"Okay, ten times is ten times, and all the guests here can testify."

Ye Qingqing responded with a single sip, Papa Tang was a little flustered, he hadn't come up with a solution yet!

Tang Yuan Yuan gave him a wink, so that Dad Tang was relieved.

"Hurry up, I don't have much time to wait." Yu Wuwei urged her intentionally, her eyes twinkling.

He expected that Daddy Tang would not be able to do it. In the public, the surnamed Tang would not dare to go back on it, and he would definitely lose money honestly. How much is ten times the thousand yuan?

Ten thousand dollars!

Yu Wuwei was even more excited. 10,000 yuan was enough to pay the restaurant rent and utility bills. Maybe he could make a comeback!

"Coming soon!"

Ye Qingqing laughed sarcastically, who doesn't know that Yu Wuwei has nothing to do now, the restaurant is so empty that even flies don't want to fly in, what a busy person!

She dragged the glutinous rice **** to the back kitchen, and the other guests did not leave. They all waited with great interest, wondering if the deep-fried ice cream could be made. To be honest, they also wanted to try it!

Gu Nianci whispered, "How to fry ice cream? Qingqing, she shouldn't be fooling around."

The old lady rolled her eyes at her, "Young girl is more measured than you!"

Gu Nianci flattened her mouth and didn't dare to say a word, but she still didn't believe that ice cream could be fried. It didn't conform to the laws of nature at all!

But Gu Nianci didn't want to see Ye Qingqing's jokes, she was worried that Ye Qingqing would be self-defeating and ruin Papa Tang's place, and she had to pay 10,000 yuan, the loss was too great.

"Qingqing, I...I can't make fried ice cream..."

After entering the back kitchen, Dad Tang was embarrassed to tell the truth and blamed himself very much.

He still hasn't mastered his skills yet, and when others come up with a dish at random, they make things difficult for him. Alas, he will have to concentrate on his studies in the future.

"I will, but I only know theoretical knowledge. Uncle Tang will be your cook." Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

Tang Yuanyuan's eyes lit up and nodded vigorously, "Then tell me what materials you need, and I'll prepare them."

"Ice cream, flour, bread crumbs, eggs..."

Ye Qingqing recalled and reported the required materials. In fact, deep-frying ice cream is very simple, but now people are habitually thinking, subconsciously thinking that ice cream cannot be fried, so they walked into a dead end and felt that this dish was completely useless. may be made.

But Ye Qingqing only reported the materials, and Papa Tang seemed to be in a daze, with a happy expression on his face, and slapped his forehead hard.

Why didn't he think of wrapping it in a layer and frying it?

"Qingqing is still smart, I know how to do it." Dad Tang looked at Ye Qingqing gratefully and admired her.

The father and daughter's synchronized expressions cast their eyes on Ye Qingqing.

"Actually, I didn't come up with it... I heard others say it before..." Ye Qingqing felt a little guilty.

But Daddy Tang and his daughter were already busy, and without listening to her explanation at all, Ye Qingqing smiled helplessly and shook his head, and walked over to see Daddy Tang's operation.

Start with the dumplings, mix the egg liquid and flour into a paste with water, add honey, scoop the ice cream into a ball, coat it with a layer of paste, stick a layer of bread crumbs, throw it into the oil to fry, roll it a few times quickly, and wait for it to fry Take it out when it turns golden.

It only takes a few minutes before and after, because the time is short, the ice cream **** wrapped in it will not melt so quickly, but the surface is fried to a crisp, bite down, the ice and fire are double heaven, there is a different taste.

Dad Tang also carved a few flowers out of carrots and cucumbers, put them into a beautiful plate, held out the fried ice cream balls, and placed them in front of Yu Wuwei.

. Wonderful Bookstore

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