Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1572: Scared for 10 years

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo exchanged glances. Inspector Rollo moved his family to HK, but he was threatened, and it made him fearful for decades, and he also prevented future generations from returning to their hometown.

Who is that person?

"Did Inspector Rollo receive threats back then? Was it the one who killed the Gong family?" Lu Mo asked.

Luo Xiong's complexion changed greatly, and he looked at Princess Luo subconsciously, his lips trembling a little, he hesitated to speak.

Princess Luo patted the back of his hand lightly. Luo Xiong looked soothed and let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that at home, Princess Luo was the backbone. Ye Qingqing remembered that in Princess Luo's family information, the column for mother was blank. Yes, only the father.

And since the hostess hasn't appeared for so long, I think Princess Luo's mother should no longer be there.

"I do know some things about the past. My grandfather had a stroke before he died, and he was inactive for two years. I spent more time with me. My grandfather told me something about the past, and I can also discuss it with you, but only if You must tell the truth, and I hope to talk openly and honestly." Princess Luo said with a smile.

Lu Mo nodded, "Yes, I did hide some things, because it's my friend's privacy."

"Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person." Princess Luo's eyes twinkled and she was very excited.

After waiting for so many years, she finally waited for someone who was in contact with the Gong family to come to the door. It seemed that the unsolved cases of that year would be cleared up soon, and she could comfort her grandfather in the spirit of heaven.

It turned out that although Rollo came to HK, he was always depressed, and he was very worried about his failure to investigate the murder of the Gong family, because he had a good relationship with Gong Yi, and Gong Yi had helped him, but when the Gong family was killed, he But backed off.

"At the beginning, my grandfather found some clues, but he received a blood letter threat for three consecutive days. My grandfather didn't take it to heart, but something happened to my third uncle." When Princess Luo talked about what happened back then, Luo Xiong looked sad.

He couldn't help but add: "The three blood letters all have the same meaning, let my father stop, or let the Luo family follow in the footsteps of the Gong family. My father and Gong Yi, the head of the Gong family, are friends, and he wants to investigate. I didn't take the murderer seriously, but my third brother was kidnapped and two of his fingers were cut off. My third brother is already weak, and after such a fright, his health is even worse, alas!"

It is precisely because of the accident of the third brother that the aunt fell out with the father. The aunt resented the father for sacrificing his own son for outsiders. This knot has not been solved for the father died , Aunt only talked to my father, but no one knew what she said, and after two years, my aunt was gone.

"That's why Inspector Luo had to leave Pingjiang with his family?" Lu Mo asked.

Luo Xiong nodded, "My father was worried that our brothers would have an accident again, so he had to compromise. He came all the way to HK, and he never went back, and my father kept telling us not to go back to Pingjiang."

Ye Qingqing felt strange, "It's been so many years, no matter how powerful the murderer is, he will die, so what's there to be afraid of?"

Princess Luo nodded, "I think so too, but..."

She didn't say it anymore. After all, she was an elder, so she didn't want to talk rashly. In fact, she thought it was because her father and uncle were too timid. Her grandfather died 20 years ago. The situation in the interior was really chaotic at that time. Foreseeing what will happen in twenty years, the old man asked him not to return to Pingjiang before his death.

But now the situation in the inland is completely different. Princess Luo persuaded several times, but brothers Luo Xiong and Luo Hua were too timid to go back.


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