Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2093: It's hard to be a teacher

Ye Mingcheng explained patiently, "We are doing the problem now, don't think about these details, and this is a zoo, not a mountain, it is very likely that the zoo went to other places to hold a little monkey."

"That's not possible. The little monkeys can only grow up with the mother monkeys. The mother monkeys only bring their own baby monkeys. It is impossible to bring other mother monkeys to give birth. The extra baby monkeys will definitely die. Are you an expert, why make such a low-level mistake!"

Wuchen has reason and evidence, and he is right.

Ye Mingcheng was speechless, and even thought that Wuchen was right, the person who asked the question really had **** in his head, why is it so unrealistic.

But no matter how unrealistic it is, the question still needs to be done. Ye Mingcheng is a good word again, so he coaxes Wuchen to not care about the rationality of the question, and after the question is done, the answer is not wrong, but the words are written crookedly. Twisted.

After one night of teaching, after finishing the homework assigned by the teacher, Wuchen couldn't stop yawning, Ye Mingcheng's eyes were red, his voice was hoarse, and he felt ten years older.

Teacher is really not easy.

This is Ye Mingcheng's only emotion.

"Quickly pack up your homework and books, wash up and go to bed." Ye Mingcheng also yawned heavily, looked at the wall clock on the wall, and was taken aback.

It was actually eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was already midnight. No wonder he was so sleepy. Usually, he went to bed at ten o'clock on time.

Ye Mingcheng felt distressed about Wuchen again. If the children don't get enough sleep, they won't grow taller. How about talking to the teacher one day, that there should be less homework assignments?

But he forgot that there wasn't much homework, it was just that the efficiency between him and Wuchen was too low.

"Dad, I'm hungry..."

Wuchen yawned a few more times, his eyes were drowsy, and he just wanted to go to bed now, but he had to fill his stomach, otherwise he would not be able to sleep.

"Oh, daddy gave you scrambled eggs and fried rice, put some diced carrots and corn!"

Ye Mingcheng resisted drowsiness, went to the kitchen to scramble eggs and fried rice, even cut carrots and corn kernels, and sprinkled a layer of green chopped green onion. .

Wuchen ate a large bowl of egg fried rice with red, yellow, yellow, white, white, green and green, and drank a cup of hot milk. His stomach was full and warm, and then he went to bed with satisfaction, but Ye Mingcheng endured dozing and cleaned up the kitchen again. Once again, I washed the dishes.

He has obsessive-compulsive disorder. Today's work is finished today, and it must not be delayed until tomorrow.

The next morning, Ye Qingqing saw two pairs of rabbit eyes, one big and one small, and secretly laughed. She saw all the movements of the two men last night. She didn't feel bad at all, and even gloated.

If I knew today, why was it in the first place!

Who told Ye Mingcheng to ignore the child before, he will suffer in the future.

In fact, Ye Qingqing's throat was also uncomfortable. Last night, the roaring time was too long, her throat was hoarse, and her speech was still a little painful. She would drink some mangosteen water for a while.

"Qingqing, your grandma is performing tonight, come back early, don't forget." Ye Mingcheng yawned.

In the evening, Gu Nianci's senior model team performed in the Palace of Culture, organized by the Senior Citizens Association. There were performances at both ends of the three days. The elderly entertained themselves and enriched their lives. It was good.

"Oh, I see."

Ye Qingqing nodded, she definitely went to appreciate Gu Nianci's demeanor, the old lady said that Gu Nianci on the stage had a unique charm, which attracted the fascination of the old men in the audience, otherwise how could the latecomers come out on top and win The title of a flower of the model team!

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