Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1083: 0 flavors are better than 5 flavors

Ye Mingcheng persuaded her with kind words, Gu Nianci's face became better, she glanced at Ye Qingqing angrily, and nodded slightly, Papa Tang still had some weight in her heart, after all, he had been her son for eight years!

During those difficult years, if it wasn't for taking care of Dad Tang, Gu Nianci might not have survived.

It's not so much that Gu Nianci saved Dad Tang, it's more that the two of them saved each other.

However, what Gu Nianci values ​​most is her own son. Ye Mingcheng will always be the first in her heart. As for who is the second, only Gu Nianci himself knows. Ye Qingqing feels that it will definitely not be her anyway.

During this period of contact with Gu Nianci, Ye Qingqing has a little understanding of her grandmother's character. Kindness is true, weakness is true, but it is true that there is no distinction.

It is difficult to describe Gu Nianci with accurate adjectives. It is not pure kindness, nor is she simply weak, and certainly not a bad person, but it cannot be said that she is a good person. All in all, Gu Nianci is a very contradictory person.

To say that Gu Nianci is affectionate, she is also very affectionate sometimes. For example, she has been in Pingjiang for so many years, knowing that the old lady is missing her, but Gu Nianci just doesn't show her face.

But Gu Nianci never forgot about Ye Xunmei, even if Ye Xunmei stabbed her with a knife, she could let it go with a smile, she was really amorous.

Therefore, Gu Nianci is a very unclear person, right and wrong are unclear, and love and hate are even more ambiguous. So far, in terms of attitude towards Tang Yufen, Gu Nianci is more clear, others like Ye Xunmei and Tang Yufen Children and grandchildren, Gu Nianci is always grinding, and it hurts to see people.

Ye Qingqing summed it up for Gu Nianci, she is a grandma, but she is not clear about her brain, and she has lived a life of confusion all her life.

The original joy of finding her grandmother became less and less after her disappointment with Gu Nianci again and again. Ye Qingqing was more affectionate to the old lady.

"Brother Tang called and urged us to hurry up. Brother Tang said that Buddha Jumps over the Wall must be eaten while it is still hot, otherwise the taste will be much worse."

When the phone rang, Ye Mingcheng ran to pick it up. It was Dad Tang who was calling. The Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, which he cooked carefully, was about to open in Kaifeng, urging Ye Qingqing and the others to hurry over.

Lu Mo and Sang Huaiyuan both had cars, and the group arrived at Baiweiju in a mighty manner. It was now dinner time, Baiye Curie was crowded with guests, and the air was filled with a tempting fragrance.

Since Dad Tang opened, Baiweiju's business has been booming day by day, and they are all repeat customers, and they are all customers who are one-to-three, or even four-to-five.

Many guests thought it was good, so they recommended it to their relatives and friends, and it was passed on from time to time. Baiweiju didn't need to advertise, and it quickly became famous throughout the city, and even many tourists from other places would come here.

In stark contrast to Baiweiju's Menting Ruocheng, it is the Wuwei Building opposite, with its doors roaring, and three or two cats in the hall. They are not guests, but boring and listless waiters.

Dad Tang intends to fight with Yu Wuwei, so the restaurant is located opposite Yu Wuwei Restaurant, and it is also called Baiwei Ju.

Your five flavors, my hundred flavors, see who is more capable!

Facts have proved that Baiwei is even more powerful. Yu Wuwei's Wuwei Lou has not opened for three consecutive days. It is said that the salary of the restaurant is almost impossible to pay.

. Wonderful Bookstore

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