Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1750: mysterious woman

Lu Mo has been paying attention to this case. Fang Yanming interrogated Hosokawa Mayo. He thought he was a scum, but he didn't expect this guy to be very strict. dry love.

As for the others, they didn't explain a single word, and the others even asked three questions. They knew that Fang Yanming didn't dare to go too far, so silence was gold. As long as they had enough for two days, the consulate would come and take them out.

This is indeed the case. The consulate has been putting pressure on Fang Yanming, and Fang Yanming couldn't produce any evidence here, so he had to obediently let him go, and Ye Qingqing also let go, but before the case was solved, she was not allowed to leave Pingjiang, and she had to set a certain time. Go to the police station to report a story, so that it is convenient to monitor her whereabouts at any time.

"How can this work? I have to go to the dance in half a month. I have already arranged the itinerary. I have to go out." Ye Qingqing complained angrily.

Miao Tianxiang finally applied for her for the dance party index. She could not live up to Miao Tianxiang's kindness, and she also wanted to see this so-called celebrity dance party, which would be an eye-opener.

But now, because the old thief Kamiya Kiku couldn't go, Ye Qingqing felt sick.

"Don't worry, the case can be solved within half a month, don't worry" Lu Mo comforted her.

Ye Qingqing glanced at him suspiciously, "Do you know who did the poison?"

Lu Mo smiled slightly, unpredictably, "You'll know when the time comes, I promise to let you go to the dance."

"I'll kill you if you can't make it by then"

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes and said a few words, deliberately trying to make her appetite, she hated it to death.

Lu Mo's cell phone rang, and it was Fang Yanming's call, "As expected, the guy called as soon as he went out. The other party was a woman and he spoke English."

"I am coming now."

Lu Mo was about to rush to Fang Yanming's place, but Ye Qingqing held him back, eagerly, she must follow if there was a good show, so Lu Mo had to take her with him. Fang Yanming and his brothers were in an ordinary car, but It is full of high-tech listening equipment.

Kamiya Yoshihisa's voice was very clear, "You said it was just fake death, but why did my father really die, you lied to me"

"It's definitely not going to die. Apart from the medicine I gave you, what else did you feed?" The other party was a woman, and her English was very pure, but she sounded a bit old, definitely not a young girl.

"The snake venom of the five-step snake, my father is treating a disease, it is a novel therapy in China, using snake venom to kill cancer cells, several people have succeeded, the effect of my father is also very good, but he ate you The medicine died, it was you who killed your father, Sophia." Kamiya Kihisa's voice was crying, and his emotions had only been vented until now.

He had always been very afraid before, but he didn't dare to cry, for fear of being suspected.

Ye Qingqing frowned. Sophia sounds like a name from the European side, but she has no enemies there.

Sophia screamed in surprise, a little exasperated, "You idiot, why didn't you tell me he was using snake venom, God, it was your stupidity that killed him, the medicine I gave you would only make him feign death, but only if He wasn't taking any other medication."

"Why didn't you tell me I didn't know this, you killed my father, you are the idiot" Hosokawa Mayo was very angry, what he hated most was calling him an idiot, he was not stupid at all.

Sophia sneered, "People are already dead, no matter how loud you scream, it's useless. Anyway, you all hate that old man, and dying is exactly what you want. Let me ask you, what happened to that woman, Ye Qingqing?"

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