Ye Yuanxiu is a wealthy son, even if he is not a top rich family, but because of his good looks and excellent academic performance, he is sought after everywhere when he goes out. Even some big sons will call him brothers and sisters, and he has never been angry at all.

Now Papa Tang, the owner of a small restaurant, dares to humiliate him and his grandma in front of so many people, Ye Yuanxiu can't stand this tone, his face suddenly darkened, and he said, "Open the door to welcome customers, will you do business? "

"You are enemies, not guests, please leave, or I will ask someone to let you leave!" Papa Tang refused to let him go.

Tang Yufen took a deep look at Daddy Tang, and then looked at Gu Nianci and the others next to him. She had a rough idea of ​​what she knew, and secretly said that she was unlucky. She finally met a pleasant restaurant, but it had something to do with Sheng Xinlan.

And it doesn't seem to be related.

Sheng Xinlan, the old temptress, is still the same as before. She is used to bewildering people's hearts, and she will hook the people below with a little benefit. Hmph, they are all idiots!

Tang Yufen thought that Baiweiju was the property of Sheng Xinlan, while Papa Tang was the subordinate of the old lady.

"It's just for a meal, and I actually have a grudge. I really don't understand your restaurants in the mainland. In our HK side, as long as the door is opened, even if it is a life-and-death grudge, it must be greeted with a smile, boss, yours The fire hasn't come home yet!"

Being humiliated in public, Tang Yufen couldn't help but feel annoyed no matter how deep the city was.

Dad Tang was honest and honest, not good at speaking. Although he was not convinced, he couldn't find anything to refute, and his face was flushed.

Just as Ye Qingqing was about to retort, the old lady held her down, walked to Tang Yufen, and said coldly, "Tang Yufen, fifty years ago, your mother wanted to sell you to Zuihualou as a kiln sister, but your mother has already accepted it. If it wasn't for me paying five times the price of the maid, it would not be difficult for you to become the top card of Zuihualou with your beauty and clever mouth. Speaking of which, it is indeed me who hindered your future, no wonder you hold grudges against me. ."

The other guests looked at each other, unable to understand what the old lady said without thinking, what is Mi Dongdong in Zuihualou?

There were a few older guests who understood and explained in a low voice, "Fifty years ago, Zuihualou was our most famous women's branch in Pingjiang. At that time, many rich sons went there to buy fun. Qiu Haitang, the top brand, was redeemed by a warlord and became his seventh concubine."

"That's good, no wonder that dignified old lady said that she was blocking the future of that tricky old lady!" The young man deeply felt that the old lady was right.

Pretty in Pink and a hero, what a good marriage!

Just like Xiao Fengxian and General Cai in the past, there are still a lot of dramas in the ode!

The older old man sneered contemptuously, "What a fart, the watch is ruthless, the actor is unrighteous, once you enter the prostitute's door, you will never turn over. Since ancient times, how many people have been able to get a good death? That Qiu Haitang couldn't stand loneliness, Betrayal with the adjutant of the warlord, let the warlord collapse with one shot, and after he died, he didn't even have a thin coffin, and the grass was swept up and thrown into the mass grave!"

A few young people looked frightened. They didn't expect that the beautiful love of the hero Hongfen they thought would have such an unbearable ending, alas!

Sure enough, love only lives in legends. Once the skin is peeled off, only the **** truth will be revealed.

"That old lady with a tricky face should be ungrateful, it's really bad!" The old man is well-informed and his eyes are very vicious. Just listening to the old lady's words, he can roughly guess the grievance between her and Tang Yufen.

The whispers of these people were not small, and many of them were passed into Tang Yufen's ears, her face was even more ugly, and she looked at the old lady angrily.

. m.

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