Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1530: Miss Sang family

Sun Qiuyun knew what she was thinking and comforted: "Huaiyuan said that many people outside still don't know what's going on in the country and dare not come back. In a few years, Pingjiang will become an international metropolis, and those relatives who go out will definitely come back on their own initiative. At that time, Mom, you will be able to reunite with your loved ones."

The old lady sighed, "I don't want anything else, I just hope your aunt can come back, and I don't know what happened to her."

Her mother only gave birth to her, and her siblings were all born to her father's concubine. She is not close to these people, so she does not miss her, but she is close to her sister-in-law Sang Wanhua.

Moreover, Sang Wanhua and her husband Sang Juemin were born to the same mother and have a recent relationship. When she set up the Yimin Hall, her sister-in-law was the most supportive, but it was a pity that her sister-in-law was too arrogant and her thinking was too advanced, and the Sang family was old-fashioned. The family couldn't hold the little sister-in-law at all, the little sister-in-law had to go far away, and she didn't even know that Juemin was gone.

"Auntie is so strong, she can live well no matter where she goes, and she will definitely come back."

Sun Qiuyun is full of confidence, Sang Wanhua is the woman she admires the most, even above the old lady, because although the old lady is powerful, her heart is still traditional and a little old-fashioned.

But Sang Wanhua has studied abroad and has a wide range of knowledge. Even many women can't match her advanced thinking. Moreover, Sang Wanhua's ability is indeed outstanding. , and because of this, he went abroad to avoid disaster.

Compared with her father-in-law Sang Juemin's gentleness and elegance, Sun Qiuyun admires Sang Wanhua's blood and patriotism more, because she herself does not dare, so she also admires this kind of fighter who dares to fight against the powerful.

The old lady smiled, "You're right, that person Wanhua can live well no matter where she goes. She is sixty-three this year, and she is also a little old woman. I don't know if she has a family."

Sun Qiuyun smiled and shook her head, "I don't think so, which man is worthy of an aunt!"

For a strange woman like Sang Wanhua, Sun Qiuyun felt that she should not get married and have children like an ordinary woman, it would be a waste to her, and Sang Wanhua herself had said that she would never get married in her life, because she thought men were cowards, she Despise men!

Ye Qingqing was very interested in this eldest lady of the Sang family, and pestered Sun Qiuyun to ask more questions. Knowing Sang Wanhua's great achievements in the past, she couldn't help but be fascinated.

"If only I could meet once, I want my aunt to sign me!"

Gu Nianci, who had been silent for a while sitting next to her, suddenly snorted coldly, "It's not likely that people can fall in love with you, that woman has a very high vision!"

Ye Qingqing was stunned, what kind of nerves did her grandma get?

The old lady said angrily: "Wanhua really doesn't like you, but she definitely likes the young girl!"

Gu Nianci was so angry that she pushed the wheelchair and walked too lazy to be angry anymore.

Sun Qiuyun explained with a smile, "Auntie and your grandma didn't deal with each other before."

Ye Qingqing understood, Sang Wanhua was a feminist ahead of the times, Gu Nianci kept her old traditions, her husband was her god, and her brain was full of feudal cancers. It would be strange if Sang Wanhua could deal with her!

The dance party was on March 25th. Miao Tianxiang asked her to arrive one day earlier. Ye Qingqing had already completed the formalities and was ready to leave on the 23rd to stay at Ruan Yingzi's house.

Ye Mingcheng has packed her luggage. If she didn't want to stay to take care of Wuchen Xiaotong's children, he would have wanted to go with her. The old father was rambled, exhorting and exhorting, Ye Qingqing was helpless and funny. .

"I just went there years ago, what are you worried about, Dad?"

"Last time it was fine with Lu Mo, but this time he won't..."

Lu Mo wanted to follow, but there were too many things in the company and he couldn't leave at all, but He Weishao was going to HK to talk about business, so he could take care of him along the way.


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