"Do you know what happened to the women Lei Ge sold? None of them came out alive. Don't think about putting on clothes after you go there. There are at least twenty guests a day, otherwise you won't have to eat..."

"Boss, this... will this be too cruel..."

"Cruel shit, who let this woman find her own death and offend the vicious old woman. If we don't do it, the old woman will find someone else to do it. The money is not as good as what we earn!"


The voices of several men gradually faded away, and Ye Qingqing came out from the back of the room, coldly looking at the increasingly blurred back of the man in front, and sneered at the corner of his lips. think-free-free-see-complete-full-version-please-bai-degree-search-

Tang Yufen is cruel enough!

He actually wanted to sell her to a low-level kiln, and went to that kind of place. As the boss said, there was only one way to go, and he died in humiliation.

Now the one who bears this humiliation has become Yu Jasmine.

Ye Qingqing didn't regret it at all, Yu Moli's mind was vicious, and she destroyed humanity. The dark kiln was her most suitable destination.

"Which one did you offend?" Wuchen asked curiously.

This stinky **** is not restless at all, there are many enemies outside, this restless woman is not suitable for marrying in as a daughter-in-law, and her fat daughter-in-law is a virtuous housekeeper.

Ye Qingqing gave her a white look and said nothing.

Wuchen was angry and warned, "You don't care if you want to go outside, don't implicate my fat daughter-in-law!"

When the stinky girls died, she didn't blink her eyelids, but the fat daughter-in-law couldn't have an accident, otherwise, where would she go to eat delicious food in the future?

"You don't even have that stuff. You're married to a daughter-in-law and look good!"

Ye Qingqing couldn't help laughing, and walked towards the road to see if she could run into the bus. If not, she could only wait for Tang Yuan Yuan to pick her up, but Yu Changbai's side is afraid that it will not be so fast!

"What's the matter? I don't have anything... You tell me clearly!"

Wuchen was so angry that she dared to humiliate her personality, what did she lack?

She has everything the man has, that is, there are only two lumps of sarcoma missing, but that thing is a disease. If she does a good job, she will get sick, and stinky girls will have a sick mind!

Ye Qingqing is too lazy to discuss the physiological structure of men and women with this unfortunate child. When Wuchen grows up, she will naturally understand the difference between her and men.

Just walked to the side of the road, and saw a taxi coming from a distance, Ye Qingqing hurriedly dragged Wuchen to the side of the road, Yu Wuwei got out of the car anxiously, and hurried towards the small house.

The taxi was still parked on the side of the road, Ye Qingqing rolled his eyes, and when Yu Wuwei was far away, he walked towards the taxi.

"Master, the man who got off the bus just said, don't wait, he's going to stay here for the night."

The driver didn't doubt at all, he scolded several swear words in a row, and greeted the eighteenth ancestor of the Yu family. After he finished scolding, Ye Qingqing said with a smile, "Master, my brother and I are going to the city."

"Are you rich?" The driver looked at her suspiciously.

Ye Qingqing hurriedly took out a hundred-yuan bill, flicked it lightly, the driver's eyes lit up, let Ye Qingqing and Wuchen get into the car, started the car and drove away.

Yu Wuwei hurried to the small house, but only saw two pools of blood on the ground, no one, no son and daughter, and messy footprints on the ground. His heart sank to the bottom, and he had a bad feeling.

How did Jasmine and Changbai disappear?

What about Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuan Yuan?

Yu Wuwei was in a panic and looked around again, but he couldn't even find a ghost, and the children seemed to evaporate.

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