Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1078: you are self-inflicted

Tang Yufen's complexion changed slightly, she sighed, and smiled miserably, "That's why I said that I suffered retribution. Back then, I tried my best to steal Ye Xunmei, but this man is a radiant radish, and Yingying Yanyan, who has been beside me all these years, has never been never stopped."

As she spoke, she observed the old lady secretly, but the old lady's expression was calm and not disturbed, but Gu Nianci had a happy face, and she couldn't help being disappointed.

Sheng Xinlan, the old temptress, became more and more thoughtful, and Gu Nianci, an idiot, is still as stupid as before after decades, but he can make use of it.

Tang Yufen sighed again and laughed at herself: "I used to quarrel with Ye Xunmei, but after the quarrel was tired, he went."

"This is your retribution, you do it yourself!" Gu Nianci suddenly spoke up, with pleasure in her tone.

Tang Yufen's life is so miserable now, she doesn't know how happy she is, and what makes her even more happy is that Ye Xunmei doesn't like Tang Yufen.

Gu Nianci thought that it was because Ye Xunmei didn't love Tang Yufen that he went outside to provoke bees and butterflies. Gu Nianci was very comforted by this new discovery, and the pain caused by the betrayal of the people next to him was also lighter.

She even thought, maybe Ye Xunmei was deceived by Tang Yufen back then?

It was obvious that he had been in love with her the night before, and even Ye Xunmei devoted herself to preparing a birthday present for her, saying that she was going to give her a surprise, and it was only half a month before her birthday.

She was looking forward to the birthday present with joy, but the next day, Ye Xunmei left without saying goodbye, not even leaving a letter, but only took all her jewelry and all the savings at home.

There was also Tang Yufen who also left without saying goodbye. The old lady sent someone to chase them, only to see the two of them at the train station, but they had already boarded the car and could not be chased back.

Since then, the two of them have disappeared without a trace, but she and her cousin have ushered in a disaster and almost failed to survive.

Gu Nianci looked at Tang Yufen happily, God is fair, she and Mingcheng suffered so much, but she didn't let this **** go. Her husband betrayed and her grandson died early. Tang Yufen is now worse off than her.

The reincarnation of heaven is indeed retribution!

Tang Yufen smiled miserably, "Yes, it's my retribution. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. I only understand the truth now, so... even if I don't get Miss Biao's forgiveness, I have to shamelessly come here to make amends."

Saying that, she bent down, bowed deeply, and bent into a bow.

Gu Nianci felt even happier. She finally got to the day when the **** kowtowed and apologized. All these years of suffering were not in vain.

"I don't share the sky with you. How can I forgive you, a shameless slut, go away, don't come again in the future, I'll be disgusting when I see you as a slut!"

Gu Nianci said with a sneer, her attitude was unusually rigid, Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, the confused grandma understood people at this time, and she was not confused.

Ye Yuanxiu said angrily, "You speak more cleanly. No matter what my grandma does, she is a hundred times more innocent than you, a woman who has been resold to several houses. Who is the meaner?"

He came well prepared. Although few people know about Gu Nianci's history, it is not a secret. You can find out by checking her files back then. Ye Yuanxiu hired a private detective at a high price. things are clearly checked.

Hmph, what qualifications does a **** who has resold several hands have to insult his grandma?

Gu Nianci's face turned pale, and her spirit collapsed. She lowered her head in embarrassment, just wanting to go upstairs now and not see anyone again.

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