Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1074: Tang Yufen comes to the door

Tang Yufen saw Ye Yuanhao's body in a hurry and felt even more sad. Ye Yuanhao's mother fainted again. Tang Yufen endured her grief and let Ye Yuanxiu and her second son deal with Ye Yuanhao's funeral. She and Yu Wenfeng went to meet at a teahouse near the hospital. Mobile terminal

"Master Yuwen, who killed my Yuanhao?" Tang Yufen said straight to the point.

She has been in the shopping mall for decades, and she naturally sees Yu Wenfeng's thoughts and promises, "Mr. Yuwen is Yuan Hao's good brother. Although Yuan Hao is gone, the cooperation between the two of us is still there, and Mr. Yuwen can rest assured."

"With the assurance of the old lady, I can feel at ease."

Yu Wenfeng's goal was achieved, and he was no longer hanging. He told the discovery of Yin Yu just now. Tang Yufen gritted his teeth and asked angrily, "Do you know who it is?"

She knew Ye Yuanhao's death was suspicious, damn, she must avenge her grandson!

"I don't know. It depends on which enemies Yuan Hao has established in Pingjiang. No injustice and no hatred will definitely not harm Brother Yuan Hao. It should be a deep hatred, or a grudge from the previous generation?" Yu Wenfeng barely said it. Ye Qingqing.

Of course Tang Yufen is not stupid, she thought of Sheng Xinlan immediately.

Ye Qing was young and Ji Xiao, Tang Yufen never put her in her eyes, the only thing she was afraid of was Sheng Xinlan.

"I know who it is, thank you Mr. Yuwen."

Tang Yufen didn't stay much, and left the restaurant in a hurry, biting blood from her lips.

Sheng Xinlan, an old poisonous woman, killed her grandson and turned her granddaughter into a street rat. She wrote down the account!

However, Yu Wenfeng put the account on Ye Qingqing's head for Tang Yufen, and left the teahouse in a happy mood, waiting to see Tang Yufen and Ye Qingqing's torn battle.

After Ye Yuanhao's body was claimed, it was cremated very quickly. The third son of the Ye family, who was in his prime, quickly turned into ashes in the raging fire.

Everyone's heart was heavy, including Ye Yuanxiu who did not deal with Ye Yuanhao.

For some reason, Ye Yuanxiu actually felt sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox. He even had a bad premonition, as if he would become the next Ye Yuanhao.

But he quickly spurned himself, how could he have such absurd thoughts, he is not that idiot Ye Yuanhao, how could he die?

He will definitely show his strength in Pingjiang, spread the career ambitions of the Ye family, become the sixth brother, and now the fifth brother, and become the most promising one.

Ye Yuanhao's parents were too sad and returned to HK that day with Ye Yuanhao's ashes, while Tang Yufen and Ye Xunmei stayed behind, each with their own thoughts.

And this day was also the date when Sang Huaiyuan and Lu Mo came back. Ye Qingqing and Ye Mingcheng's family rushed to Sang's house to clean up the dust for Lu Mo and the others. Sang Huaiyuan was still staying in the government to report for work, and it would take a while to return. Everyone was beaming.

Seeing Lu Mo, who had been separated for nearly a month, Ye Qingqing really wanted to rush up and kiss a few times, but unfortunately there were too many people, so she had to be restrained.

After a while, there will be no one, and she will kiss again.

Seeing Ye Qingqing's round and round chin, Lu Mo couldn't help laughing. It seemed that this girl was doing well, at least she was well nourished, and her father was more attentive and took good care of this girl.

"When Huaiyuan comes back, I will go to Baiyeju for dinner. Xiaotang said that he will cook in the evening." The old lady said with a smile, with several wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Everyone was immersed in joy, but the doorbell rang, Xiao Li ran out, and came back soon, asking for instructions, "There is an old lady named Tang Yufen outside who wants to visit the old lady."

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