Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2113: completely chilled

"Your sister-in-law doesn't have time, Dalong Junior High School is very busy, and your sister-in-law is too busy." The eldest son excused his daughter-in-law and looked at his second daughter, "You are a music teacher, and you don't have a few classes a week. , why don't you see our mother?"

"Yes, second sister, you are the most idle, you really are."

The younger daughter and Liang Deping nodded again and again, accusing the second daughter together.

The second daughter said angrily, "You guys are busy? I'm so busy that I don't even have time for beauty treatments. I brought more than a dozen students to teach the piano, and my voice is hoarse. I soak in the fat sea every day. I'm busier than you!"

Four brothers and sisters, you blame me, I blame you, and quarrel in the ward.

No one wants to be accused of being unfilial. They are people with heads, faces, status and status. How can they be unfilial descendants?

All because of being too busy.

And the other three siblings are too unfilial.

It's not his (her) responsibility anyway.

Sister Wang had calmed down at first, but she was so angry that she trembled again, tears streaming down her face, Gu Nianci patted her on the back lightly, and comforted: "Don't be angry, just pretend that you have no children, let's rely on ourselves, not Count on them, think about it!"

"Well, I gave up completely. I used to be too stupid, and I expected these white-eyed wolves to have a little conscience. Now I don't expect anything."

Sister Wang wiped her tears with a handkerchief. She was very embarrassed. All those lies in the past have now been exposed by unfilial children. Will Gu Nianci laugh at her?

"Mom, it's boring for you to say that. Why are we just white-eyed wolves? We don't have time. You're not feeling well and don't know how to call me. I'll definitely make time for it!"

The eldest son is unhappy. He doesn't like to hear the name White-eyed Wolf. He is about to evaluate the chief doctor, but he can't make mistakes. If his competitors know about this, when will his chief doctor be rated?

His mother really didn't know the whole thing.

And the old lady who persuaded her was even more harbouring evil intentions. It must be the old woman who stirred up discord in his mother's ear, and his mother was dizzy and unreasonable.

The other three said the same thing, blaming Sister Wang for being unpleasant, and being considerate to them at all.

Sister Wang was not angry, but Gu Nianci couldn't listen anymore. Her own son was filial and obedient, and her godson was equally considerate. She was 10,000 times stronger than these four white-eyed wolves. what does it look like.

"How busy can you be? Busier than the President? You're so busy that you don't even have time to see your mother? Mei'e, how long have they been away from seeing you?"

Sister Wang gave a wry smile and sneered: "I can't remember, it's been about two years, maybe longer."

"None came to see you?" Gu Nianci couldn't believe his ears.

Living in the same city, not far from each other, but I don't see my mother for two or three years. This is my son and daughter, and it's obviously a debt collector.


Sister Wang shook her head, no longer taking care of her children's face.

She almost lost her life, and after a trip to the gate of hell, she had already thought about it, and she wanted to save face and suffer, and her children didn't take her to heart, so why bother to look after these white-eyed wolves.

She said whatever it was, she didn't exaggerate, but she didn't hide it either.

"Mom, what you said is wrong, obviously I came to see you last time." The second daughter said dissatisfiedly.

Sister Wang sneered, "When was the last time? Don't you remember? The last time you saw me was during the Dragon Boat Festival the year before, when you gave me a box of bean paste from the school, but I didn't eat any of them, I gave them all. people."

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