no one will mention it, and Firmen's performance will not be affected.

After decades of ups and downs at Firmenich, Tang Yufen had enough crisis public relations capabilities. She put down her sadness and quickly contacted the secretary and held a press conference.

At the reception, Tang Yufen changed her splendid dress from the past, wearing a black cheongsam, no makeup powder, and no jewelry on her body, except for the Buddha beads on her wrists, her hair was simply twisted in a bun.

At this time, Tang Yufen looked no different from an ordinary old woman.

Her face was full of sadness, and with the help of her two grandsons, she could stagger to the front of the stage, and before she could open her mouth, tears flowed down.

This miserable appearance made the reporters below feel sympathy. It was really miserable that their grandson died at such an old age. They should try to be gentle and euphemistic when they ask questions later!

"Everyone, I just received news that my grandson, Ye Yuanhao, died of an illness in Pingjiang, inland. He died of AIDS complications."

There was an uproar downstairs.

Tang Yufen choked and said, "I'm also surprised, two weeks ago, I just swore that Yuan Hao didn't have AIDS, but now it seems that I made a mistake, Yuan Hao did have AIDS, this child is probably afraid of me scolding him, so I chose to deceive my family..."

"I swore that I am willing to bear it, and I would rather live ten years shorter in exchange for my grandson..."

Tang Yufen burst into tears, and finally nearly fainted. The reporters wanted to ask questions, but everyone fainted, and they asked a fart.

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