Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2121: teach a hard lesson

Ye Qingqing released the recording. Fortunately, she has the habit of recording. After a while, she will check the recording, delete what is not useful, and keep what is useful. Now it can be considered useful.

In the recording, Ye Qingqing's voice first spoke about Sister Wang's condition, because her voice was very clear and everyone could hear it.

Followed by the indifferent voice of the eldest daughter-in-law, Ye Qingqing asked Ye Qingqing to go to the second son Liang Deping, and hung up after speaking. Indeed, as Ye Qingqing said, she was unwilling to say a word, and was more indifferent than a stranger.

The eldest son's face was very ugly. He didn't expect Ye Qingqing to be so scheming that he even recorded it.

"The recording time shows that the call was made at 6:32 tonight. Your wife may not tell you, but the problem is, as an excellent surgeon, your mother has a serious heart disease. Can't see it? If your mother found out that she had heart disease early and treated her early, it wouldn't have developed to such a serious level."

Ye Qingqing deliberately put down the faces of these four unfilial things, and spoke without mercy.

She released the recording of the phone calls of her second son and second daughter. The crowd shook their heads, and even the attending doctor frowned, which was outrageous.

"I didn't call my younger daughter, I went directly to Mr. Liang Deping's law firm to make trouble. The trouble was effective. It forced all four of you brothers and sisters out. Hearing nothing, instead, there was a dispute over medical expenses and rotating care, and Grandma Wang was so angry that she almost went to see Hades.

I'm really surprised. Grandma Wang brought you up, helped you go to college, got a decent job, and helped you buy a house. What's wrong with you? You want to hurt Grandma Wang with such bitterness and hatred? "

If Sister Wang did not fulfill her duties of raising her children, she only cared about herself from a young age, regardless of whether her children lived or died, it would be reasonable for the four brothers and sisters to ignore Sister Wang.

But the fact is just the opposite. Although Sister Wang is a bit bitter, she really has nothing to say about her children. She can't pick out a point. These four brothers and sisters are insatiable. They can't wait to **** the last drop of Sister Wang's blood. .

Sister Wang lay quietly on the hospital bed, her face was pale, her gray hair was very messy, she looked haggard and pitiful, and she didn't respond to Ye Qingqing and the four siblings' arguing, as if she was asleep.

The masses are very sympathetic to Sister Wang, and they have raised a group of white-eyed wolves with hard work!

"Why don't we pay any more, don't talk nonsense, we are just discussing how to take care of my mother." Liang Deping refused to admit it.

Ye Qingqing sneered, "Since you have a good deal of business and are in a good mood, why is Grandma Wang so angry that she almost returned to the west?"

The four brothers and sisters were speechless and speechless.

I hate Ye Qingqing in my stomach, this dead girl grew up eating salty salt, she is so nosy.

"It's alright, alright, hurry up and pay back the money. People outside the family paid more than 16,000 medical expenses for you. Who would pay for the average person, you are really outrageous."

The attending doctor spoke up and let the four brothers and sisters go down the steps, but he still couldn't hold back his accusations.

It's not that I can't come up with the money, I have to make the old lady mad to be reconciled, even if I really save the money, what's the point of having a reputation for being unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unjust?

It is still the right way to be worthy of being worthy of the world!

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