Hua Xiaolou's face became warmer and warmer, and the people who attracted the elevator looked at him one after another, their eyes became astonishing, and they truly felt what is called peerless elegance. How can there be such a good-looking man in the world?

Aware of the annoying eyes, Hua Xiaolou's face sank, the original spring breeze in March suddenly turned into a cold day, exuding "no strangers, don't approach" from head to toe. https://

But even if the beauty is angry, she is still a beauty, even a little more frosty and gorgeous, making everyone in the elevator feel ashamed and involuntarily averted their eyes.

Everyone else left early, and only Hua Xiaolou was the only one who reached the top floor.

He didn't get out of the elevator right away. After staying for three seconds, he came out. The coldness he had been before was gone, and he turned into a little white rabbit that I felt pity for, and walked slowly towards Du Peiran's ward.

He did come to visit Du Peiran, but not on purpose, but just incidentally.

Du Peiran's mother and son were very surprised by the arrival of Huaxiaolou, especially Mother Du. The attributes of enthusiasm were magnified countless times in Huaxiaolou. For the first time, they felt that their son was not a thing, how could they bully such a weak child?

It's not as good as a beast!

Du Peiran also felt that he was nothing, so he sincerely apologized, and Hua Xiaolou generously stated that he no longer remembered, which made Du Peiran even more ashamed.

Huaxiaolou only stayed for a few minutes, and then he said goodbye and left, behind him was the rebuke of Du's mother, mixed with a few crisp slaps.

"Are you a **** or not? A child like that can be bullied? Are you hard-hearted..."

Before Mama Du made her fortune, she was a red flag pacesetter in the iron and steel factory. She was a good hand in the workshop.

"Stop hitting... I know I'm wrong... I'm not human, what are you and my dad..."

As a result, a more valiant slap...

Ye Qingqing walked out of the inpatient department and slowly walked towards the door. She felt uneasy about walking, and unknowingly walked to the outpatient building, and she suddenly realized that the hospital where Du Peiran was hospitalized was the one where Tiantian lived before.

Bai Jiani and Yu Wenfeng both work in this hospital!

Since Huanqiu was banned, there has been no news of these two for a long time, but after listening to Lu Mo's mention, it seems that Bai Jiani has been implicated, and her life is not very good, and I don't know if she is still in the hospital?

Ye Qingqing's heart moved, she turned around, and wanted to go back and have a look, she remembered that the two were in the inpatient department, and she could ask Dr. Chang!

Back in the inpatient department, Ye Qingqing decided to go directly to Dr. Chang to inquire. Dr. Chang's office was on the third floor, and Ye Qingqing planned to take the stairs. Generally, she would not take the elevator on the seventh floor, and it wouldn't take long to walk around. Can save energy.

The third floor was quickly approached, Ye Qingqing walked slowly, but when he went to see a familiar person, it was two of them.

Yuwenfeng and Huaxiaolou.

Ye Qingqing's heart jumped up violently. Yu Wenfeng was wearing a white coat and still had the image of a handsome young man. It seemed that the events in the world had no effect on him, and Hua Xiaolou was still a timid little white rabbit.

How could these two be together?

And they were so close, standing in the corridor, facing each other, Huaxiaolou was shorter, facing Ye Qingqing, but Yu Wenfeng turned her back, as if talking.

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