Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1905: fast food movies

Under the persuasion of Zou Hanqiu, Zhang Zhengrong rejected the literary film and agreed to shoot the shootout film with Zou Hanqiu. Except for your favorite characters.

Ye Qingqing inquired about that movie, which is a typical commercial movie. The director's surname is Wu. He is also well-known in HK and a little internationally, because he is particularly good at violent aesthetics. The director is able to capture a beautiful feeling.

The hero series filmed by Director Wu in the past two years laid the foundation for HK shootout violence movies. After that, a series of shootout films appeared, but none of them could surpass those of Director Wu, and the starring in those films was Zou Hanqiu. , he is the No. 1 male lead of Director Wu.

Zhang Zhengrong had also cooperated with Director Wu before, but later he developed into literary films. Due to physical reasons, Zhang Zhengrong only made one film a year. After making one literary film, he had no time to make other films. So I haven't worked with Director Wu for several years.

In her previous life, Ye Qingqing had nothing to do at home, so she rented discs to watch at home. Basically, she had watched movies from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, especially those from the 1990s. She also watched bad movies. It was so boring that she could only watch movies to pass the time.

Although the film introduced by Zou Hanqiu could not win the award, it was a big hit at the box office and received a good reputation. It also brought some ridiculous elements of humor. In such a commercial film, Zhang Zhengrong's acting skills are enough to handle it, and he can act with his eyes closed. Well, there is definitely no confusion about not getting out of the character.

Zhang Zhengrong is still a little unwilling, mainly because he likes Director Wei's movie role too much. Judging from his years of film experience, as long as he acts with heart, he will definitely be able to win another actor title for him.

When it came time to give up the honor on his lips, Zhang Zhengrong couldn't think of it in his heart, and he had not yet achieved that. He came to Ye's house for acupuncture that day, and Zou Hanqiu accompanied his wife.

"Next month, we are going back to HK to make a new movie to catch up with the New Year's gear. It should be very busy. It may not be possible to do it every three days." Zhang Zhengrong was a little embarrassed.

In the past few days, Ye Qingqing gave him acupuncture and moxibustion, and after taking those pills, his body really felt a lot better. Before, he always felt that there was a big stone in his heart, which was stuffy, but now the big rock seems to be smaller and not as stuffy as before. Now, their appetite has also improved a lot. The driver took them to taste a lot of local delicacies, and they gained three or four pounds in less than a week.

"It's alright, you're recovering pretty well. You can do it once every ten days in the future."

Ye Qingqing first gave Zhang Zhengrong acupuncture, filled his body with needles, and then measured Mrs. Zou's pulse. He recovered very well, Zhang Zhengrong breathed a sigh of relief, "Ten days is too late, this time can still be squeezed. ."

Ye Qingqing wondered: "There are still more than two months before the New Year's Eve, and the next month's shooting will be a month. Can we catch up with the New Year's file at this time?"

She always felt that making a movie was a long process. In the past, she always heard reports about director XX. In order to make a good movie, she worked hard and worked hard for a lot of hardships. Those reports made it particularly difficult to make a movie, but now listening to Zhang Zhengrong's tone, Ye Qingqing felt that making a movie was like playing.

After filming, you still have to edit it, plus publicity, etc. In fact, the actual shooting time is less than a month, is it too late?

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